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Linear vs. Quadratic — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 13, 2024
Linear refers to equations or functions that graph as straight lines, characterized by a constant rate of change, while quadratic equations form parabolas, featuring a squared variable that introduces curvature and variable rates of change.
Linear vs. Quadratic — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Linear and Quadratic


Key Differences

Linear functions, represented by the formula y=mx+b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept, describe relationships with a constant rate of change. This means that for any equal increments in the independent variable (typically x), there's a consistent change in the dependent variable (y). In contrast, quadratic functions, typically represented as y=ax2 +bx+c, involve an 2 x 2 term that causes the graph to curve into a parabola. This curvature indicates a variable rate of change, where the rate accelerates or decelerates based on the value of x.
The graphical representation of a linear equation is a straight line, which can extend infinitely in both directions along the plane. Quadratic equations graph as parabolas, which can open upwards or downwards depending on the sign of the coefficient a. The parabola's vertex represents the maximum or minimum point, a feature not present in linear graphs due to their constant slope.
Linear equations are often used to model situations where relationships between two variables are proportional and additive, such as calculating distance over time at a constant speed. Quadratic equations are suited to modeling scenarios where the rate of change itself changes over time, such as the trajectory of a projectile under the influence of gravity.
Solving linear equations typically involves finding the values of x that make the equation true for a given y, often resulting in a single solution. Solving quadratic equations can result in two solutions, corresponding to the points where the parabola intersects the x-axis, and involves techniques such as factoring, completing the square, or using the quadratic formula.

Comparison Chart


Y=ax2 +bx+c

Graph Shape

Straight line

Rate of Change


Typical Uses

Proportional relationships
Situations with changing rates of change


Typically one solution for a given y
Can have two solutions, no solution, or one solution

Compare with Definitions


Involves a constant rate of change.
The cost increases linearly with the number of items purchased.


Features a squared variable, introducing curvature.
The area of a square can be modeled by a quadratic equation based on the side length.


Graphs as a straight line.
A plot of temperature versus time for a steadily heating object is linear.


Used for equations with variable rates of change.
Acceleration due to gravity can be represented by a quadratic equation.


Equation form is y = mx+b.
In the equation y = 3x+2, 3 is the slope and 2 is the y-intercept.


Graphs as a parabola.
The trajectory of a ball thrown upwards forms a parabolic path.


Has a uniform gradient.
A linear graph's slope remains the same throughout.


Can have zero, one, or two x-intercepts.
Depending on its coefficients, a quadratic equation may not intersect the x-axis.


Used in simple proportional relationships.
The distance traveled is linearly related to speed when time is constant.


Equation form is y=ax2 +bx+c.
In y = 2 x 2 − 4x+1, 2 is the coefficient affecting the parabola's width.


Arranged in or extending along a straight or nearly straight line
Linear movement


Of, relating to, or containing quantities of the second degree.


Progressing from one stage to another in a single series of steps; sequential
A linear narrative




Of, relating to, or resembling a line; straight.


(mathematics) of a polynomial, involving the second power (square) of a variable but no higher powers, as ax^2 + bx + c. Category:en:Polynomials


In, of, describing, described by, or related to a straight line.


(mathematics) of an equation, of the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0.


Having only one dimension.


(mathematics) of a function, of the form y = ax^2 + bx + c .


Characterized by, composed of, or emphasizing drawn lines rather than painterly effects.


(mathematics) A quadratic polynomial, function or equation.


(Botany) Narrow and elongated with nearly parallel margins
A linear leaf.


Of or pertaining to a square, or to squares; resembling a quadrate, or square; square.


Having the form of a line; straight or roughly straight; following a direct course.




Of or relating to lines.


Pertaining to terms of the second degree; as, a quadratic equation, in which the highest power of the unknown quantity is a square.


Made, or designed to be used, in a step-by-step, sequential manner.
A linear medium


An equation in which the highest power of an unknown quantity is a square


Long and narrow, with nearly parallel sides.


A polynomial of the second degree


(mathematics) Of or relating to a class of polynomial of the form y = ax + b . Category:en:Polynomials


Of or relating to or resembling a square;
Quadratic shapes


(physics) A type of length measurement involving only one spatial dimension as opposed to area or volume.
A linear meter


Of or relating to the second power;
Quadratic equation


(radio slang) linear amplifier.


Of or pertaining to a line; consisting of lines; in a straight direction; lineal.


Like a line; narrow; of the same breadth throughout, except at the extremities; as, a linear leaf.


Thinking in a step-by-step analytical and logical fashion; contrasted with holistic, i.e. thinking in terms of complex interrelated patterns; as, linear thinkers.
Linear thinkers concluded that by taking the world apart, the actions of people were more predictable and controllable.


Designating or involving an equation whose terms are of the first degree


Of or in or along or relating to a line; involving a single dimension;
A linear foot


Of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input;
Analogue device
Linear amplifier


Of a leaf shape; long and narrow


Measured lengthwise;
Cost of lumber per running foot

Common Curiosities

What does the coefficient a in a quadratic equation affect?

The coefficient a affects the width and direction (upward or downward opening) of the parabola in a quadratic equation.

Can a linear equation have a squared term?

No, the presence of a squared variable term would make the equation quadratic, not linear.

Are all straight lines represented by linear equations?

Yes, all straight lines can be represented by linear equations, but the slope and intercept may vary.

How can quadratic equations be solved?

Quadratic equations can be solved by factoring, completing the square, graphing, or using the quadratic formula.

Can quadratic equations have more than two solutions?

In the real number system, quadratic equations can have a maximum of two solutions, but they may also have one or no real solution.

What role does the y-intercept b play in linear equations?

The y-intercept b in linear equations represents the point where the line crosses the y-axis, indicating the value of y when x=0.

What defines a linear equation?

A linear equation is defined by a straight-line graph and a constant rate of change, typically in the form y=mx+b.

How do quadratic equations differ from linear ones?

Quadratic equations involve a squared variable, leading to a parabolic graph and variable rates of change, unlike the constant rate of linear equations.

How is the vertex of a parabola determined in a quadratic equation?

The vertex of a parabola in a quadratic equation can be found using the formula −b/(2a) for the x-coordinate, and then substituting this back into the equation for y.

Why are linear equations considered simpler than quadratic equations?

Linear equations are considered simpler due to their constant rate of change and straightforward graphical representation as a straight line, unlike the variable rates and parabolic graph of quadratic equations.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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