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Intresting vs. Interesting — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 19, 2024
"Intresting" is incorrect. The correct spelling is "interesting," denoting something that captures attention or is engaging.
Intresting vs. Interesting — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Intresting or Interesting

How to spell Interesting?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "interest" and then add the "ing" for the present participle.
Associate the word with "inter-" as in "internet" or "interact."
Recall "interest-ing" to emphasize the “-ing” ending.
Remember "interest" is the root, so "interesting" has "interest" in it.
Practice spelling by pairing with the term "bank interest" to reinforce the "interest" part.

How Do You Spell Interesting Correctly?

Incorrect: Their research findings were really intresting.
Correct: Their research findings were really interesting.
Incorrect: She found the lecture quite intresting.
Correct: She found the lecture quite interesting.
Incorrect: He made an intresting point during the discussion.
Correct: He made an interesting point during the discussion.
Incorrect: The book was very intresting to read.
Correct: The book was very interesting to read.
Incorrect: It's an intresting idea you have there.
Correct: It's an interesting idea you have there.

Interesting Definitions

Stimulating or thought-provoking.
She always has an interesting take on things.
Not boring; entertaining.
The lecture turned out to be more interesting than I expected.
Evoking a sense of curiosity.
That's an interesting perspective on the matter.
Capturing one's attention or evoking engagement.
The movie was surprisingly interesting.
Different from the usual or mundane.
The museum had many interesting exhibits.
(obsolete) Of concern; affecting, important.
Arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention
An interesting debate
It will be very interesting to see what they come up with
Arousing or holding the attention; absorbing.
Arousing or holding the attention or interest of someone.
(euphemistic) Pregnant.
Present participle of interest
Engaging the attention; exciting, or adapted to excite, interest, curiosity, or emotion; as, an interesting story; interesting news.
Arousing or holding the attention

Interesting Meaning in a Sentence

I found it interesting how different cultures celebrate New Year.
I think ancient civilizations are very interesting.
The museum exhibit on dinosaurs was fascinating and interesting.
He's reading an interesting book about the history of technology.
That was an interesting choice of color for the painting.
The way ecosystems balance themselves is interesting.
She has an interesting perspective on the issue.
Your proposal for the project sounds very interesting.
The science behind cooking is actually quite interesting.
They're going to an interesting place for their vacation.
The documentary presented some interesting facts about the ocean.
She makes learning languages interesting and fun.
They discovered some interesting artifacts during the excavation.
The seminar on renewable energy was incredibly interesting.
The novel presents an interesting twist towards the end.
It's interesting to compare different versions of the same story.
The physics behind roller coasters is surprisingly interesting.
The guide shared interesting stories about the city's history.
It's interesting how music can evoke strong emotions.
I have an interesting article for you on sustainable living.
He shared some interesting insights into the filmmaking process.
I always find it interesting to learn about new technologies.
It's interesting to see how technology has evolved over time.
Finding out about your family history can be very interesting.
That's an interesting theory on the origin of the universe.

Interesting Idioms & Phrases

An interesting fact

A piece of information that is surprising, unusual, or intriguing.
An interesting fact about honeybees is that they communicate through dances.

An interesting read

A book or article that is engaging and worth reading.
The biography of the explorer turned out to be a very interesting read.

To make things interesting

To make a situation more exciting or engaging.
To make things interesting, they added a twist to the game rules.

To have an interesting time

To experience something that is engaging and memorable.
They had an interesting time exploring the old castle ruins.

Gain an interesting perspective

To develop a unique or valuable viewpoint on a topic.
Studying abroad helped her gain an interesting perspective on cultural differences.

Find interesting

To consider something as engaging or worth paying attention to.
She finds ancient Greek mythology very interesting.

To become more interesting

To grow in interest or appeal over time.
The mystery novel became more interesting with every chapter.

To look interesting

To appear to be appealing or worth exploring.
The old journal looked interesting, filled with hand-drawn maps and notes.

An interesting choice

A selection or decision that is intriguing or unexpected.
Choosing to travel by train across the country was an interesting choice.

An interesting discussion

A conversation that is engaging and thought-provoking.
The panel offered an interesting discussion on the future of AI.

To have an interesting effect

To cause a notable or unexpected outcome.
The new policy had an interesting effect on urban development.

Share something interesting

To tell others about something engaging or noteworthy.
At the meeting, everyone was encouraged to share something interesting from their research.

An interesting observation

A remark or note that is insightful or revealing.
The researcher made an interesting observation about the behavior of birds.

An interesting experiment

A trial or test that is intriguing and worth conducting.
The science teacher demonstrated an interesting experiment with chemical reactions.

An interesting challenge

A task or problem that is engaging and stimulates thinking.
Solving the puzzle presented an interesting challenge.

To lead to interesting places

To result in discovering engaging or unusual locations.
Following the old trail led to interesting places hidden in the forest.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before interesting?

The vowel "e" is used in "interest" before the "ing" in "interesting."

What is the root word of interesting?

The root word is "interest."

Why is it called interesting?

It's called "interesting" as it describes something that arouses interest or engagement.

What is the pronunciation of interesting?

Interesting is pronounced as /ˈɪn.trə.stɪŋ/.

What is the singular form of interesting?

Interesting is an adjective and doesn't have a singular or plural form in the same way nouns do.

Is interesting an abstract noun?

No, interesting is an adjective.

Which conjunction is used with interesting?

Common conjunctions such as "and" or "but" can be used with "interesting."

What is the verb form of interesting?

The verb form is "interest."

Which article is used with interesting?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with "interesting," depending on the context.

Is interesting a noun or adjective?

Interesting is an adjective.

Is interesting a countable noun?

Interesting is not a noun, so it's not countable.

Is the interesting term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used in metaphorical contexts.

Is interesting a collective noun?

No, interesting is not a collective noun.

What is the third form of interesting?

Interesting doesn't have this form, but the verb "interest" has the past participle "interested."

What is the plural form of interesting?

Interesting doesn't have a plural form.

Which preposition is used with interesting?

"In" or "about" can be used, as in "interested in" or "interesting about."

Is the word interesting imperative?

No, as an adjective, interesting is not imperative.

What is another term for interesting?

Another term might be "intriguing" or "engaging."

Which determiner is used with interesting?

Determiners like "this," "that," "my," "his," "her" can be used with "interesting," depending on the sentence.

Is interesting an adverb?

No, interesting is not an adverb.

Is interesting a vowel or consonant?

Interesting is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

What is the second form of interesting?

As it's an adjective, interesting doesn't have verb forms like first, second, or third.

How is interesting used in a sentence?

She found the history behind the artifact very interesting.

What is a stressed syllable in interesting?

The first syllable "in-" is stressed in "interesting."

What part of speech is interesting?

Interesting is an adjective.

What is the opposite of interesting?

The opposite could be "boring" or "mundane."

What is the first form of interesting?

The base form of the verb is "interest."

Is interesting a negative or positive word?

It generally has a positive connotation, but context can influence its interpretation.

How many syllables are in interesting?

Interesting has four syllables.

How do we divide interesting into syllables?

Interesting is divided as in-ter-est-ing.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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