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Lipstick vs. Lip Tint — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on October 21, 2023
Lipstick offers creamy, pigmented coverage and is available in various finishes, while Lip Tint provides a lighter, often translucent wash of color, known for its longer-lasting stain effect.
Lipstick vs. Lip Tint — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Lipstick and Lip Tint


Key Differences

Lipstick, generally presented in a bullet or tube, often provides rich, pigmented color and comes in a variety of finishes like matte, satin, or gloss. Lip Tint, on the other hand, leans towards delivering a sheer, more natural-looking shade, while still occasionally offering bold color options.
In terms of longevity, Lipstick may require reapplication throughout the day, especially after meals or drinks, due to its creamy or glossy texture. Contrastingly, Lip Tint, known for its impressive staying power, offers a long-lasting hue that often withstands eating and drinking.
Lipstick can offer a bold and dramatic look, being a staple in many makeup routines for its ability to define and accentuate the lips. Lip Tint, offering a subtler appearance, is often favored for a more understated and fresh, youthful aesthetic, especially in casual or daily wear.
From a user perspective, Lipstick might be chosen for its moisturizing properties, especially those formulated with hydrating ingredients. Lip Tint, although providing long-lasting color, may sometimes lack in the moisturization department, occasionally necessitating a lip balm underneath.
Lipstick often serves as a statement makeup piece, playing a pivotal role in both day and evening looks, offering transformative powers in makeup artistry. Lip Tint, celebrated for its simplicity, is commonly utilized for achieving an effortless “my-lips-but-better” look, apt for minimalistic styles.

Comparison Chart

Texture & Finish

Creamy/glossy, various finishes
Generally sheer/light, often more watery

Color Payoff

Usually highly pigmented
Translucent to bold, but often softer


May require reapplication
Known for longer-lasting color

Look & Aesthetic

Can be bold or subtle, dramatic
Usually natural, fresh, and subtle


Directly from bullet or with a brush
Can be dabbed on with fingers or applicator

Compare with Definitions


Available in numerous shades and finishes.
The matte Lipstick provided a sultry, non-shiny finish.

Lip Tint

Typically presents a more natural or subtle appearance.
The peach Lip Tint gave her a fresh, youthful look.


Can be moisturizing and nourishing with certain formulations.
Her Lipstick kept her lips soft and vibrant throughout the day.

Lip Tint

Ideal for a “my-lips-but-better” aesthetic.
The subtle rose Lip Tint enhanced her natural lip color.


A cosmetic product that adds color and texture to the lips.
Her red Lipstick made a bold statement.

Lip Tint

Known for its staining effect, offering long-lasting color.
Her Lip Tint remained vibrant even after lunch.


A popular choice for both everyday and glamorous looks.
The vampy Lipstick added drama to her evening attire.

Lip Tint

A cosmetic for coloring the lips, often with a lightweight formula.
The Lip Tint provided a gentle flush of color.


Often packaged in a bullet or tube for application.
She pulled the golden Lipstick tube from her purse.

Lip Tint

May come in liquid or gel forms, sometimes with a wand applicator.
She applied the Lip Tint using its built-in sponge applicator.


A small stick of waxy lip coloring enclosed in a cylindrical case.


The waxy lip coloring within a tube of lipstick
Left some lipstick on the rim of the glass.


(uncountable) Makeup for the lips.
Are you wearing any lipstick today?


(countable) A stick of this makeup.
I'd like three lipsticks in this shade.


A dog's penis.


(transitive) To apply lipstick to; to paint with lipstick.


Makeup that is used to color the lips


Form by tracing with lipstick;
The clown had lipsticked circles on his cheeks


Apply lipstick to;
She lipsticked her mouth

Common Curiosities

Can Lipstick be used to create bold looks?

Absolutely, Lipstick can create bold, dramatic lip looks.

What finishes does Lipstick commonly come in?

Lipstick is available in various finishes like matte, satin, and gloss.

Is Lip Tint generally long-lasting?

Yes, Lip Tint is often favored for its long-lasting color.

Is Lip Tint commonly used in Korean beauty?

Yes, Lip Tint is a popular choice in Korean beauty for achieving a soft, gradient lip.

Is Lip Tint suitable for a natural makeup look?

Yes, Lip Tint is often used to achieve a natural, subtle lip color.

How does Lip Tint provide color?

Lip Tint typically offers a wash or stain of color, often more subtle than Lipstick.

Can Lipstick also be hydrating?

Yes, many Lipsticks are formulated with moisturizing ingredients to hydrate lips.

Does Lipstick come in various color options?

Yes, Lipstick is available in a wide range of colors and shades.

How do you apply Lip Tint?

Lip Tint can be applied with an applicator, brush, or fingers.

Can Lip Tint appear bold if layered?

Yes, some Lip Tints can provide bolder color when layered.

Can Lip Tint be drying on the lips?

Some people find certain Lip Tints to be less hydrating and may use a lip balm underneath.

What is the typical packaging for Lipstick?

Lipstick traditionally comes in a bullet or tube format.

How do I remove long-wearing Lipstick?

Long-wearing Lipstick might require an oil-based remover for effective removal.

Are there Lipsticks with non-traditional colors available?

Absolutely, Lipstick is available in an array of unconventional colors like blue, black, or green.

Can Lipstick be layered with other lip products?

Yes, Lipstick can be layered with lip liners, glosses, or balms for varied looks and finishes.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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