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Intelligent vs. Clever — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on September 19, 2023
"Intelligent" pertains to an innate ability to understand, think, and learn. "Clever" suggests a quick, adaptable mind, often with a sense of cunning.
Intelligent vs. Clever — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Intelligent and Clever


Key Differences

"Intelligent" and "Clever" are terms frequently used to describe mental aptitude, but they carry nuanced distinctions. "Intelligent" typically connotes a deep understanding or comprehensive knowledge. People deemed intelligent usually possess a vast range of information or a pronounced ability in a particular field. For example, a scientist who makes breakthroughs based on extensive research would be labeled intelligent.
"Clever," on the other hand, often refers to quick thinking, adaptability, and sometimes, an element of inventiveness or cunning. It is about finding swift solutions, sometimes unconventional, to problems. A person who comes up with a quick workaround for a sudden issue demonstrates cleverness.
It's also worth noting that while intelligence often implies a consistent trait, cleverness can be situational. An intelligent person consistently displays their depth of understanding, whereas a clever individual might shine in specific scenarios requiring quick thinking.
There can be overlap, of course. One might encounter individuals who are both deeply knowledgeable (intelligent) and adept at thinking on their feet (clever). However, it's essential to recognize that these terms, while related, emphasize different facets of mental capability.
In some contexts, "clever" might carry a slightly negative or mischievous undertone, suggesting cunning or craftiness. In contrast, "intelligent" is almost universally positive, emphasizing depth of knowledge or understanding.

Comparison Chart

Basic Definition

Deep understanding or knowledge.
Quick thinking or adaptability.


Consistency in capability.
Situational brilliance.

Associated Actions

Studying, researching, analyzing.
Adapting, improvising, devising.


Often universally positive.
Can sometimes suggest cunning or craftiness.

Depth vs. Speed

Suggests depth of mental capacity.
Indicates speed and adaptability of thought.

Compare with Definitions


Having or showing a high mental capacity.
She is an intelligent student who excels in every subject.


Quick to understand or learn.
She was clever enough to solve the puzzle in seconds.


Reflecting sound judgment or rationality.
Her intelligent choices led to her success.


Skillful or adept in tasks.
Her clever hands crafted intricate designs.


Characterized by deep thinking or knowledge.
The professor gave an intelligent lecture on quantum physics.


Characterized by cunning or shrewdness.
The fox was too clever for the hunter.


Able to comprehend complex ideas.
He presented an intelligent argument in the debate.


Quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent
How clever of him to think of this!
She was an extremely clever and studious young woman


Being responsive to new or varied stimuli.
Intelligent software adapts to users' needs.


Healthy or well
I was up and about by this time though still not too clever


Having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level
An intelligent guess
Anna is intelligent and hard-working


Mentally quick and original; bright
A clever student.


Having intelligence
Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the galaxy?.


Skilled at accomplishing things, especially with the hands
A clever carpenter.


Having a high degree of intelligence; mentally acute
An intelligent student.


Crafty; cunning
"a hard-working kid who rose from poverty, only to be duped by rich, clever bankers" (Jeff Goodell).


Showing sound judgment and rationality
An intelligent decision.
An intelligent solution to the problem.


Exhibiting ingenuity or imagination; creative or artful
A clever experiment.


Appealing to the intellect; intellectual
A film with witty and intelligent dialogue.


Witty; amusing
An evening of clever repartee.


Of high or especially quick cognitive capacity, bright.


Characterized by cunning or shrewdness
Clever manipulation of public opinion.


Well thought-out, well considered.
The engineer had a very intelligent design proposal for the new car.
The general devised an intelligent strategy for the southern campaign.


New England Easily managed; docile
"Oxen must be pretty clever to be bossed around the way they are" (Dialect Notes).


Characterized by thoughtful interaction.
My girlfriend and I had an intelligent conversation.


Chiefly Southern US Good-natured; amiable.


Having at least a similar level of brain power to humankind.
The hunt for intelligent life.


Nimble with hands or body; skillful; adept.


Having an environment-sensing automatically-invoked built-in computer capability.
An intelligent network or keyboard


Quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent.


Endowed with the faculty of understanding or reason; as, man is an intelligent being.


Mentally quick and resourceful.
A simple but clever trick to solve the problem.
Clever like a fox


Possessed of a high level of intelligence, education, or judgment; knowing; sensible; skilled; exhibiting high intelligence; as, an intelligent young man; an intelligent architect; an intelligent answer.


Skilled at achieving what one wants, especially via unusual methods.
With a clever lawyer, she could easily be acquitted.


Cognizant; aware; communicative.
Intelligent of seasons.
Which are to France the spies and speculationsIntelligent of our state.


Smart, intelligent, or witty; mentally quick or sharp.


Having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree;
Is there intelligent life in the universe?
An intelligent question


(of objects or actions) Showing inventiveness or originality; witty.


Possessing sound knowledge;
Well-informed readers


Possessing magical abilities.


Exercising or showing good judgment;
Healthy scepticism
A healthy fear of rattlesnakes
The healthy attitude of French laws
Healthy relations between labor and management
An intelligent solution
A sound approach to the problem
Sound advice
No sound explanation for his decision


(obsolete) Fit; suitable; having propriety.


Endowed with the capacity to reason


(obsolete) Well-shaped; handsome.


Good-natured; obliging.


Fit and healthy; free from fatigue or illness.


Possessing quickness of intellect, skill, dexterity, talent, or adroitness; expert.
Though there were many clever men in England during the latter half of the seventeenth century, there were only two great creative minds.
Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever.


Showing skill or adroitness in the doer or former; as, a clever speech; a clever trick.


Having fitness, propriety, or suitableness.
"T would sound more cleverTo me and to my heirs forever.


Well-shaped; handsome.


Good-natured; obliging.


Skillful (or showing skill) in adapting means to ends;
Cool prudence and sensitive selfishness along with quick perception of what is possible--these distinguish an adroit politician
Came up with a clever story
An ingenious press agent
An ingenious scheme


Showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others;
A cagey lawyer
Too clever to be sound


Mentally quick and resourceful;
An apt pupil
You are a clever reason well and your wit is bold


Showing inventiveness and skill;
A clever gadget
The cunning maneuvers leading to his success
An ingenious solution to the problem


Demonstrating inventiveness or originality.
He devised a clever solution to the problem.


Sharp or witty in expression.
He always had a clever retort ready.

Common Curiosities

Can "clever" have negative connotations?

Sometimes, it might suggest craftiness or cunning.

Can a person be both intelligent and clever?

Absolutely, many individuals display both traits.

Does "intelligent" always mean "book smart"?

No, intelligence can manifest in various forms, not just academic.

Are "Intelligent" and "Clever" synonymous?

While related, they have distinct nuances; intelligent suggests depth of understanding, while clever implies quick thinking.

Is cleverness situational?

Often, yes. Cleverness can shine in specific scenarios requiring adaptability.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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