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Inobtrusive vs. Unobtrusive — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Urooj Arif — By Rabia Sajjad — Updated on April 23, 2024
"Inobtrusive" is the incorrect spelling of "unobtrusive." Unobtrusive means not attracting attention in a way that bothers you.
Inobtrusive vs. Unobtrusive — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Inobtrusive or Unobtrusive

How to spell Unobtrusive?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

The prefix "un-" is commonly used in English to mean "not," as in "unhappy" or "uncertain," which is applied here in "unobtrusive."
Remember that "unobtrusive" aligns with other "un-" adjectives that describe the absence of a trait.
The correct form is "unobtrusive," consistent with the pattern of using "un-" to negate the base word "obtrusive."

How Do You Spell Unobtrusive Correctly?

Incorrect: She preferred an inobtrusive ring for everyday wear.
Correct: She preferred an unobtrusive ring for everyday wear.
Incorrect: His comments were rather inobtrusive during the meeting.
Correct: His comments were rather unobtrusive during the meeting.
Incorrect: The camera was placed in an inobtrusive spot.
Correct: The camera was placed in an unobtrusive spot.
Incorrect: Their inobtrusive behavior made them excellent observers.
Correct: Their unobtrusive behavior made them excellent observers.
Incorrect: The waiter's service was pleasantly inobtrusive.
Correct: The waiter's service was pleasantly unobtrusive.

Unobtrusive Definitions

Not conspicuous or attracting attention.
The spy's unobtrusive manner helped him gather information without being noticed.
Modest, not bold or assertive.
Her unobtrusive nature meant that she rarely spoke up in meetings unless prompted.
Not easily noticeable, often intentionally so.
He chose a suit of unobtrusive colors for the job interview.
Lacking prominence, not standing out.
The unobtrusive background music was perfect for studying.
Acting in a manner that does not disturb or interrupt.
The unobtrusive waiter provided excellent service without interrupting our conversation.
Not undesirably noticeable or blatant; inconspicuous.
Not obtrusive; not blatant or noticeable; discreet, inconspicuous.
Not obtrusive; not presuming; modest.
Not obtrusive or undesirably noticeable;
A quiet, unobtrusive life of self-denial

Unobtrusive Meaning in a Sentence

The unobtrusive lighting in the restaurant created a soothing atmosphere.
She wore an unobtrusive piece of jewelry that was elegant yet subtle.
The microphone was unobtrusive but captured the sound perfectly.
The unobtrusive design of the building blended well with its surroundings.
His unobtrusive questions during the interview put the candidate at ease.
The unobtrusive surveillance cameras were hardly noticeable.
He had an unobtrusive way of checking everything was okay.
An unobtrusive reminder popped up on the screen during the presentation.
She managed to get the information in an unobtrusive manner.
The unobtrusive nature of the report allowed the facts to stand out.
The controls on the device are unobtrusive yet accessible.
They appreciated the unobtrusive service at the luxury hotel.
His style of leadership was unobtrusive yet effective.
The unobtrusive sound effects did not distract from the dialogue in the film.
He added some unobtrusive comments to the discussion.
The design was simple and unobtrusive, which made the room feel larger.
They installed an unobtrusive security system in the office.
The new policy was introduced in an unobtrusive way.
She made an unobtrusive exit from the party.
The therapist’s unobtrusive approach helped her clients feel more comfortable.
The decorations were unobtrusive, enhancing the event without dominating it.
The scent was light and unobtrusive, perfect for a small office.
Their approach to the problem was unobtrusive but strategic.
An unobtrusive sign pointed to the emergency exits.

Unobtrusive Idioms & Phrases

Unobtrusive assistance

Help provided in a discreet and non-disruptive manner.
Her unobtrusive assistance during the project was invaluable.

Unobtrusive observer

Someone who watches events without interfering or being noticed.
As an unobtrusive observer, she gathered crucial information at the conference.

Unobtrusive approach

A method or way of doing something that is subtle and not direct.
Her unobtrusive approach to negotiations often caught her opponents off guard.

Unobtrusive inquiry

A subtle, indirect question.
He made an unobtrusive inquiry about her well-being to see if she needed any help.

Unobtrusive elegance

Understated and subtly sophisticated.
The decor of the boutique hotel was noted for its unobtrusive elegance.

