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Lattitude vs. Latitude — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 26, 2024
"Lattitude" is a common misspelling; the correct term is "Latitude," which denotes the distance from the equator measured in degrees.
Lattitude vs. Latitude — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Lattitude or Latitude

How to spell Latitude?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Associate "Latitude" with "flat," emphasizing the single 't'.
Think of "Latitude" as lines on a globe, with only one vertical line (or 't') in its spelling.
Remember that "Latitude" has only one 't'.
Recollect that "Latitude" rhymes with "attitude," both with one 't'.
Regularly pronounce it correctly as “LAT-i-tude” to internalize the single 't'.

How Do You Spell Latitude Correctly?

Incorrect: He was trying to calculate the lattitude for his geography homework.
Correct: He was trying to calculate the latitude for his geography homework.
Incorrect: The ancient sailors navigated by the stars to determine their lattitude.
Correct: The ancient sailors navigated by the stars to determine their latitude.
Incorrect: Understanding the concept of lattitude is essential for map reading.
Correct: Understanding the concept of latitude is essential for map reading.
Incorrect: The plane flew across several degrees of lattitude to reach its destination.
Correct: The plane flew across several degrees of latitude to reach its destination.
Incorrect: Her dream was to visit cities at every major lattitude around the world.
Correct: Her dream was to visit cities at every major latitude around the world.

Latitude Definitions

The scope for freedom of action or thought.
The manager gave her team latitude in designing the project.
The angular distance of a place north or south of the Earth's equator.
New York has a latitude of approximately 40.7°N.
The extent of angular distance from the equator on celestial bodies.
Mars has a similar system of latitude as Earth.
A geographical region as per its distance from the equator.
The city's tropical latitude results in warm temperatures year-round.
In geography, latitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface. Latitude is an angle (defined below) which ranges from 0° at the Equator to 90° (North or South) at the poles.
The angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator, or of the equator of a celestial object, usually expressed in degrees and minutes
Lines of latitude
At a latitude of 51° N
Scope for freedom of action or thought
Journalists have considerable latitude in criticizing public figures
The angular distance north or south of the earth's equator, measured in degrees along a meridian, as on a map or globe.
A region of the earth considered in relation to its distance from the equator:temperate latitudes.
(Astronomy)The angular distance of a celestial body north or south of the ecliptic.
Freedom from normal restraints, limitations, or regulations.
A range of values or conditions, especially the range of exposures over which a photographic film yields usable images.
(Archaic)Width; breadth.
The angular distance north or south from a planet's equator, measured along the meridian of that particular point.
(geography) An imaginary line (in fact a circumference) around a planet running parallel to the planet's equator.
(figurative) The relative freedom from restrictions; scope to do something.
His parents gave him a great deal of latitude.
(astronomy) The angular distance of a heavenly body from the ecliptic.
(photography) The extent to which a light-sensitive material can be over- or underexposed and still achieve an acceptable result.
Extent or scope; e.g. breadth, width or amplitude.
Extent from side to side, or distance sidewise from a given point or line; breadth; width.
Provided the length do not exceed the latitude above one third part.
Room; space; freedom from confinement or restraint; hence, looseness; laxity; independence.
In human actions there are no degrees and precise natural limits described, but a latitude is indulged.
Extent or breadth of signification, application, etc.; extent of deviation from a standard, as truth, style, etc.
No discreet man will believe Augustine's miracles, in the latitude of monkish relations.
Extent; size; amplitude; scope.
I pretend not to treat of them in their full latitude.
Distance north or south of the equator, measured on a meridian.
The angular distance of a heavenly body from the ecliptic.
The angular distance between an imaginary line around a heavenly body parallel to its equator and the equator itself
Freedom from normal restraints in conduct;
The new freedom in movies and novels
Allowed his children considerable latitude in how they spent their money
An imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator
Scope for freedom of e.g. action or thought; freedom from restriction
A measure of variation or flexibility.
The software offers a lot of latitude for customization.

