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Lept vs. Leapt — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 20, 2024
Lept is an incorrect spelling of Leapt, which is the past tense of the verb 'leap,' meaning to jump or spring a long way.
Lept vs. Leapt — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Lept or Leapt

How to spell Leapt?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Leap" + “t” = Leapt.
“Leapt” rhymes with “kept,” which can aid in spelling it with an “a."
Leapt is similar to “leaped," both being past tense forms of “leap."
“Leapt” sounds like “swept,” helping to remember the “ea”.
Think of “yeast,” where “ea” makes an e sound, as in Leapt.

How Do You Spell Leapt Correctly?

Incorrect: The cat lept from the windowsill to the floor.
Correct: The cat leapt from the windowsill to the floor.
Incorrect: The frog lept from leaf to leaf in the pond.
Correct: The frog leapt from leaf to leaf in the pond.
Incorrect: The dancer lept gracefully across the stage.
Correct: The dancer leapt gracefully across the stage.
Incorrect: He lept over the puddle to avoid getting wet.
Correct: He leapt over the puddle to avoid getting wet.
Incorrect: She lept up in excitement when she heard the news.
Correct: She leapt up in excitement when she heard the news.

Leapt Definitions

"Leapt refers to having jumped or sprung upward or forward in distance."
The cat leapt onto the wall.
"Leapt indicates a past action where someone or something jumped."
She leapt across the puddle.
"Leapt signifies a past movement that involves jumping over something."
The deer leapt over the hedge.
"Leapt describes a sudden spring or transition in the past."
He leapt to his feet.
"Leapt is used to convey a historical instance of jumping with force."
The children leapt into the pool.
A past tense and a past participle of leap.
Simple past tense and past participle of leap

Leapt Meaning in a Sentence

The fish leapt out of the water, sparkling in the sunlight.
She leapt out of bed at the sound of the alarm.
She leapt at the opportunity to study abroad.
The athlete leapt to victory in the long jump competition.
The thief leapt through the window to escape.
He leapt off the diving board into the pool.
He leapt into action when he saw the child in danger.
The horse leapt over the fence with ease.
The rabbit leapt into the bushes to hide.
She leapt for joy when she passed the exam.
Her imagination leapt to all sorts of conclusions.
His heart leapt with joy when he saw her.
The superhero leapt from building to building.
The story leapt from one adventure to another.
The frog leapt away just as she tried to catch it.
Their spirits leapt at the sight of the finish line.
He leapt to catch the ball just in time.
The fire leapt higher as the wind picked up.
The deer leapt across the road in front of the car.
The audience leapt to their feet in applause.
The cat leapt onto the counter in a single bound.
The children leapt into the pile of autumn leaves.
She leapt over the obstacles with determination.
The dog leapt up to greet its owner.
He leapt onto the train as the doors were closing.

Leapt Idioms & Phrases

Leapt into the fray

Joined a fight or competition with enthusiasm.
He leapt into the fray, ready to defend his title.

Leapt to mind

Immediately thought of.
The perfect solution leapt to mind during the meeting.

Leapt to the defense

Quickly defended someone or something.
She leapt to the defense of her friend in the argument.

Leapt to conclusions

Made a judgment or decision too quickly.
She often leapt to conclusions without all the facts.

Leapt to one's feet

Stood up quickly.
The audience leapt to their feet in a standing ovation.

Leapt at the chance

Quickly took advantage of an opportunity.
He leapt at the chance to work with the renowned artist.

Leapt over hurdles

Overcame obstacles.
Together, they leapt over hurdles to make the project a success.

Leapt out of one's skin

Got very scared suddenly.
I leapt out of my skin when I saw the spider.

Heart leapt

Felt a sudden burst of emotion.
My heart leapt when I heard her voice.

Leapt off the page

Something that is very striking or noticeable.
The vivid descriptions in the book leapt off the page.

Leapt into action

Started doing something with energy and purpose.
The emergency team leapt into action after the alarm sounded.

Leapt to one's throat

Felt a strong emotional reaction, typically fear.
My heart leapt to my throat when I turned the corner and saw the bear.

Leapt from strength to strength

Progressed from one success to another.
Since its humble beginnings, the company has leapt from strength to strength.

Leapt to one's rescue

Came to help someone in a timely manner.
When I was in trouble, my friend leapt to my rescue.

Eyes leapt

Looked quickly and with interest.
His eyes leapt to the headline of the newspaper.

Leapt to attention

Became alert and ready quickly.
The soldiers leapt to attention when the general entered.

Leapt into the unknown

Took a risk without knowing the outcome.
Starting my own business was like leaping into the unknown.

Leapt ahead

Moved forward quickly, either literally or figuratively.
In technology, we've leapt ahead in the past decade.

Leapt for joy

Expressed happiness energetically.
They leapt for joy upon hearing the good news.

Leapt across the divide

Overcame a significant difference or gap.
The two cultures leapt across the divide with mutual respect.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Leapt?

Leapt is itself a verb (past tense).

Which vowel is used before Leapt?

Vowel usage before "leapt" depends on the specific sentence.

Which preposition is used with Leapt?

Various, e.g., leapt over, into, etc.

Which conjunction is used with Leapt?

Depends on sentence, e.g., "and," "but," etc.

Is Leapt a negative or positive word?


Why is it called Leapt?

The term comes from the Old English “hleapan,” evolving into “leapt” as a past form of “leap.”

What is the pronunciation of Leapt?


What is the root word of Leapt?


Is the Leapt term a metaphor?

No, but it can be used metaphorically.

Which article is used with Leapt?

Can be used with "the" or "a/an" depending on the context.

Is Leapt an adverb?


Is Leapt an abstract noun?


Is Leapt a collective noun?


Is the word “Leapt” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Neither, it's a verb.

What is the singular form of Leapt?

Leapt (it does not have a singular/plural form).

How do we divide Leapt into syllables?

It is one syllable, so it is not divided.

What is a stressed syllable in Leapt?

Leapt is one syllable and is stressed.

What part of speech is Leapt?


What is another term for Leapt?


Which determiner is used with Leapt?

Not specific, depends on the context.

Is Leapt a noun or adjective?


Is the word Leapt a Gerund?


How many syllables are in Leapt?


What is the opposite of Leapt?

There isn’t a direct opposite.

What is the first/second/third form of Leapt?

Leap/Leapt/Leapt (alternative: Leap/Leaped/Leaped).

How is Leapt used in a sentence?

The frog leapt from one lily pad to another.

Is Leapt a vowel or consonant?

It is a word, not a letter.

Is the word Leapt imperative?


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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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