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Leaded Petrol vs. Unleaded Petrol — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 22, 2023
Leaded petrol contains the additive tetraethyl lead, while unleaded petrol does not. Both are fuels, but leaded petrol harms the environment and health more.
Leaded Petrol vs. Unleaded Petrol — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Leaded Petrol and Unleaded Petrol


Key Differences

Leaded petrol is a gasoline blend that contains tetraethyl lead as an additive. Unleaded petrol, on the other hand, lacks this particular compound. Both types serve as fuel for combustion engines, but they have distinct compositions and effects.
Leaded petrol was once standard due to its anti-knock properties, enhancing engine performance. Unleaded petrol was introduced as an alternative because of the harmful effects of lead.
Leaded petrol releases lead into the atmosphere, a toxic element harmful to both humans and the environment. Unleaded petrol, while not completely benign, has a significantly reduced impact due to the absence of lead.
Due to its adverse effects, leaded petrol faced bans in many countries, making unleaded petrol the norm. Both types have coexisted, but unleaded petrol is now predominant because of environmental and health concerns.
Engines designed for leaded petrol may suffer from valve wear when run on unleaded petrol. However, many vehicles can use both, especially with additives for older engines that once relied on leaded petrol.

Comparison Chart


Contains tetraethyl lead.
Does not contain tetraethyl lead.

Usage History

Was standard for many years.
Introduced as a cleaner alternative

Health Impacts

Harmful, releases toxic lead.
Lesser health concerns.

Environmental Impact

Causes more pollution due to lead.
Reduced environmental footprint.


Banned or restricted in many countries.
Predominantly used worldwide.

Compare with Definitions

Leaded Petrol

An older fuel type, now largely phased out.
Finding leaded petrol nowadays can be quite challenging.

Unleaded Petrol

Fuel that doesn't release lead when combusted.
Unleaded petrol reduces toxic emissions in the environment.

Leaded Petrol

A gasoline type that releases lead when burned.
Many countries banned leaded petrol due to its environmental impact.

Unleaded Petrol

Gasoline without tetraethyl lead.
Most modern cars are designed to run on unleaded petrol.

Leaded Petrol

A gasoline that can harm catalytic converters.
Using leaded petrol in modern cars can damage the exhaust system.

Unleaded Petrol

The standard gasoline type in many countries.
Stations primarily offer unleaded petrol due to regulations.

Leaded Petrol

A gasoline blend with tetraethyl lead.
Cars from the 1970s often ran on leaded petrol.

Unleaded Petrol

Suitable for most modern internal combustion engines.
Drivers are advised to use unleaded petrol in newer vehicles.

Leaded Petrol

A fuel once common for its anti-knock properties.
Engine performance was enhanced using leaded petrol.

Unleaded Petrol

A cleaner alternative to leaded gasoline.
Environmental concerns prompted the shift to unleaded petrol.

Common Curiosities

Is leaded petrol harmful?

Yes, leaded petrol releases toxic lead affecting both health and environment.

Is unleaded petrol completely safe?

While safer than leaded, unleaded petrol still has environmental and health effects.

Why was leaded petrol popular?

Leaded petrol had anti-knock properties, improving engine performance.

What is leaded petrol?

Leaded petrol is gasoline that contains the additive tetraethyl lead.

How does unleaded petrol differ?

Unleaded petrol is gasoline without the tetraethyl lead additive.

Can I use unleaded petrol in an old car?

Most old cars can use unleaded petrol, though some might need additives.

Why did countries move to unleaded petrol?

Unleaded petrol is more environmentally friendly, prompting its adoption.

Are there places where leaded petrol is still used?

While rare, a few places might still use leaded petrol for specific purposes.

What's the future of leaded petrol?

Given its harmful effects, leaded petrol's use is continually decreasing.

Why was tetraethyl lead added to gasoline in the first place?

It was added to improve octane ratings and reduce engine knocking.

Is unleaded petrol more expensive?

Price varies, but generally, unleaded petrol might be more affordable due to its widespread use.

How does leaded petrol affect car engines?

Leaded petrol can improve performance in older engines but damage modern ones.

Do all countries have unleaded petrol?

Most countries have transitioned to unleaded petrol due to its benefits.

How can I tell if petrol is unleaded or leaded?

Gas stations label their fuels; always check before refueling.

Can leaded petrol damage modern cars?

Yes, leaded petrol can harm catalytic converters in modern vehicles.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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