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Landside vs. Airside — What's the Difference?

Landside refers to airport areas accessible to the general public, including check-in and arrival halls, while airside is restricted to passengers and staff, encompassing runways, taxiways, and boarding areas.
Landside vs. Airside — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Landside and Airside


Key Differences

Landside encompasses the parts of an airport that are accessible to both travelers and the general public, including the terminal entrance, check-in desks, baggage claim areas, and airport exits. Airside, on the other hand, is the secure area beyond the security checkpoints, accessible only to passengers holding boarding passes and airport staff. This section includes runways, taxiways, aprons, and the gate areas where passengers board their flights.
The transition from landside to airside marks a critical shift in the level of security and access control within an airport. While the landside is designed to be welcoming and accessible, airside areas are heavily regulated to ensure aviation safety and security, with access strictly controlled through security checkpoints.
Landside facilities often include a wide range of commercial services such as shops, restaurants, car rental agencies, and public transportation links, aimed at serving the needs of arriving, departing, and visiting individuals. In contrast, airside facilities are focused on the operational aspects of air travel, including lounges, boarding gates, and duty-free shops, all designed to cater to the needs of passengers awaiting their flights, within a secure and controlled environment.
The distinction between landside and airside is essential for airport operations, security, and passenger experience, delineating the public and operational zones of an airport and governing the flow of people, goods, and aircraft within its premises.

Comparison Chart


Open to the public and travelers.
Restricted to boarding passengers and staff.

Key Features

Check-in desks, baggage claim, exits.
Runways, taxiways, boarding gates.

Security Level

Lower security, public access.
High security, restricted access.


Shops, restaurants, car rentals.
Lounges, duty-free shops, boarding areas.


Facilitates entry, exit, and check-in.
Focuses on aircraft handling and boarding.

Compare with Definitions


The initial point of entry into the airport.
The spacious entrance hall of the airport leads to various check-in counters.


Where passengers wait to board their flights.
Passengers gather at the boarding gates, waiting for their flight announcement.


Where passengers check in for their flights.
Passengers queued at the check-in desks to drop off their luggage.


Paths for aircraft to move between runways and aprons.
Planes taxi along the taxiways to reach the runways or parking areas.


Area for retrieving checked luggage.
Arriving passengers head to the baggage claim area to collect their bags.


Retail outlets selling goods without local taxes.
Airside duty-free shops offer a range of tax-free products to international travelers.


Shops, eateries, and lounges accessible without a boarding pass.
The landside area boasts a variety of shops and restaurants for visitors.


Exclusive waiting areas for certain passengers.
Business class passengers enjoy amenities in the exclusive airside lounges.


The points through which passengers leave the airport.
Visitors and passengers use the exits to leave the airport for city access.


For aircraft takeoffs and landings.
The airport's runways are meticulously maintained for safe aircraft operations.


The flat side of a plow opposite the furrow.


The part of an airport directly involved in the arrival and departure of aircraft.


Inland; away from the sea.


In the passenger-only area of an airport, beyond security, passport/immigration, and customs controls.
When I was airside, I browsed the duty-free shops.


In the freely-accessible area of an airport, outside of security, passport/immigration, and customs control.
I had to remain landside because I did not have a boarding card.


Into the passenger-only area of an airport, beyond security, passport/immigration, and customs controls.
You have to go through security to go airside.


The flat bottom part of a plough.


A passenger-only area of an airport, beyond security, passport/immigration, and customs controls.


The freely-accessible area of an airport, outside of security, passport/immigration, and customs control.


Component consisting of a side piece opposite the moldboard

Common Curiosities

How do you transition from landside to airside?

Passengers transition from landside to airside through security checkpoints where they are screened before entering the boarding area.

What is landside in an airport?

Landside refers to the airport areas accessible to the general public, including entrances, check-in areas, and baggage claim.

Can the public access airside areas?

No, airside areas are restricted and only accessible to passengers with valid boarding passes and authorized airport personnel.

Can you shop airside?

Yes, there are duty-free shops and retail outlets airside for passengers to shop while waiting for their flights.

What is airside in an airport?

Airside is the secure area beyond security checkpoints, including runways, taxiways, and boarding gates, accessible only to passengers and staff.

Why is security tighter airside?

Security is tighter airside to ensure the safety of flights, passengers, and staff by preventing unauthorized access and potential threats.

How do landside and airside contribute to airport operations?

Landside operations focus on passenger entry and exit, while airside operations are centered on aircraft and boarding processes, together ensuring efficient airport functioning.

What happens if you miss a flight airside?

If you miss your flight airside, you should contact the airline staff for assistance and rebooking options.

What services are available landside?

Landside services include check-in desks, baggage services, shops, restaurants, and transportation links.

What are the main features of airside areas?

Airside features include boarding gates, runways, taxiways, and facilities for aircraft handling and maintenance.

Is food available airside?

Yes, there are often various dining options available airside, catering to passengers awaiting their flights.

Can you move freely between landside and airside?

Movement from landside to airside is regulated through security checks, but returning to landside from airside often requires going through customs and immigration, depending on the airport.

Are there lounges landside?

While most lounges are airside, some airports may offer landside lounges for passengers and visitors.

What is the purpose of landside facilities?

Landside facilities aim to provide a smooth and efficient process for passengers to check in, drop off baggage, and navigate through the airport.

What is the importance of distinguishing between landside and airside?

Distinguishing between landside and airside helps manage airport security, operations, and passenger flow effectively.

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