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Injectable vs. Injectible — Which is Correct Spelling?

Injectable vs. Injectible — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Injectable or Injectible

How to spell Injectable?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Injectable Definitions

A drug or medicine that can be injected.
Capable of being injected
An injectable drug.
(pharmacy) Capable of being (or designed to be) injected
A liquid, such as a medicine or a Botox solution, which is injected using a needle and syringe.
Capable of being conveniently injected; - used of drug preparations, such as sterile lyophilize medicine in a serum-capped vial. Opposite of uninjectable.
Requiring injection for administration; - of drugs, especially those not active by oral administration. Opposite of orally active.
(used of drugs) capable of being injected

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