Latitude Meaning in a Sentence

The higher the latitude, the colder the climate.
Many maps include both longitude and latitude for accuracy.
Latitude affects the amount of sunlight a region receives.
Latitude is key to understanding Earth's geographical zones.
The Arctic Circle is located at a latitude of about 66.5 degrees north.
Latitude lines run parallel to the equator.
To find a specific location, you need its latitude and longitude.
Global positioning systems use latitude to help navigate.
The latitude of a place determines its seasonal changes.
Satellites in orbit use latitude coordinates to map the Earth.
The equator has a latitude of zero degrees.
The concept of latitude was understood by ancient civilizations.
Certain latitudes are known for their spectacular natural phenomena.
The latitude where you live affects your vitamin D synthesis.
Adjusting the latitude setting on a telescope helps with star observation.
The Antarctic Circle marks the latitude of 66.5 degrees south.
Sailors use latitude to chart their courses at sea.
Changes in latitude can affect your body's internal clock.
Latitude lines are measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
Understanding latitude is crucial for pilots and navigators.
Latitude can influence the culture and lifestyle of a region.
Explorers once sought new lands by studying latitude and longitude.

Latitude Idioms & Phrases

Latitude for creativity

The freedom to be creative.
The new assignment offers students plenty of latitude for creativity.

At a high latitude

Referring to a location far north or south on the Earth.
Life at a high latitude requires adaptation to extreme daylight variations.

Expanding one’s latitude

Increasing one's freedom or range of action.
Working remotely has expanded my latitude for balancing work and personal life.

Give full latitude

To allow complete freedom or flexibility.
The manager gave the team full latitude to design the project as they saw fit.

Latitude of interpretation

The freedom to interpret something in various ways.
The law's vague wording leaves too much latitude of interpretation.

Latitude of choice

The freedom to choose among various options.
The new policy gives employees more latitude of choice in their benefits package.

Beyond one’s latitude

Beyond one’s scope of understanding or capability.
The complex calculus problems were beyond the student’s latitude.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Latitude?

There isn't a direct verb form of "Latitude."

What is the pronunciation of Latitude?

Latitude is pronounced as "LAT-i-tude."

What is the root word of Latitude?

The root word is the Latin "latitudo."

What is the plural form of Latitude?

The plural form is "Latitudes."

Which conjunction is used with Latitude?

Depending on context, any conjunction like "and" or "or" can be used with "Latitude."

Which preposition is used with Latitude?

"Of" as in "latitude of a place."

Is Latitude a noun or adjective?

Latitude is primarily a noun.

Is Latitude an adverb?

No, Latitude is not an adverb.

Which article is used with Latitude?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with "Latitude."

What is the singular form of Latitude?

The singular form is "Latitude."

Why is it called Latitude?

It's derived from the Latin word "latitudo," meaning "breadth."

Which vowel is used before Latitude?

The vowel "a" is prominently used in "Latitude."

Is Latitude a negative or positive word?

Latitude is neutral.

Is Latitude an abstract noun?

When referring to freedom or scope, it can be abstract. Otherwise, when denoting geographical measure, it's concrete.

Is Latitude a vowel or consonant?

The word "Latitude" contains both vowels and consonants.

Is Latitude a countable noun?

Yes, you can refer to multiple latitudes.

Is Latitude a collective noun?

No, Latitude is not a collective noun.

What part of speech is Latitude?

Latitude is a noun.

How do we divide Latitude into syllables?

Latitude can be divided as "Lat-i-tude."

Is the Latitude term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically, such as when referring to freedom or flexibility.

Is the word Latitude imperative?

No, Latitude is not imperative.

How many syllables are in Latitude?

Latitude has three syllables.

What is a stressed syllable in Latitude?

The stressed syllable in Latitude is "Lat."

What is another term for Latitude?

Another term could be "parallel" in a geographical context.

What is the opposite of Latitude?

For geographical context, the counterpart is "Longitude." For freedom or scope, the opposite might be "restriction."

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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