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Lisense vs. License — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 28, 2024
Lisense is an incorrect spelling; the correct spelling is License, which refers to a permit from an authority to own or use something, conduct a particular activity, or carry out a specific action.
Lisense vs. License — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Lisense or License

How to spell License?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Consider associating "License" with "compliance," both having “c.”
Use mnemonics: Lovely Ice Cream Ends Nicely, Surprising Every Customer (LICENSE).
Link "License" to "Ice" as they both contain “ice.”
Recall the phrase "driving license," which is commonly used and spelled with “c.”
Remember “cense” sounds like "sense," which is spelled with a “c,” not an “s” - License.

How Do You Spell License Correctly?

Incorrect: The company applied for a software lisense.
Correct: The company applied for a software license.
Incorrect: He needed a lisense to open his restaurant.
Correct: He needed a license to open his restaurant.
Incorrect: She was caught driving without a lisense.
Correct: She was caught driving without a license.
Incorrect: The film had a lisense to use the famous song.
Correct: The film had a license to use the famous song.
Incorrect: He was given a lisense to express his ideas freely.
Correct: He was given a license to express his ideas freely.

License Definitions

License as Document: A license is a document that confirms such permission. She showed her fishing license.
License as Permission: A license is an official permission to do, use, or own something.
He has a license to sell alcohol.
License as Allow: In software, a license typically allows users to utilize the software under specific conditions.
The software license expires next year.
Official or legal permission to engage in a regulated activity
"He believed that the subcommittee gave him license to interrogate anyone about any possible links to communism" (Donald A. Ritchie).
A document, card, plate, or tag that is issued as proof of official or legal permission
A driver's license.
A contract allowing someone to use a proprietary product or service
Has a site license for that software.
Freedom of action or permission to act
"Doctors labeled many of the organs of the immune system 'functionless' ... giving surgeons license to remove them with abandon" (Andrew Weil).
Poetic license.
Lack of due restraint; excessive freedom
"It is important to preserve freedom only for people who are willing to practice self-denial, for otherwise freedom degenerates into license and irresponsibility" (Milton Friedman).
Heedlessness for the precepts of proper behavior, especially with regard to sex
"noir stories of the consequences of sexual license" (Foster Hirsch).
An excuse or justification to do something wrong
People who see low-fat labels as a license to eat larger amounts.
To give or yield permission to or for
"Deep down I wondered what licensed me to speak" (Jan Clausen).
To grant a license to or for; authorize.
A legal document giving official permission to do something; a permit.
The legal terms under which a person is allowed to use a product, especially software.
Freedom to deviate deliberately from normally applicable rules or practices (especially in behaviour or speech).
Excessive freedom; lack of due restraint.
To authorize officially.
I am licensed to practice law in this state.
(transitive) (applied to a piece of intellectual property)
To give formal authorization to use.
It was decided to license Wikipedia under the GFDL.
To acquire authorization to use, usually in exchange for compensation.
The filmmakers licensed several iconic 80's songs for the soundtrack.
(transitive) To give permission or freedom to; accept.
To permit (as grammatically correct).
No English adverbs have mandatory complements, and most don't even license optional ones.
Authority or liberty given to do or forbear any act; especially, a formal permission from the proper authorities to perform certain acts or to carry on a certain business, which without such permission would be illegal; a grant of permission; as, a license to preach, to practice medicine, to sell gunpowder or intoxicating liquors.
To have a license and a leave at London to dwell.
The document granting such permission.
Excess of liberty; freedom abused, or used in contempt of law or decorum; disregard of law or propriety.
License they mean when they cry liberty.
That deviation from strict fact, form, or rule, in which an artist or writer indulges, assuming that it will be permitted for the sake of the advantage or effect gained; as, poetic license; grammatical license, etc.
To permit or authorize by license; to give license to; as, to license a man to preach.
A legal document giving official permission to do something
Freedom to deviate deliberately from normally applicable rules or practices (especially in behavior or speech)
Excessive freedom; lack of due restraint;
When liberty becomes license dictatorship is near
The intolerable license with which the newspapers break...the rules of decorum
The act of giving a formal (usually written) authorization
Authorize officially;
I am licensed to practice law in this state
License as Freedom: License can also mean the freedom to act as one wishes.
The director gave the actor license to interpret the role freely.
License as Excess: License can also indicate deviating from normal conduct. The festival was not an occasion for license.

License Meaning in a Sentence

The fishing license is valid for the entire season.
He was granted a license to hold a public demonstration.
You must have a driver's license to operate a vehicle.
The restaurant finally received its liquor license.
The license plate was registered to a different vehicle.
Installing this software requires a valid license.
The city issued a business license to the new store.
Without a license, you cannot legally sell alcohol.
Her pilot's license was prominently displayed in her office.
To broadcast this music, you'll need a license.
They operated without a license and faced penalties.
The license agreement specifies the terms of use.
The creative commons license allows for free distribution.
A marriage license is required to legally marry.
The patent license was a major asset for the company.
Your dog must be registered and have a license.
The TV show got a license to cover the event.
The new law affects license renewal processes.
His license was suspended due to reckless driving.
You need a license to sell food in public spaces.
Her license to practice medicine was renewed last year.
Before you hunt, ensure your license is current.
The license for the software expired yesterday.
She lost her license for violating industry regulations.
Obtaining a license can be a lengthy process.

License Idioms & Phrases

License to print money

A guaranteed way to make a lot of money, often with little effort.
Many see owning a casino as a license to print money.

Artistic license

The freedom to create an artwork, musical work, or piece of writing based on the artist's interpretation and to deviate from traditional or factual constraints.
The painter took artistic license with the colors to evoke more emotion.

Poetic license

The freedom to deviate from the facts or from the conventional rules of language when writing or speaking in order to create an effect.
The author used poetic license to bend historical facts for the sake of the story.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of License?

The verb form is "to license."

What is the pronunciation of License?

It is pronounced as /ˈlaɪsəns/.

Why is it called License?

It is called "license" deriving from the Latin word "licentia," meaning "freedom, liberty, license."

Which vowel is used before License?

Typically "a" or "the" (not a vowel) is used before "license" depending on context.

What is the singular form of License?


What is the root word of License?

The root word is the Latin “licentia.”

Which preposition is used with License?

"To" is often used, as in "licensed to."

Which conjunction is used with License?

No specific conjunction is always used with "license."

Is License a negative or positive word?

It is neutral, depending on the context it can be either.

Is License an abstract noun?

Yes, as it can represent an idea or concept.

Is License a countable noun?

Yes, you can have one license or several licenses.

Is the word License is Gerund?

No, it is not a gerund.

How many syllables are in License?

Two syllables.

Which determiner is used with License?

Determiners like "this," "my," or "a" can be used.

What is the first form of License?


What is the plural form of License?


Is the License term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically.

Is License a vowel or consonant?

"License" is a word, not a vowel or consonant.

What is the third form of License?


Is License an adverb?

No, license is not an adverb.

Is License a collective noun?

No, license is not a collective noun.

How do we divide License into syllables?


What part of speech is License?

It is a noun and can also be used as a verb.

What is another term for License?


What is the second form of License?


Which article is used with License?

"A" or "the" can be used with "license."

Is License a noun or adjective?

License is primarily a noun.

Is the word License is imperative?

No, license is not imperative.

Is the word “License” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be either, depending on sentence construction.

What is a stressed syllable in License?

The first syllable “Li” is stressed.

What is the opposite of License?


How is License used in a sentence?

She applied for a license to open a bakery.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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