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Lassie vs. Lassy — Which is Correct Spelling?

Lassie vs. Lassy — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Lassie or Lassy

How to spell Lassie?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Lassie Definitions

Lassie is a fictional female Rough Collie dog, and is featured in a short story by Eric Knight that was later expanded to a full-length novel called Lassie Come-Home. Knight's portrayal of Lassie bears some features in common with another fictional female collie of the same name, featured in the British writer Elizabeth Gaskell's 1859 short story "The Half Brothers".
A lass.
A young girl, a lass, especially one seen as a sweetheart.
A young girl; a lass.
A girl or young woman who is unmarried

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