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Kurb vs. Curb — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 30, 2024
"Kurb" is an incorrect spelling, whereas "Curb" is the correct spelling, signifying a restraint or control.
Kurb vs. Curb — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Kurb or Curb

How to spell Curb?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Use spellcheck tools, which will identify "kurb" as a misspelling.
Visualize a dog on a leash being "curbed" from running, with a big "C" on the leash.
Recall popular phrases like "curb your enthusiasm" which uses the "C" spelling.
Think of the "curb" on a street; streets and cars don't have a "K" but "C."
Remember that "curb" starts with a "C" like "control," which is often its meaning.

How Do You Spell Curb Correctly?

Incorrect: The city is working to kurb spending this year.
Correct: The city is working to curb spending this year.
Incorrect: He used a skateboard to grind along the kurb.
Correct: He used a skateboard to grind along the curb.
Incorrect: Parking is not allowed next to the yellow kurb.
Correct: Parking is not allowed next to the yellow curb.
Incorrect: She tripped on the kurb while walking.
Correct: She tripped on the curb while walking.

Curb Definitions

A raised edge or margin to strengthen or confine.
She parked the car near the curb.
To restrain or hold back.
He had to curb his anger during the discussion.
A chain or strap that fits around the lower part of a horse's jaw.
The rider pulled the curb to manage the horse.
A concrete border or row of joined stones forming part of a gutter along the edge of a street.
An enclosing framework, such as that around a skylight.
A raised margin along an edge used to confine or strengthen.
Something that checks or restrains
High interest rates put a curb on spending.
A chain or strap that passes under a horse's lower jaw and serves in conjunction with the bit to restrain the horse.
A market, originally on a street or sidewalk, for trading securities that are not listed on a stock exchange.
To check, restrain, or control (an impulse or activity, for example); rein in.
To prevent (a person or group) from doing something or acting in a certain way.
To lead (a dog) off the sidewalk into the gutter so that it can excrete waste.
To furnish with a curb.
A concrete margin along the edge of a road; a kerb (UK, Australia, New Zealand)
A raised margin along the edge of something, such as a well or the eye of a dome, as a strengthening.
Something that checks or restrains; a restraint.
A riding or driving bit for a horse that has rein action which amplifies the pressure in the mouth by leverage advantage placing pressure on the poll via the crown piece of the bridle and chin groove via a curb chain.
(North America) A sidewalk, covered or partially enclosed, bordering the airport terminal road system with adjacent paved areas to permit vehicles to off-load or load passengers.
A swelling on the back part of the hind leg of a horse, just behind the lowest part of the hock joint, generally causing lameness.
(transitive) To check, restrain or control.
Curb your dog
(transitive) To rein in.
(transitive) To furnish with a curb, as a well; to restrain by a curb, as a bank of earth.
Ellipsis of curb stomp
(transitive) To bring to a stop beside a curb.
(transitive) To damage vehicle wheels or tires by running into or over a pavement curb.
(transitive) To bend or curve.
(intransitive) To crouch; to cringe.
To bend or curve.
Crooked and curbed lines.
To guide and manage, or restrain, as with a curb; to bend to one's will; to subject; to subdue; to restrain; to confine; to keep in check.
Part wield their arms, part curb the foaming steed.
Where pinching want must curb thy warm desires.
To furnish with a curb, as a well; also, to restrain by a curb, as a bank of earth.
To bend; to crouch; to cringe.
Virtue itself of vice must pardon beg,Yea, curb and woo for leave to do him good.
That which curbs, restrains, or subdues; a check or hindrance; esp., a chain or strap attached to the upper part of the branches of a bit, and capable of being drawn tightly against the lower jaw of the horse.
He that before ran in the pastures wildFelt the stiff curb control his angry jaws.
By these men, religion,that should beThe curb, is made the spur of tyranny.
An assemblage of three or more pieces of timber, or a metal member, forming a frame around an opening, and serving to maintain the integrity of that opening; also, a ring of stone serving a similar purpose, as at the eye of a dome.
A frame or wall round the mouth of a well; also, a frame within a well to prevent the earth caving in.
A curbstone.
An edge between a sidewalk and a roadway consisting of a line of curbstones (usually forming part of a gutter)
A horse's bit with an attached chain or strap to check the horse
A stock exchange in New York
The act of restraining power or action or limiting excess;
His common sense is a bridle to his quick temper
Lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits;
Moderate your alcohol intake
Hold your tongue
Hold your temper
Control your anger
To put down by force or authority;
Suppress a nascent uprising
Stamp down on littering
Conquer one's desires
Keep to the curb;
Curb your dogs
Place restrictions on;
Curtail drinking in school
To control or limit something.
The government introduced measures to curb inflation.
A check or restraint on activity or progress.
The new laws served as a curb on the media's freedom.

