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Ketchap vs. Ketchup — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 27, 2024
"Ketchap" is an incorrect spelling, whereas "Ketchup" is the correct spelling for the tangy tomato sauce.
Ketchap vs. Ketchup — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Ketchap or Ketchup

How to spell Ketchup?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of the "up" in "ketchup" like squirting the bottle upwards.
Consider "chup" rhymes with "cup," which you might put ketchup in.
The "e" in ketchup can remind you of the red "e" in tomatoes.
Remember that it matches with popular brands' spellings like Heinz Ketchup.
Relate it to other condiments with "up" like "syrup."

How Do You Spell Ketchup Correctly?

Incorrect: I need to buy some ketchap for the barbecue.
Correct: I need to buy some ketchup for the barbecue.
Incorrect: Can you pass the ketchap, please?
Correct: Can you pass the ketchup, please?
Incorrect: He accidentally spilled ketchap on his shirt.
Correct: He accidentally spilled ketchup on his shirt.
Incorrect: Do you prefer mustard or ketchap on your hot dog?
Correct: Do you prefer mustard or ketchup on your hot dog?
Incorrect: She doesn't like using too much ketchap on her fries.
Correct: She doesn't like using too much ketchup on her fries.

Ketchup Definitions

A tomato-based sauce with vinegar and spices.
Ketchup is a staple in many households.
A tangy sauce made primarily from tomatoes.
I added ketchup to my fries.
A versatile sauce for enhancing flavors.
She spread ketchup on her sandwich.
A popular dressing for various dishes.
The meatloaf tastes better with ketchup.
A condiment often paired with fast-food items.
Would you like ketchup with that burger?
A condiment consisting of a thick, smooth-textured, spicy sauce usually made from tomatoes.
(uncountable) A tomato-vinegar-based sauce, sometimes containing spices, onion or garlic, and (especially in the US) sweeteners.
Tomato ketchup
This diner serves ketchup in red bottles, and mustard in yellow ones.
Such a sauce more generally (not necessarily based on tomatoes, but with mushrooms, fish, etc.).
(transitive) To cover with ketchup.
A pureed table sauce made predominantly from tomatoes, flavored with onions, sugar, salt and spices; called also tomato ketchup. The term is also applied to pureed sauces containing mushrooms, walnuts, etc., being called in such cases mushroom ketchup, walnut ketchup, etc.
Thick spicy sauce made from tomatoes

Ketchup Meaning in a Sentence

Ketchup is a popular condiment in many countries.
I always add ketchup to my burgers.
I prefer ketchup over mayonnaise with my fries.
The ketchup left a stain on the tablecloth.
She found a new brand of organic ketchup.
Can you buy some ketchup while you're at the store?
He squeezed the ketchup bottle too hard, and it splattered.
The diner offers free ketchup with every meal.
The ketchup bottle was almost empty.
He made his own homemade ketchup.
Ketchup and mustard are essential for a barbecue.
Ketchup is made from tomatoes, vinegar, and spices.
Ketchup packets are convenient for picnics.
The fast-food restaurant ran out of ketchup.
The recipe calls for a tablespoon of ketchup.
Some people like to mix ketchup with hot sauce.
She dislikes ketchup on her eggs.
There's a debate about whether ketchup belongs in the fridge.
They accidentally dropped the ketchup bottle on the floor.
She's looking for a ketchup recipe without added sugar.
Ketchup is a key ingredient in many sauces and marinades.
The ketchup complemented the crispy fries perfectly.
The ketchup aisle at the supermarket offers many options.
He's so picky; he won't eat anything without ketchup.
They challenged each other to a ketchup-drinking contest.

Ketchup Idioms & Phrases

Like ketchup on everything

Refers to someone who uses the same approach for various situations, not always appropriately.
He puts ketchup on everything, never trying a different strategy.

A ketchup kind of day

A day where everything seems to need fixing or catching up.
With all these meetings, it's been a ketchup kind of day.

Playing ketchup

A pun on "playing catch-up," referring to trying to keep up with others.
I've been away for a week, and now I'm playing ketchup with work.

Ketchup in the squeeze

A situation where pressure leads to rapid results, similar to squeezing a ketchup bottle.
The project deadline created a ketchup in the squeeze scenario.

The great ketchup debate

Referring to the ongoing discussions about ketchup's proper storage or usage.
We got into the great ketchup debate at dinner: fridge or pantry?

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before Ketchup?

The indefinite article "a" is used before "ketchup."

What is the pronunciation of Ketchup?

Pronounced as "kĕch′əp."

What is the singular form of Ketchup?


Which article is used with Ketchup?

"A" or "the," depending on the context.

Is Ketchup an adverb?


Is Ketchup a negative or positive word?

Neutral. It's just a name for a type of sauce.

What is the verb form of Ketchup?

Ketchup doesn't have a verb form.

What is the plural form of Ketchup?

Ketchups (when referring to different types).

Why is it called Ketchup?

The word "ketchup" is derived from Chinese dialects like Amoy referring to a sauce made from fermented fish. It evolved in the West to mean a tomato-based sauce.

What is the root word of Ketchup?

It doesn't have a root word in English but comes from Chinese terms for fish sauce.

Which conjunction is used with Ketchup?

Conjunctions like "and" or "or" can be used, depending on the context.

Is Ketchup a countable noun?

No, it's generally uncountable. But one can refer to different "ketchups" when speaking of varieties.

How many syllables are in Ketchup?

Two syllables.

How do we divide Ketchup into syllables?


Which determiner is used with Ketchup?

"This," "that," "some," depending on context.

What is the second form of Ketchup?


Which preposition is used with Ketchup?

Prepositions like "with" or "in" can be used, as in "fries with ketchup" or "dip in ketchup."

Is the Ketchup term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically in phrases like "playing ketchup" instead of "playing catch up."

Is Ketchup a noun or adjective?

Ketchup is primarily a noun.

Is Ketchup an abstract noun?

No, it's a concrete noun representing a physical substance.

Is the word Ketchup imperative?


What is the opposite of Ketchup?

There isn't a direct opposite, but you could consider non-tomato-based sauces or condiments.

Is Ketchup a vowel or consonant?

It's a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is Ketchup a collective noun?


What part of speech is Ketchup?


What is another term for Ketchup?

Tomato sauce (in some regions).

What is the third form of Ketchup?


How is Ketchup used in a sentence?

I always add ketchup to my hot dogs.

What is the stressed syllable in Ketchup?

The first syllable, "Ket," is stressed.

What is the first form of Ketchup?

N/A as Ketchup is a noun.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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