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ITR-1 vs. ITR-4S — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 28, 2023
ITR-1 is an income tax return form for salaried individuals, while ITR-4S, now known as ITR-4, is for businesses under the presumptive income scheme.
ITR-1 vs. ITR-4S — What's the Difference?

Difference Between ITR-1 and ITR-4S


Key Differences

ITR-1 and ITR-4S are both income tax return forms used in India, designed to cater to different categories of taxpayers.
ITR-1, often referred to as 'Sahaj', is specifically tailored for salaried individuals. This means individuals who earn a salary or pension, or have income from one house property or other sources, generally utilize ITR-1 for filing their taxes. Conversely, ITR-4S, which was later renamed to ITR-4, is designed for small business owners and professionals who opt for the presumptive taxation scheme.
While ITR-1 is relatively simple and concise, focused primarily on capturing income from salary and reporting basic deductions, ITR-4S encompasses more intricate details pertaining to business income. The presumptive taxation scheme, to which ITR-4S pertains, allows taxpayers to declare income at a predetermined rate, thus eliminating the need to maintain detailed accounts.
One significant characteristic of ITR-1 is its simplicity. It's particularly user-friendly for individuals with no business or professional income. ITR-4S, however, requires more details about business operations, making it comprehensive for those under the presumptive taxation scheme.
In summation, while both ITR-1 and ITR-4S are integral for tax compliance in India, they cater to distinctly different groups: ITR-1 for salaried individuals and ITR-4S for businesses under presumptive taxation.

Comparison Chart

Primary Users

Salaried individuals
Small business owners & professionals


Simple and concise
Comprehensive, detailed for business

Income Source

Salary, one house property, other sources
Business income under presumptive taxation

Known as

Sugam (before being renamed to ITR-4)


No business or professional income
Business operations details

Compare with Definitions


Exclusively for those with no business or professional earnings.
Being a bank employee, Arvind always uses ITR-1 for tax filing.


Simplifies tax filing by eliminating detailed accounts necessity.
For Ramesh's catering service, ITR-4S made tax season less cumbersome.


Designed for tax compliance without business complications.
Since Meena's only income was from her salary and a pension, she filed using ITR-1.


An income tax form for those under the presumptive taxation scheme in India.
Kabir, a shop owner, filed his returns using ITR-4S due to the simplicity of presumptive taxation.


Known as 'Sahaj', tailored for simple tax situations.
Sneha, a schoolteacher, opted for ITR-1 for its simplicity.


Previously known as Sugam, tailored for small business owners.
Chitra, owning a boutique, found ITR-4S suitable for her needs.


Captures income from salary, one house property, and other sources.
Having rented out his second home, Vikram couldn't use ITR-1.


Requires comprehensive business operation details.
Under the presumptive scheme, Sana had to provide business specifics in ITR-4S.


An income tax form for salaried individuals in India.
Raj filed his taxes using ITR-1 since he had only salaried income.


Designed for professionals and businesses under a specific tax scheme.
The freelance graphic designer, Rohan, decided to use ITR-4S for his tax filing.

Common Curiosities

What do ITR-1 and ITR-4S represent?

ITR-1 is for salaried individuals, while ITR-4S (now ITR-4) is for businesses under the presumptive income scheme.

Who typically uses ITR-1?

Salaried individuals or those with income from one house property or other sources use ITR-1.

Can a business owner with multiple ventures use ITR-4S?

Yes, if they're opting for the presumptive taxation scheme.

Which form is simpler: ITR-1 or ITR-4S?

ITR-1, known as Sahaj, is simpler and tailored for individuals without business income.

Why was ITR-4S renamed to ITR-4?

The renaming was a part of periodic revisions and simplifications of tax return forms by the income tax department.

Which ITR form captures income from other sources?

Both ITR-1 and ITR-4S can capture income from other sources, but the primary focus differs.

Are there any prerequisites to use ITR-4S?

The taxpayer should be under the presumptive taxation scheme to use ITR-4S.

Is the presumptive taxation scheme only for small businesses?

Primarily, yes, but it's subject to turnover and other conditions specified by the tax department.

Do I need detailed accounts for ITR-4S?

No, the presumptive taxation scheme allows taxpayers to declare income at a predetermined rate.

How often are ITR forms revised or updated?

They can be updated periodically, usually annually, based on the income tax department's guidelines.

Can I switch between ITR-1 and ITR-4S year to year?

Yes, based on your income sources and applicability, but ensure you meet the criteria for the form you choose.

Is ITR-1 also known by any other name?

Yes, ITR-1 is often referred to as 'Sahaj'.

Can a salaried individual with a side business use ITR-4S?

Yes, if the side business opts for the presumptive taxation scheme.

Can a freelancer use ITR-4S for filing taxes?

Yes, if they opt for the presumptive taxation scheme.

Which form requires more detailed information on income and deductions: ITR-1 or ITR-4S?

ITR-4S requires more detailed information, especially related to business operations.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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