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Lager Beer vs. Strong Beer — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on November 21, 2023
Lager Beer is a type of beer fermented and conditioned at low temperatures; Strong Beer is defined by its higher alcohol content.
Lager Beer vs. Strong Beer — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Lager Beer and Strong Beer


Key Differences

Lager Beer is one of the two primary types of beer, the other being ale. It's characterized by its fermentation process, which occurs at lower temperatures and uses bottom-fermenting yeast. Strong Beer, on the other hand, doesn't specifically pertain to its fermentation process but rather its alcohol content, typically exceeding 6% ABV.
Lager Beer often exhibits a cleaner, crisper taste due to the slower fermentation process at cooler temperatures. This distinct taste contrasts with that of Strong Beer, which can range in flavor profiles based on various factors, though its most distinguishing characteristic is its robust alcohol content.
When it comes to global popularity, Lager Beer stands out as one of the most widely consumed types of beer. In contrast, Strong Beer, while enjoyed by many, might not be the first choice for casual drinking given its heavier alcohol content.
Lager Beer usually has a lighter hue and is often associated with a mellow and smooth finish. Strong Beer can vary in color from pale to very dark, and its taste can be more pronounced, offering a richer and more complex flavor profile.
Despite the differences, both Lager Beer and Strong Beer have their devoted fan bases. Some prefer the refreshing simplicity of a Lager, while others seek the depth and potency of a Strong Beer.

Comparison Chart


Bottom-fermented at low temperatures
Can be top or bottom fermented

Alcohol Content

Typically less than 5% ABV
Typically more than 6% ABV


Crisper and lighter
Robust and can be more complex


Usually pale to golden
Can range from pale to very dark


One of the most widely consumed types of beer
Preferred for its stronger alcohol content

Compare with Definitions

Lager Beer

Made using bottom-fermenting yeast.
The unique taste of Lager Beer is due to its specific yeast.

Strong Beer

Not defined by its fermentation process.
Whether ale or lager, it's the alcohol that makes a Strong Beer.

Lager Beer

Typically pale in color.
The golden hue of his drink indicated it was a Lager Beer.

Strong Beer

Often possesses a rich and complex taste.
The deep flavors of the Strong Beer lingered on his palate.

Lager Beer

Widely popular around the world.
Lager Beer is often the go-to choice in many countries.

Strong Beer

Contains higher alcohol content than regular beer.
After a long day, he wanted a Strong Beer to unwind.

Lager Beer

A beer fermented at lower temperatures.
He ordered a Lager Beer to enjoy its crisp taste.

Strong Beer

Can vary greatly in color.
From pale ales to stouts, Strong Beer offers a spectrum of colors.

Lager Beer

Often has a clean, light taste.
Many prefer Lager Beer for its refreshing finish.

Strong Beer

Preferred by those seeking a more potent brew.
For celebrations, many opt for a glass of Strong Beer.

Lager Beer

(dated) lager

Common Curiosities

Why is Lager Beer typically crisper in taste?

Lager Beer's crisper taste results from its slower fermentation process at cooler temperatures.

How is Strong Beer defined?

Strong Beer is primarily defined by its alcohol content, typically exceeding 6% ABV.

What defines a Lager Beer?

Lager Beer is defined by its fermentation process at low temperatures using bottom-fermenting yeast.

Can a Strong Beer also be a Lager Beer?

Yes, if a Lager Beer has a high alcohol content, it can be considered a Strong Beer.

Which is more popular worldwide, Lager Beer or Strong Beer?

Lager Beer is more widely consumed globally, though Strong Beer has its enthusiasts.

Are all Strong Beers dark in color?

No, Strong Beer can range from pale to very dark.

How diverse can Strong Beer flavors be?

Strong Beer can offer a wide range of flavors, from mild to very pronounced.

What colors can Lager Beer be?

Lager Beer is usually pale to golden in color.

Which type of yeast is used in Lager Beer?

Lager Beer uses bottom-fermenting yeast.

Can Lager Beer ever have a high alcohol content?

Yes, some Lagers are crafted to have higher alcohol content and can be considered Strong Beers.

Is Lager Beer always less alcoholic than Strong Beer?

Not necessarily. Some Lagers can have high alcohol content, qualifying them as Strong Beers.

Why might someone choose a Strong Beer over a Lager Beer?

Someone might choose a Strong Beer for its richer flavor and higher alcohol content.

Which beer might be preferred for casual drinking?

While preferences vary, Lager Beer, due to its lighter nature, is often chosen for casual drinking.

Do Strong Beers always have a heavy taste?

Not always. While many Strong Beers have a pronounced flavor, some can be relatively light in taste.

How is the serving temperature for Lager Beer different from Strong Beer?

Lager Beers are often served colder, while some Strong Beers may be served slightly warmer to enhance their flavors.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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