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Livley vs. Lively — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 29, 2024
"Livley" is a misspelling. The correct spelling is "Lively," which describes something full of life and energy.
Livley vs. Lively — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Livley or Lively

How to spell Lively?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Associating “Lively” with vivacity or spirited energy.
Remember the saying, “Live life lively.”
Consider "life" as the base; things that have life are "lively."
Think of "live" + "ly" = Lively.
Note that it's like "lovely," but with an "i."

How Do You Spell Lively Correctly?

Incorrect: She has a very livley personality, always making people laugh.
Correct: She has a very lively personality, always making people laugh.
Incorrect: His writing style is very livley, making his articles enjoyable to read.
Correct: His writing style is very lively, making his articles enjoyable to read.
Incorrect: The debate became more livley as the participants warmed up.
Correct: The debate became more lively as the participants warmed up.
Incorrect: The market was bustling and livley, full of vendors and shoppers.
Correct: The market was bustling and lively, full of vendors and shoppers.
Incorrect: The party was very livley, with everyone dancing and having a good time.
Correct: The party was very lively, with everyone dancing and having a good time.

Lively Definitions

Full of life and energy; animated.
The party was lively and fun.
Active and brisk.
The market was lively this morning.
Vivacious and full of spirit.
Her lively personality makes her popular at gatherings.
Showing a keen interest or enthusiasm.
He has a lively interest in art.
Full of energy or alertness; vigorous or animated
A lively baby.
Lively eyes.
Characterized by much activity or excitement
"You would have ... indulged in the rides, games and fast food on the lively boardwalks" (Sarah Milstein).
A lively tune.
Full of flavor or spice
A lively sauce.
Stimulating and invigorating
A lively breeze.
Rebounding readily upon impact; resilient
A lively tennis ball.
With energy or vigor; briskly
Step lively!.
Full of life; energetic.
Bright, glowing, vivid; strong, vigorous.
(archaic) Endowed with or manifesting life; living.
(archaic) Representing life; lifelike.
(archaic) Airy; animated; spirited.
(of beer) Fizzy; foamy; tending to produce a large head in the glass.
Term of address.
Vibrantly, vividly.
(obsolete) In a lifelike manner.
Endowed with or manifesting life; living.
Chaplets of gold and silver resembling lively flowers and leaves.
Brisk; vivacious; active; as, a lively youth.
But wherefore comes old Manoa in such haste,With youthful steps ? Much livelier than erewhileHe seems.
Gay; airy; animated; spirited.
From grave to gay, from lively to severe.
Representing life; lifelike.
I spied the lively picture of my father.
Bright; vivid; glowing; strong; vigorous.
The colors of the prism are manifestly more full, intense, and lively that those of natural bodies.
His faith must be not only living, but lively too.
In a brisk, active, or animated manner; briskly; vigorously.
With strong resemblance of life.
Thou counterfeitest most lively.
Full of life and energy;
A lively discussion
Lively and attractive parents
A lively party
Full of zest or vigor;
A racy literary style
Quick and energetic;
A brisk walk in the park
A lively gait
A merry chase
Traveling at a rattling rate
A snappy pace
A spanking breeze
Rebounds readily;
Clean bouncy hair
A lively tennis ball
As resiliant as seasoned hickory
Springy turf
Filled with events or activity;
A lively period in history
Full of spirit;
A dynamic full of life woman
A vital and charismatic leader
This whole lively world
Characterized by energetic activity;
A lively baby
Brimming with enthusiasm or spirit.
She gave a lively performance on stage.

Lively Meaning in a Sentence

The garden was lively with the sounds of birds and insects.
Her lively imagination often led to creative and unique solutions.
The city center is especially lively on weekends.
A lively debate is a good way to engage students in the topic.
The classroom became lively when the teacher introduced the game.
He appreciated her lively spirit during their adventures.
Their lively banter made the long drive much more enjoyable.
The discussion became more lively when the controversial topic was introduced.
The festival was lively, with performances, food stalls, and activities.
A lively discussion followed the presentation, with many interesting points raised.
The music added a lively atmosphere to the café.
Lively colors were chosen to brighten up the room.
The meeting was lively, with everyone eager to contribute their ideas.
The park was lively with families enjoying the sunny day.
The party's lively vibe was infectious, leaving no one bored.
A lively child, she was always curious and full of questions.
A lively breeze brought relief from the summer heat.
He led a lively discussion on the future of technology.
The play was full of lively characters that captivated the audience.
The puppy's lively nature kept everyone entertained.
The story was brought to life with lively descriptions and vivid details.
The restaurant had a lively ambiance, perfect for an enjoyable evening out.
The town square is the most lively part of the city, full of life and energy.
Lively music can uplift your mood instantly.
Their lively conversations were a testament to their deep friendship.

Lively Idioms & Phrases

A lively pace

Moving or happening quickly and energetically.
The project continued at a lively pace, with rapid progress each day.

Live life lively

Embrace life energetically and with enthusiasm.
He was determined to live life lively, seeking adventure and new experiences.

A lively mind

Someone who is intellectually active and quick to understand.
Her lively mind was always coming up with new ideas.

The lively arts

Performing arts that are vibrant and energetic, like dance and music.
She had a deep appreciation for the lively arts, often attending concerts and shows.

Lively up yourself

To energize or make oneself more lively.
He played some music to lively up himself before the party.

Lively conversation

A discussion that is animated, interesting, and engaging.
The dinner was full of lively conversation, making the evening fly by.

Lively debate

A discussion that is active, spirited, and involves various viewpoints.
The proposal sparked a lively debate among the committee members.

Lively atmosphere

An environment that is vibrant, energetic, and full of life.
The lively atmosphere of the market made it a favorite spot for locals and tourists alike.

Lively interest

A keen and active curiosity or enthusiasm about something.
He took a lively interest in the history of the town, researching and exploring its past.

Keep it lively

To maintain energy and enthusiasm within a group or activity.
The teacher's use of games and interactive activities helped to keep the class lively.

Bring something to life with lively

To make something more interesting or exciting through energetic action or description.
The illustrator brought the story to life with lively images and dynamic scenes.

Lively steps

Moving in a quick and energetic way.
She approached with lively steps, clearly excited to share her news.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Lively?

"Liven," as in "liven up."

What is the pronunciation of Lively?


Which vowel is used before Lively?

The vowel "i."

Why is it called Lively?

It comes from the word "live," indicating life, with the suffix "-ly" suggesting the quality or state of being full of life.

What is the root word of Lively?


What is the plural form of Lively?

Lively does not have a plural form as it's an adjective.

Which preposition is used with Lively?

"With," as in "lively with excitement."

Is Lively an adverb?


Is Lively a negative or positive word?


Is Lively a noun or adjective?


What is the singular form of Lively?


Which conjunction is used with Lively?

No specific conjunction is tied to "Lively."

Is Lively a countable noun?

Lively is an adjective, not a noun.

Is the word Lively imperative?


Which article is used with Lively?

"A," as in "a lively dance."

What part of speech is Lively?


What is another term for Lively?


Is the word Lively a gerund?


What is the opposite of Lively?


Is Lively an abstract noun?


Is Lively a vowel or consonant?

"Lively" is a word, not a single letter.

How many syllables are in Lively?


Is Lively a collective noun?


Is the Lively term a metaphor?


Is the word “Lively” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Neither, it's an adjective.

How do we divide Lively into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in Lively?

The first syllable, "Live."

Which determiner is used with Lively?

"A," as in "a lively atmosphere."

How is Lively used in a sentence?

"The children had a lively discussion about their favorite superheroes."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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