Ask Difference

Little vs. Small — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 13, 2024
Little emphasizes the small size or amount of something, often with a nuance of endearment or insignificance, while small is a straightforward adjective describing size, typically without additional emotional or qualitative implications.
Little vs. Small — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Little and Small


Key Differences

Little often conveys more than just size; it can imply affection, diminutiveness, or lesser degree, depending on context. It's frequently used in a subjective manner to highlight the emotional or qualitative aspect of an object or quantity. Small, on the other hand, is a more objective term that strictly refers to size. It's used to describe physical dimensions, capacity, or extent, generally without any implied emotions or qualitative judgments.
In sentences like "She gave him a little smile," the word "little" not only indicates the size of the smile but also adds a layer of warmth or subtlety to the action. When someone says, "It's a small world," they're referring to the surprising or coincidental connections between people, emphasizing the world's size in a figurative sense without any emotional undertones.
Little can also suggest a small amount of something, often with an implication that the amount is insufficient or just barely enough. For example, "There's little hope left" suggests not only that hope is scarce but also that its scarcity is significant or lamentable. Small is less likely to be used in contexts where the amount of something is being evaluated in terms of sufficiency. It is more neutral and factual, such as in "small portions," where the emphasis is on the physical quantity rather than its adequacy or emotional weight.
Little is somewhat more flexible than small. It can be used as both an adjective and an adverb, as in "little known facts," where it qualifies the extent to which the facts are known, or "think little of," where it describes the degree of regard. Small, while primarily an adjective, doesn't commonly serve as an adverb in modern English.
Little and small can sometimes be used interchangeably, but their subtle differences in connotation and usage highlight the richness of English vocabulary. Choosing between them depends on the speaker's intent whether to simply describe size or to imbue the description with an additional layer of meaning.

Comparison Chart


Implies affection, insignificance, or lesser degree
Strictly refers to size, without emotional implications

Usage as adverb

Can be used as an adverb
Not commonly used as an adverb

Emotional weight

Often carries emotional or qualitative implications
Typically neutral, focusing on physical dimensions

Contextual use

Can suggest inadequacy or endearment
Used in a broader range of contexts without implying inadequacy


More flexible in usage, can imply quantity or degree
Less flexible, primarily describes physical size or extent

Compare with Definitions


Used to describe a small amount of something.
There's little sugar left in the jar.


(Of businesses) modest in size or scope.
He started a small tech company.


Expressing a small degree or slight extent.
They had little in common.


Used to express affection or diminution.
Her small gesture of kindness meant a lot.


Indicating affection or pity.
He felt a little sorry for her.


Of a size that is less than normal or usual.
They moved into a small apartment downtown.


Referring to a young child.
The little ones were fast asleep by 8 PM.


Insignificant or unimportant.
It's a small problem that can be easily fixed.


Small in size, amount, or degree.
She lived in a little cottage by the sea.


Limited in degree or extent.
She made a small adjustment to the settings.


Small in size, amount, or degree (often used to convey an appealing diminutiveness or express an affectionate or condescending attitude)
A little puppy dog
A boring little man
The plants will grow into little bushes


Being below average in size
A small car.


A small amount of
You only see a little of what he can do
We got a little help from a training scheme


Being below average in quantity or extent
A small donation.
A small project.


Used to emphasize how small an amount is
The rouble is worth so little these days
He ate and drank very little
There was very little time to be lost
I have little doubt of their identity


Limited in importance or significance; trivial
A small matter.


A small amount of
We got a little help from a training scheme
You only see a little of what he can do


Having limited position, influence, or status; minor
"A crowd of small writers had vainly attempted to rival Addison" (Thomas Macaulay).


Used to emphasize how small an amount is
I have little doubt of their identity
He ate and drank very little
The rouble is worth so little these days
There was very little time to be lost


Unpretentious; modest
Made a small living.
Helped the cause in my own small way.


To a small extent
I was always a little afraid of her
He reminded me a little of my parents


Not fully grown; very young
A small child.


Only to a small extent; not much or often (used for emphasis)
He was little known in this country
He had slept little these past weeks


Narrow in outlook; petty
A small mind.


Small in size
A little dining room.


Having been belittled; humiliated
Their comments made me feel small.


Small in quantity or extent
A little money.
A little work on the side.


Diluted; weak. Used of alcoholic beverages.


Short in extent or duration; brief
There is little time left.


Lacking force or volume
A small voice.


Unimportant; trivial
A little matter.


Type the password in small letters.


Narrow; petty
Mean little comments.
A little mind consumed with trivia.


In small pieces
Cut the meat up small.