Unobtrusive monitoring

Keeping watch in a way that is not apparent.
The software provided unobtrusive monitoring of the network's health.

An unobtrusive eye

Observing carefully without being noticed.
The detective kept an unobtrusive eye on the suspect throughout the evening.

Unobtrusive surveillance

Monitoring that is not obvious or easily noticed.
The team used unobtrusive surveillance to monitor wildlife without disturbing their natural behaviors.

Unobtrusive style

A manner or method that is not flashy or conspicuous.
His unobtrusive style of dress was appropriate for the somber occasion.

Unobtrusive guidance

Subtle direction or advice.
She gave unobtrusive guidance to her students, allowing them to learn through discovery.

Unobtrusive presence

Being somewhere without making oneself conspicuous.
Despite his status, he had an unobtrusive presence at the workshop.

Unobtrusive background

A setting or backdrop that does not draw attention.
The meeting was held against an unobtrusive background that facilitated focus.

Unobtrusive support

Support given in a way that is not obvious or assertive.
He provided unobtrusive support to his team, ensuring they had everything they needed without micromanaging.

Common Curiosities

How is unobtrusive used in a sentence?

e.g., She appreciated the unobtrusive way the photographer handled the event.

How do we divide unobtrusive into syllables?

"Unobtrusive" is divided into syllables as un-ob-tru-sive.

What is a stressed syllable in unobtrusive?

The stressed syllable in "unobtrusive" is the third syllable, "tru."

What is the verb form of unobtrusive?

"Unobtrusive" does not have a verb form; it is an adjective.

What is the pronunciation of unobtrusive?

"Unobtrusive" is pronounced as /ˌʌn.əbˈtruː.sɪv/.

What is another term for unobtrusive?

Another term for "unobtrusive" could be "discreet" or "inconspicuous."

Why is it called unobtrusive?

It is called "unobtrusive" because it describes something or someone that does not attract attention, deriving from the prefix "un-" meaning "not" and "obtrusive," which means noticeable or prominent.

How many syllables are in unobtrusive?

There are four syllables in "unobtrusive."

Is unobtrusive an adverb?

No, "unobtrusive" is not an adverb.

Is unobtrusive a negative or positive word?

"Unobtrusive" is generally a positive word as it describes being discreet or not disturbing.

Is the "unobtrusive" term a metaphor?

"Unobtrusive" can be used metaphorically to describe anything that does not stand out or interfere.

Which vowel is used before unobtrusive?

Typically "an" is used before "unobtrusive" because it starts with a vowel sound.

What is the root word of unobtrusive?

The root word of "unobtrusive" is "obtrusive," with "un-" as a prefix added to negate or give the opposite meaning.

Is unobtrusive a collective noun?

"Unobtrusive" is not a collective noun.

Is the word "unobtrusive" imperative?

No, "unobtrusive" is not used in an imperative form.

What is the opposite of unobtrusive?

The opposite of "unobtrusive" is "obtrusive" or "conspicuous."

Is unobtrusive a noun or adjective?

"Unobtrusive" is an adjective.

Is the word “unobtrusive” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Unobtrusive" is an adjective and does not function as an object.

Which article is used with unobtrusive?

The article "an" is used with "unobtrusive" due to the vowel sound at the beginning.

What part of speech is unobtrusive?

"Unobtrusive" is an adjective.

Is unobtrusive a vowel or consonant?

The word "unobtrusive" begins with a vowel sound.

Which preposition is used with unobtrusive?

Common prepositions used with "unobtrusive" include "in" and "with."

Which conjunction is used with unobtrusive?

Conjunctions like "and" or "but" can be used when discussing qualities that include being unobtrusive.

What is the singular form of unobtrusive?

The singular form is "unobtrusive."

What is the plural form of unobtrusive?

The plural form is "unobtrusive" as it is an adjective and does not change.

Is unobtrusive an abstract noun?

No, "unobtrusive" is not a noun; it is an adjective.

Is unobtrusive a countable noun?

"Unobtrusive" is not a noun; it does not have a countable form.

Is the word "unobtrusive" a Gerund?

No, "unobtrusive" is not a gerund.

Which determiner is used with unobtrusive?

Determiners such as "a," "the," and "an" can be used with "unobtrusive" depending on the context.

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Written by
Rabia Sajjad
Edited by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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