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Lipstick vs. Lip Balm — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 18, 2023
Lipstick provides color and potentially a finish to lips, while lip balm primarily offers hydration and protection without color.
Lipstick vs. Lip Balm — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Lipstick and Lip Balm


Key Differences

Lipstick is a cosmetic product that accentuates the lips, often infusing them with vibrant, pigmented colors. Lip balm, in a stark contrast, is not usually tinted and primarily strives to hydrate and nourish the lips, enhancing their natural state.
Lip balm generally plays a pivotal role in lip care, furnishing moisture and often providing a shield against harsh weather conditions. Conversely, lipstick, while it may offer some hydrating qualities, predominantly focuses on beautifying the lips with a spectrum of colors and finishes.
Lipstick can transform a look, adding a dash of elegance or a pop of playfulness depending on the chosen hue. Whereas, lip balm often silently works in the background, invisibly nurturing the lips and maintaining their health without altering their natural color.
Lip balm and lipstick can sometimes cross paths in products that merge color and care, providing a tint while also moisturizing the lips. Lipstick primarily brings aesthetic value to a makeup look, while lip balm is often the unseen hero that preps and preserves the lips.
Lipstick may come in a multitude of finishes, from matte to glossy, offering a versatile palette of stylistic choices. Lip balm, regardless of whether it imparts a sheer tint or not, persistently remains a staple in lip care, safeguarding them against dryness and chapping.

Comparison Chart

Primary Purpose

Add color and possibly finish to lips
Hydrate and protect lips


Typically pigmented
Usually not pigmented


Available in various finishes (matte, glossy)
Mostly clear, sometimes glossy

Usage Occasion

Often used in makeup looks
Used for lip care and protection

Common Ingredients

Waxes, oils, pigments
Waxes, oils, sometimes vitamins

Compare with Definitions


Lipstick accentuates lips with color.
Her lipstick matched her outfit perfectly.

Lip Balm

Lip balm hydrates and nourishes lips.
She applied lip balm to soothe her chapped lips.


Lipstick can elevate a makeup look.
Her lipstick added an elegant touch to her ensemble.

Lip Balm

Lip balm provides protective lip care.
He used lip balm to protect against the harsh wind.


Lipstick is a pigmented lip cosmetic.
She applied red lipstick to make a bold statement.

Lip Balm

Lip balm often contains moisturizing ingredients.
The lip balm, rich in vitamin E, healed her dry lips.


Lipstick comes in various colors and finishes.
She chose a matte lipstick for a subdued look.

Lip Balm

Lip balm usually has a clear, subtle finish.
Her lip balm gave a gentle shine without color.


Lipstick can define and enhance lip shape.
She used lipstick to create a fuller lip illusion.

Lip Balm

Lip balm can act as a base for other lip products.
She used lip balm underneath her lipstick for extra hydration.


A small stick of waxy lip coloring enclosed in a cylindrical case.


The waxy lip coloring within a tube of lipstick
Left some lipstick on the rim of the glass.


(uncountable) Makeup for the lips.
Are you wearing any lipstick today?


(countable) A stick of this makeup.
I'd like three lipsticks in this shade.


A dog's penis.


(transitive) To apply lipstick to; to paint with lipstick.


Makeup that is used to color the lips


Form by tracing with lipstick;
The clown had lipsticked circles on his cheeks


Apply lipstick to;
She lipsticked her mouth

Common Curiosities

Is lip balm typically colored?

Generally, lip balm is clear, but tinted versions are available.

Can lipstick offer hydration?

Some lipsticks are formulated with hydrating ingredients for added moisture.

Does lipstick always have a glossy finish?

No, lipstick is available in various finishes like matte, satin, and glossy.

Does lipstick expire?

Yes, lipstick typically has a shelf life of 1-2 years.

Can lip balm be used under lipstick?

Yes, lip balm can hydrate lips and serve as a base for lipstick.

What is the primary purpose of lipstick?

Lipstick primarily aims to provide color to the lips.

Does lipstick usually contain wax?

Yes, many lipsticks contain wax to maintain their shape and apply smoothly.

Can lip balm provide sun protection?

Yes, some lip balms contain SPF to protect lips from UV rays.

Is lip balm necessary in a skincare routine?

While not mandatory, lip balm is beneficial for maintaining lip health.

Is lipstick only available in traditional bullet forms?

No, lipstick is also available in liquid, pencil, and other formats.

Can lip balm be used overnight?

Yes, applying lip balm overnight can help nourish the lips.

Can men use lip balm?

Absolutely, lip balm is suitable for anyone who wants to hydrate their lips.

Can lipstick be used as a cheek tint?

Yes, some people use lipstick as a makeshift blush.

Should I use lipstick or lip balm for dry lips?

Lip balm is typically recommended to hydrate and repair dry lips.

Should lip balm be used daily?

Using lip balm daily can help maintain hydrated and healthy lips.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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