Curb Meaning in a Sentence

There's a curb in front of my house where we often sit in the evenings.
They installed a higher curb to prevent flooding during heavy rain.
Please keep the dog on a leash to curb its tendency to run away.
The government introduced taxes to curb tobacco consumption.
Efforts to curb air pollution have led to stricter emissions standards for vehicles.
To curb his sweet tooth, he started eating fruit instead of candy.
The new policy aims to curb illegal parking in the city.
The teacher used creative methods to curb disruptions in the classroom.
The curb around the garden keeps the soil from washing away.
Installing a rain garden by the curb can help manage stormwater runoff.
Environmentalists are urging the government to curb deforestation.
A well-designed curb can significantly improve pedestrian safety.
Stepping off the curb, she narrowly avoided a passing cyclist.
The mayor promised to curb crime by increasing police patrols.
The curb appeal of the house improved after the landscaping update.
The program was implemented to curb the spread of misinformation online.
She put her suitcase on the curb while waiting for the taxi.
The new curb is painted red to indicate no parking at any time.
Public health campaigns aim to curb the rise in obesity rates.

Curb Idioms & Phrases

Curb one’s appetite

To control or reduce one’s desire to eat.
Drinking a glass of water before meals can help curb your appetite.

Curb your tongue

To be careful about what one says or to speak less.
You'd do well to curb your tongue in sensitive situations.

Curb your enthusiasm

A reminder to temper one’s excitement or eagerness.
I know you're excited about the new opportunity, but curb your enthusiasm until the contract is signed.

Hit the curb

To come to a stop or fail, especially used to describe the end of a plan or project.
The project hit the curb when funding was withdrawn.

Curb appeal

The attractiveness of a property and its surroundings when viewed from the street.
Improving the curb appeal can significantly increase a home's market value.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Curb?

The verb form is also "curb," as in "to curb one's enthusiasm."

Why is it called Curb?

The term "curb" originates from Old French "corbe" meaning a curved object, symbolizing a restriction or boundary.

Which vowel is used before Curb?

No specific vowel always precedes "curb."

Is Curb an adverb?

No, "curb" is not an adverb.

Is Curb an abstract noun?

No, "curb" is a concrete noun when referring to the street edge but can be considered abstract when referring to control or restraint.

Which conjunction is used with Curb?

Any conjunction can be used based on context, like "and," "but," or "or."

What is the pronunciation of Curb?

It's pronounced as /kɜrb/.

What is the root word of Curb?

The root is "curb."

What is the singular form of Curb?

"Curb" itself is singular.

What is the plural form of Curb?

The plural form is "curbs."

Which preposition is used with Curb?

Commonly used prepositions can include "on" (as in a curb on power).

Which article is used with Curb?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with "curb" based on the context.

Is the Curb term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically when referring to restraint or control.

Is Curb a negative or positive word?

"Curb" is neutral but can lean negative when referring to restrictions or limitations.

Is Curb a vowel or consonant?

"Curb" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is the word “Curb” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Curb" can be a direct object in sentences like "He jumped the curb."

What is the first form of Curb?

The first form is "curb."

Is Curb a noun or adjective?

"Curb" can be both a noun (as in a street edge) and a verb (as in to restrain).

Is Curb a collective noun?

No, "curb" is not a collective noun.

What is a stressed syllable in Curb?

The entire word "curb" is stressed since it's a single syllable.

What part of speech is Curb?

"Curb" can be a noun or a verb.

What is another term for Curb?

Another term could be "restrain" or "limit."

What is the opposite of Curb?

The opposite could be "encourage" or "release."

How do we divide Curb into syllables?

Curb is a one-syllable word, so it isn't divided.

What is the second form of Curb?

The verb "curb" is regular, so the second form is "curbed."

Is Curb a countable noun?

Yes, "curb" as in the street edge can be counted (e.g., multiple curbs).

How many syllables are in Curb?

There is one syllable in "curb."

Which determiner is used with Curb?

Determiners like "the," "this," or "an" can be used based on context.

What is the third form of Curb?

The third form is "curbed."

How is Curb used in a sentence?

Example: She tried to curb her spending habits after receiving her monthly bank statement.

Is the word Curb imperative?

It can be, as in "Curb your enthusiasm!"

Is the word Curb a gerund?

No, "curb" is not a gerund.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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