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Inkjet vs. Deskjet — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 1, 2023
Inkjet refers to a type of printer technology using liquid ink. Deskjet is a brand of Inkjet printers by Hewlett-Packard (HP). Both involve printing through fine ink droplets.
Inkjet vs. Deskjet — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Inkjet and Deskjet


Key Differences

Inkjet is a term that denotes a printing technology. This technology works by propelling droplets of ink onto paper to produce an image. Deskjet, on the other hand, is a specific brand of Inkjet printers introduced and marketed by the company Hewlett-Packard (HP).
While the Inkjet technology can be found in printers from various manufacturers around the world, Deskjet is exclusively associated with HP. This means that while there are many Inkjet printers, not all of them are Deskjets, as only HP produces the Deskjet line.
The functionality and underlying mechanism of a Deskjet printer are essentially the same as other Inkjet printers. Both utilize the process of depositing ink droplets onto paper. However, the difference comes in the form of branding, additional features, and proprietary technologies that HP might introduce in its Deskjet series.
All Deskjet printers are Inkjet printers, but the reverse is not true. There are many brands and types of Inkjet printers in the market, showcasing different features and capabilities. Meanwhile, Deskjet remains a popular line under the broader Inkjet category, primarily due to HP's marketing and technological innovations.
The terminology can often cause confusion. Inkjet is a generalized term encompassing a wide range of printers with the specific droplet printing technology. Deskjet, however, is a brand-centric term, specific to HP's range of Inkjet printers.

Comparison Chart


Printer Technology
Brand of Printers

Manufacturer Diversity

Multiple manufacturers
Exclusively by Hewlett-Packard (HP)

Underlying Mechanism

Uses droplets of ink for printing
Uses Inkjet technology (ink droplets) for printing


Broad category encompassing various brands/models
Specific line of printers under Inkjet category

Main Association

Associated with the method of printing
Associated with HP's branding and specific features

Compare with Definitions


A category of printers spraying fine droplets of ink onto paper.
The Inkjet printer market has grown significantly over the years.


HP's line of printers utilizing Inkjet technology.
The latest Deskjet model offers wireless printing.


Printers known for versatility in printing photos and documents.
I prefer an Inkjet for its color precision.


Represents HP's commitment to evolving printing solutions.
The Deskjet series consistently gets good reviews.


A printer technology that uses liquid ink for producing images.
My Inkjet printer delivers high-quality photos.


A specific series under HP highlighting user-friendly features.
Setting up the Deskjet was straightforward and quick.


Devices that propel ink droplets directly onto the medium.
The clarity of images from my Inkjet is impressive.


Known for reliability and quality in the Inkjet market.
Many students prefer a Deskjet for their dorm rooms.


A popular choice for home and office printing tasks.
The Inkjet printer is perfect for our small office.


A brand of Inkjet printers manufactured by Hewlett-Packard (HP).
My Deskjet printer has served me well for years.


A device, particularly one used in the printing of documents, which propels tiny droplets of ink to the paper.


An inkjet printer.
Inkjets aren't as expensive as they used to be.

Common Curiosities

Can a printer be Inkjet but not Deskjet?

Yes, many manufacturers produce Inkjet printers, but only HP produces the Deskjet line.

What is Deskjet?

Deskjet is a specific brand of Inkjet printers introduced and marketed by Hewlett-Packard (HP).

Are all Deskjet printers Inkjet printers?

Yes, all Deskjet printers utilize Inkjet technology.

What is Inkjet?

Inkjet refers to a printer technology that uses liquid ink to produce images by propelling ink droplets onto paper.

Are there significant differences in the print quality between generic Inkjet and Deskjet?

Both can offer high-quality prints, but specific performance may vary based on model and features.

Is Inkjet printing suitable for photos?

Yes, Inkjet printers, including Deskjets, are often praised for their photo printing capabilities.

How do Inkjet printers, including Deskjets, handle large print volumes?

While suitable for home and small office tasks, larger print volumes might be better suited for laser printers.

Are Inkjet and Deskjet printers the same in terms of ink usage?

While they both use ink, usage efficiency might vary based on the model and brand. Deskjets might have proprietary ink-saving features.

Why might someone choose a Deskjet printer?

Deskjet printers, being a line from HP, are known for their reliability, quality, and user-friendly features.

Are Deskjet printers more expensive than other Inkjet printers?

Prices vary based on features and models. While some Deskjets might be pricier due to added features, there are also budget-friendly options.

Is Deskjet a newer technology than Inkjet?

No, Deskjet is a brand line of Inkjet printers by HP. Inkjet is the overarching technology.

Can Deskjet printers print in black and white?

Yes, Deskjet, like other Inkjet printers, can print in both color and black and white.

What kind of maintenance do Inkjet and Deskjet printers require?

Regular cleaning of print heads and timely replacement of ink cartridges are essential for both.

How does the speed of an Inkjet compare to a Deskjet?

Since Deskjet is a type of Inkjet, speeds are comparable. However, individual models might have varying print speeds.

Why are Inkjet printers, including Deskjets, popular for home use?

They offer a balance of cost, quality, and versatility, making them ideal for varied home printing tasks.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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