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Inverted Commas vs. Quotation Marks — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 8, 2023
Inverted Commas and Quotation Marks refer to the same punctuation, used to highlight speech or text. Their naming varies regionally.
Inverted Commas vs. Quotation Marks — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Inverted Commas and Quotation Marks


Key Differences

Inverted Commas and Quotation Marks are both punctuation marks used to set off speech, a quotation, or a phrase. The choice of name often depends on regional variations.
In British English, the term "Inverted Commas" is more commonly employed. Quotation Marks, on the other hand, is a term more prevalent in American English.
Inverted Commas can be either single ('...') or double ("..."), with single ones being more traditional in British English. Quotation Marks in American English, traditionally, are double ("...").
It's important to be consistent. If a writer starts with single Inverted Commas, they should not mix with double ones halfway. Similarly, consistency should be maintained with Quotation Marks.
Both Inverted Commas and Quotation Marks have specific rules regarding their placement with other punctuation, such as periods and commas, which can vary between American and British English.

Comparison Chart

Regional Preference

British English
American English

Typical Form

Single ('...')
Double ("...")

Alternate Form

Double ("...")
Single ('...')


Quotations, titles, emphasis
Quotations, titles, sarcasm

Associated Rules

Placement with punctuation
Placement with punctuation

Compare with Definitions

Inverted Commas

Inverted Commas denote direct speech.
She said, 'I am coming.'

Quotation Marks

Quotation Marks represent spoken words.
He exclaimed, What a surprise!

Inverted Commas

Inverted Commas emphasize specific words.
The word 'immediately' is often overused.

Quotation Marks

Quotation Marks can be used to show unfamiliar terms.
The Gig Economy is a modern term.

Inverted Commas

Inverted Commas can be single or double.
British writers often use '...' over ....

Quotation Marks

Quotation Marks indicate a direct citation.
The author stated, The study is conclusive.

Inverted Commas

Inverted Commas indicate titles of shorter works.
Have you read 'The Tell-Tale Heart'?

Quotation Marks

Quotation Marks denote titles of short works.
The Raven is by Poe.

Inverted Commas

Inverted Commas can suggest non-literal usage.
She is 'working' from home.

Quotation Marks

Quotation Marks can highlight irony.
Sure, he's working on it.

Common Curiosities

Can I mix single and double Inverted Commas in a piece?

It's best to remain consistent. Choose one style and stick to it.

Are Inverted Commas and Quotation Marks the same?

Yes, they refer to the same punctuation, but the naming varies regionally.

Are Quotation Marks used for irony?

Yes, they can be used to indicate irony or sarcasm.

When should I use single Inverted Commas?

Often in British English for quotations, but maintain consistency throughout your writing.

Can Inverted Commas indicate non-literal usage?

Yes, they can emphasize words used in an unusual context.

Why are Quotation Marks used in American English?

It's a regional preference. Americans typically use double Quotation Marks.

Should periods be inside or outside Inverted Commas?

In British English, typically outside; in American English, inside.

Why might a word be in Quotation Marks?

To highlight, show it's a quotation, indicate irony, or present an unfamiliar term.

Do all countries use Inverted Commas the same way?

No, usage can vary, especially between British and American English.

Are Quotation Marks used for titles?

Yes, especially for short works like articles or poems.

Why use Inverted Commas for titles?

It differentiates titles from the rest of the text, especially for short works.

Are Quotation Marks only double?

Traditionally in American English, yes. But single marks can also be used.

What's the rule for commas with Inverted Commas?

In British English, commas often come outside, but consistency is key.

Can Quotation Marks indicate unfamiliar terms?

Yes, it's a way to highlight a term the reader might not recognize.

How do Quotation Marks relate to direct speech?

They're used to encapsulate exactly what someone has said.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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