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Letterbox vs. Mailbox — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 8, 2024
A letterbox is a slot in a door or wall for receiving mail, while a mailbox is a physical box for collecting incoming mail, often located at the end of a driveway.
Letterbox vs. Mailbox — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Letterbox and Mailbox


Key Differences

A letterbox, commonly found in the UK and parts of Europe, is a slot in a door or a wall where mail is delivered directly into a home or building. It allows the mail to be securely dropped inside without the need for the recipient to physically collect it from outside. On the other hand, a mailbox, typical in the US, is a separate container or box situated at the boundary of a property or by the roadside. It serves as a designated spot for the deposit and collection of mail, requiring the recipient to retrieve the mail from the box.
While letterboxes are built into the structure of a building, making them a permanent feature, mailboxes can be standalone structures or attached to a post. They can be moved or replaced without affecting the building's structure. Mailboxes also vary widely in design, from simple metal boxes to elaborately decorated containers, reflecting personal or cultural tastes. In contrast, letterboxes tend to be more uniform, focusing on functionality and integration with the building's design.
The security of mail is a concern with both systems, but their designs address it differently. Letterboxes often have internal brushes or flaps to prevent tampering and keep out drafts, whereas mailboxes may have locks or be made of sturdy materials to deter theft. Some modern mailboxes also include features like parcel compartments and security cameras.
Accessibility is another point of difference. Letterboxes provide direct inside access to mail, making it convenient during bad weather or for individuals with mobility issues. Mailboxes, however, may require the recipient to go outside, which can be less convenient in inclement weather or for those with limited mobility. However, mailboxes can offer more space for larger parcels that wouldn't fit through a letterbox slot.
Maintenance and customization reflect another difference between the two. Mailboxes, especially those exposed to the elements, may require more maintenance, including repairs and painting. They also offer more opportunities for personalization through design and decoration. Letterboxes, being part of a building's structure, generally require less maintenance and offer fewer options for customization.

Comparison Chart


Integrated into a building's door or wall
Situated outside, often at the edge of a property

Security Features

Internal brushes or flaps for privacy and draft prevention
Locks and sturdy materials to prevent tampering


Direct inside access, convenient for all weathers
Requires going outside, may be less accessible


Minimal, as it is part of the building structure
May require more due to exposure to elements


Limited, typically uniform in appearance
High, with a wide range of designs and decorations available

Mail Capacity

Limited to what can fit through the slot
Can accommodate larger parcels and a higher volume of mail

Typical Use

Common in the UK and parts of Europe
Predominant in the US and other countries

Compare with Definitions


A feature for direct mail delivery inside homes or offices.
Their new home has a letterbox with a draught excluder.


A freestanding box for collecting incoming and outgoing mail.
Their mailbox features a custom design reflecting the homeowner's interests.


A secure method to receive daily mail without external access.
The letterbox ensures privacy and security for their mail.


A box with a lock for secure mail storage outside a home.
They installed a new mailbox with a lock to prevent mail theft.


A slot in a door or wall for receiving mail.
She dropped the letter through the letterbox of the front door.


Used for both receiving mail and sending outgoing letters.
She placed the letter in the mailbox, raising the red flag to signal outgoing mail.


Integrated mail slot designed to secure mail inside a building.
The antique door featured an ornate brass letterbox.


A container for receiving mail at the end of a driveway.
He checked the mailbox for the day’s mail, finding a couple of bills.


A built-in component of a building’s entry for mail delivery.
The modern design of the house included a discreet letterbox.


Often located by the roadside for easy mail carrier access.
The blue mailbox stood out against the white picket fence.


See mailbox.


A public container for deposit of outgoing mail. Also called postbox.


A format for presenting movies on television that maintains the rectangular theater image on a television screen by reducing the overall image until the full width can be seen, resulting in blank space above and below the image.


A private box for incoming mail. Also called letterbox.


To produce or present (film) in a letterbox format.


A computer file or set of files for the collection and storage of email.


A box into which mail is put.


A box into which mail is put.


A collection point for mail intended for onward delivery, a secure box or receptacle for this purpose.


A collection point for mail intended for onward delivery, a secure box or receptacle for this purpose.


A delivery point for mail, a box, compartment or slot for this purpose.
A wad of junk mail was pushed through the letterbox in the front door and dropped onto the mat.


A delivery point for mail, a box, compartment or slot for this purpose.


A hidden container that holds a logbook and rubber stamp, found by following clues as a form of recreation.


(computing) A folder or account for the storage of email; an electronic inbox or mailstore.


(mountaineering) A rectangular hole or slot.


A public box for deposit of mail, where it is later picked up by the postal authority for delivery.


(film) Transferred to home video formats while preserving the original aspect ratio, having black bars above and below the picture area.


A private box to recieve delivery of mail. The term is used both for boxes receiving mail delivered by the public postal authority, or by a private services, such as for mail to employees in large corporations.


(film) To transfer a widescreen motion picture to home video formats while preserving the original aspect ratio, with the placing of black bars above and below the picture area.


A location within a computer storage device where electronic mail is held until it is retrieved by the addressee. Creation and use of an electronic mailbox requires special software as well as a data storage device.


To hunt for letterboxes (containers with logbook and rubber stamp) by following clues.


A private box for delivery of mail


Public box for deposit of mail

Common Curiosities

Where are letterboxes most common?

Letterboxes are typical in the UK and parts of Europe.

What is a mailbox?

A physical container located outside for collecting incoming mail.

Can I customize my mailbox?

Absolutely, mailboxes offer a wide range of customization options.

Can mailboxes secure large packages?

Yes, many mailboxes are designed to accommodate larger parcels.

What is a letterbox?

A slot in a building's door or wall for receiving mail directly inside.

How do I retrieve mail from a letterbox?

Mail delivered through a letterbox is accessible from inside the building.

Do all homes have a letterbox?

Not all; the choice between a letterbox and mailbox can depend on location and preference.

Are letterboxes secure?

While they offer some security features, their security level can vary.

Do mailboxes require maintenance?

Yes, especially those exposed to weather conditions.

What materials are mailboxes made from?

They can be made from metal, plastic, wood, or other durable materials.

Why might someone choose a mailbox over a letterbox?

For greater capacity, security features, or aesthetic reasons.

Can letterboxes handle parcel delivery?

Generally, no, unless the parcel is small enough to fit through the slot.

Is it easier to send mail from a mailbox?

Yes, outgoing mail can be sent from a mailbox with a flag signal for pickup.

Are mailboxes only found at residential properties?

No, they can also be used at businesses and multi-family dwellings.

What happens if a package doesn’t fit in a mailbox?

Delivery services may leave a note or attempt a direct delivery to the recipient.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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