Having scant power or influence; of minor status
Just a little clerk in the records office.


Without loudness or forcefulness; softly.


Being at an early stage of growth; young
A little child.


In a small manner.


Younger or youngest. Used especially of a sibling
My little brother is leaving for college next week.


A part that is smaller or narrower than the rest
The small of the back.


Not much; scarcely
Works long hours, sleeping little.


Small things considered as a group.


Not in the least; not at all
They little expected such a generous gift.


Chiefly British Small items of clothing.


A small quantity or amount
Give me a little.


Not large or big; insignificant; few in number.
A small serving of ice cream.
A small group.
He made us all feel small.


Something much less than all
I know little of their history.


(figuratively) Young, as a child.
Remember when the children were small?


A short distance or time
A little down the road.
Waited a little.


Minuscule or lowercase, referring to written or printed letters.


Small in size.
This is a little table.


Humiliated or insignificant.
The bullies had succeeded in making him feel small.


Insignificant, trivial.
It's of little importance.


Evincing little worth or ability; not large-minded; paltry; mean.


(offensive) Used to belittle a person.
Listen up, you little shit.


Not prolonged in duration; not extended in time; short.
A small space of time


Very young.
Did he tell you any embarrassing stories about when she was little?
That's the biggest little boy I've ever seen.


Synonym of little
Small science


(of a sibling) Younger.
This is my little sister.


(archaic) Slender, gracefully slim.


(often capitalized) Used with the name of a place, especially of a country or its capital, to denote a neighborhood whose residents or storekeepers are from that place.


That is small the manufactured size.
I'll have a small coffee, thanks.


(derogatory) To imply that the inhabitants of the place have an insular attitude and are hostile to those they perceive as foreign.


In a small fashion


Having few members.
Little herd


In or into small pieces.


Operating on a small scale.
Little Steel (smaller steel companies, as contrasted with Big Steel)
Little Science (science performed by individuals or small teams, as contrasted with Big Science)


(obsolete) To a small extent.


Short in duration; brief.
I feel better after my little sleep.


(obsolete) In a low tone; softly.


Small in extent of views or sympathies; narrow; shallow; contracted; mean; illiberal; ungenerous.


An item labelled or denoted as being that size.
Two smalls and a large, please.


Not much.
This is a little known fact.
She spoke little and listened less.
We slept very little last night.


One who fits an item of that size.


Not at all.
I was speaking ill of Fred; little did I know that he was right behind me, listening in.


Any part of something that is smaller or slimmer than the rest, now usually with anatomical reference to the back.


Not much, only a little: only a small amount (of).
There is (very) little water left.
We had very little to do.


To make little or less.


Not much; not a large amount.
Little is known about his early life.


(intransitive) To become small; to dwindle.


A small amount.
Can I try a little of that sauce?
Little did he do to make me comfortable.
If you want some cake, there's a little in the refrigerator
Many littles make a mickle. (Scottish proverb)


Having little size, compared with other things of the same kind; little in quantity or degree; diminutive; not large or extended in dimension; not great; not much; inconsiderable; as, a small man; a small river.
To compareGreat things with small.


A child; particularly an infant.


Being of slight consequence; feeble in influence or importance; unimportant; trivial; insignificant; as, a small fault; a small business.


A newly initiated member of a sorority, who is mentored by a big.


Envincing little worth or ability; not large-minded; - sometimes, in reproach, paltry; mean.
A true delineation of the smallest man is capable of interesting the greatest man.


The participant in ageplay who acts out the younger role.


Not prolonged in duration; not extended in time; short; as, after a small space.


(countable) One who has mentally age regressed to a childlike state.


Weak; slender; fine; gentle; soft; not loud.


Small in size or extent; not big; diminutive; - opposed to big or large; as, a little body; a little animal; a little piece of ground; a little hill; a little distance; a little child.
He sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature.


In or to small extent, quantity, or degree; little; slightly.


Short in duration; brief; as, a little sleep.
Best him enough: after a little time,I'll beat him too.


Not loudly; faintly; timidly.
You may speak as small as you will.


Small in quantity or amount; not much; as, a little food; a little air or water.
Conceited of their little wisdoms, and doting upon their own fancies.


The small or slender part of a thing; as, the small of the leg or of the back.


Small in dignity, power, or importance; not great; insignificant; contemptible.
When thou wast little in thine own sight, wast thou not made the head of the tribes?




Small in force or efficiency; not strong; weak; slight; inconsiderable; as, little attention or exertion;little effort; little care or diligence.
By sad experiment I knowHow little weight my words with thee can find.


To make little or less.


