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International Men’s Day vs. International Women’s Day — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on November 18, 2023
International Men's Day (IMD) celebrates men's positive contributions and addresses their issues, observed on November 19. International Women's Day (IWD) honors women's achievements and promotes gender equality, observed on March 8.
International Men’s Day vs. International Women’s Day — What's the Difference?

Difference Between International Men’s Day and International Women’s Day


Key Differences

International Men's Day aims to shed light on male role models, celebrating their positive impact on society. Meanwhile, International Women's Day focuses on recognizing the milestones women have achieved, emphasizing their empowerment and continued strides towards gender equality.
While International Men's Day is also a platform to address male-specific challenges, such as mental health or stereotypes, International Women's Day serves as a call to action to accelerate women's rights and amplify issues like gender pay gaps or underrepresentation.
Both these days, while distinct, emphasize the need for understanding, compassion, and mutual respect. International Men's Day seeks to foster positive masculinity, whereas International Women's Day encourages the upliftment of women in all spheres of life.
International Men's Day, being in November, serves as an opportunity to spotlight the need for better male health and wellbeing. On the other hand, International Women's Day, in March, is often seen as a day of protest, celebration, and global recognition of women's accomplishments.

Comparison Chart

Date of Observation

November 19
March 8

Primary Focus

Celebrating positive male role models and addressing male issues.
Recognizing women's achievements and promoting gender equality.


Began in the 1990s
Started in the early 1900s

Symbolic Color

Varies, but often associated with blue.
Purple, green, and white.

Common Activities

Seminars, health screenings, discussions.
Protests, marches, celebrations, and recognitions of women's rights.

Compare with Definitions

International Men’s Day

A day to honor men's positive impact on society.
Many schools organize events on International Men's Day to discuss positive masculinity.

International Women’s Day

A global call to action for accelerating women's equality.
Fundraisers on International Women's Day support charities dedicated to female education worldwide.

International Men’s Day

A reminder of the significant role men play in society.
On International Men's Day, communities come together to celebrate the positive figures and role models in their lives.

International Women’s Day

A day to honor the accomplishments and contributions of women.
Many companies host events on International Women's Day to spotlight successful female employees.

International Men’s Day

A day to shed light on issues specifically affecting men.
On International Men's Day, charities often focus on raising awareness about male mental health.

International Women’s Day

A day to recognize the challenges faced by women and address them.
Discussions on International Women's Day often tackle issues like workplace discrimination.

International Men’s Day

A platform to discuss and break down male stereotypes.
Workshops on International Men's Day often delve into redefining manhood in modern times.

International Women’s Day

A celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.
Art exhibitions on International Women's Day often feature work by influential female artists.

International Men’s Day

An observance promoting male well-being and health.
Health clinics sometimes offer free check-ups on International Men's Day.

International Women’s Day

An occasion promoting gender equality and women's rights.
Rallies on International Women's Day advocate for equal pay and opportunities.

Common Curiosities

Why do we have International Men's Day?

It celebrates positive male contributions and addresses specific challenges and issues faced by men.

What is the main goal of International Women's Day?

To recognize women's achievements and advocate for gender equality and women's rights.

Can both these days be celebrated regardless of gender?

Absolutely, they aim to promote understanding, respect, and equality for everyone.

Are there specific colors associated with these days?

International Men's Day colors vary, often blue. International Women's Day is associated with purple, green, and white.

Can organizations be involved in these celebrations?

Definitely. Many organizations host events, seminars, and campaigns on both days.

Is the focus of International Men's Day only on positive aspects?

No, it celebrates positive contributions but also highlights and addresses issues specifically affecting men.

Are there specific themes for each year?

Often, yes. Both days might have annual themes focusing on current challenges or emphasizing certain messages.

When are International Men's Day and International Women's Day celebrated?

International Men's Day is on November 19, while International Women's Day is on March 8.

Do both these days have a global reach?

Yes, both days are observed worldwide with events, discussions, and celebrations.

Are there official symbols for these days?

While there's no single official symbol, themes and logos are often created annually, especially for International Women's Day.

Does International Women's Day only focus on working women?

No, it celebrates achievements and addresses challenges of women from all walks of life, not just the professional sphere.

How old are these observances?

International Women's Day started in the early 1900s, while International Men's Day began in the 1990s.

What's the significance of the colors of International Women's Day?

Purple signifies justice and dignity, green symbolizes hope, and white represents purity.

How can I participate in these observances?

Join local events, support related charities, engage in discussions, or even host your own event or seminar.

Why was International Men's Day established much later than International Women's Day?

While women's rights movements led to the establishment of IWD, International Men's Day was initiated later to address male-specific issues and celebrate their contributions.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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