Small in extent of views or sympathies; narrow; shallow; contracted; mean; illiberal; ungenerous.
The long-necked geese of the world that are ever hissing dispraise,Because their natures are little.
The men, and the women, and the little ones.


The slender part of the back


That which is little; a small quantity, amount, space, or the like.
Much was in little writ.
There are many expressions, which carrying with them no clear ideas, are like to remove but little of my ignorance.


A garment size for a small person


A small degree or scale; miniature.
A little, to or in a small degree; to a limited extent; somewhat; for a short time. " Stay a little."
The painter flattered her a little.


Limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent;
A little dining room
A little house
A small car
A little (or small) group
A small voice


In a small quantity or degree; not much; slightly; somewhat; - often with a preceding it.


Limited in size or scope;
A small business
A newspaper with a modest circulation
Small-scale plans
A pocket-size country


A small amount or duration;
He accepted the little they gave him


Low or inferior in station or quality;
A humble cottage
A lowly parish priest
A modest man of the people
Small beginnings


Limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent;
A little dining room
A little house
A small car
A little (or small) group
A small voice


Not fully grown;
What a big little boy you are
Small children


(quantifier used with mass nouns) small in quantity or degree; not much or almost none or (with `a') at least some;
Little rain fell in May
Gave it little thought
Little hope remained
Little time is left
We still have little money
A little hope remained
A little time is left


Too small to be seen except under a microscope


Of short duration or distance;
A brief stay in the country
In a little while
It's a little way away


Not large but sufficient in size or amount;
A modest salary
Modest inflation
Helped in my own small way


Not fully grown;
What a big little boy you are
Small children


(of a voice) faint;
A little voice
A still small voice


(informal terms) small and of little importance;
A fiddling sum of money
A footling gesture
Our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war
A little (or small) matter
Mickey Mouse regulations
A dispute over niggling details
Limited to petty enterprises
Piffling efforts
Giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction


Made to seem smaller or less (especially in worth);
Her comments made me feel small


(of a voice) faint;
A little voice
A still small voice


Little a
Small a
E.e.cummings's poetry is written all in minuscule letters


Younger brother or sister;
Little brother


Have fine or very small constituent particles;
A small misty rain


Little a
Small a
E.e.cummings's poetry is written all in minuscule letters


On a small scale;
Think small


Small in a way that arouses feelings (of tenderness or its opposite depending on the context);
A nice little job
Bless your little heart
My dear little mother
A sweet little deal
I'm tired of your petty little schemes
Filthy little tricks
What a nasty little situation


Not much;
He talked little about his family

Common Curiosities

Does "small" imply a lesser degree of something?

"Small" primarily describes size or extent and does not inherently imply a lesser degree unless contextually indicated.

Is "little" always negative or diminutive?

Not always. While it can imply something is lesser or insufficient, it can also express affection or tenderness.

Is "little" only used to describe physical size?

No, "little" can also refer to quantity, degree, or extent, and it can be used adverbially.

Can "little" and "small" be used interchangeably?

Yes, in many contexts, but their subtle differences in connotation can affect the nuance of a sentence.

Can "small" carry emotional implications?

Generally, "small" is more neutral and focuses on physical size, but context can give it additional emotional or qualitative meanings.

Can "small" be used in a positive sense?

Yes, depending on the context, such as in "small victories" where it highlights modest but significant achievements.

Are there instances where "little" cannot replace "small"?

Yes, especially when the emphasis is strictly on physical dimensions without implying degree or amount, "small" is preferred.

How does the use of "little" affect the tone of a sentence?

It can add a layer of emotional nuance, affection, or diminution, affecting how the message is perceived.

How does context influence the choice between "little" and "small"?

The desired tone, emotional weight, and specificity of meaning guide the choice between these words.

Can "small" refer to non-physical attributes?

Yes, in contexts like "small kindness" or "small gesture," it refers to the extent or degree of an action.

Can "small" be used to express affection?

While less common, "small" can be used affectionately, particularly when highlighting the endearing qualities of small things.

Do "little" and "small" have different adverbial uses?

"Little" is more versatile as an adverb, implying degree or extent, while "small" is not commonly used adverbially.

How do "little" and "small" compare in terms of flexibility?

"Little" is more flexible in usage, able to convey quantity, degree, or affection, while "small" is more focused on physical or conceptual size.

Is "little" used more in British or American English?

"Little" is common in both, but usage may vary slightly with different idiomatic expressions or colloquialisms.

Is "little" more subjective than "small"?

Yes, "little" often carries more subjective or emotional weight, whereas "small" is typically more objective.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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