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Locate vs. Ubicate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Locate vs. Ubicate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Locate or Ubicate

How to spell Locate?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Locate Definitions

Discover the exact place or position of
Engineers were working to locate the fault
To determine or specify the position or limits of
Locate Albany on the map.
Managed to locate the site of the old artists' colony.
To find by searching, examining, or experimenting
Locate the source of error.
To place at a certain location; station or situate
Locate an agent in Rochester.
To become established; settle
New businesses that have located in town.
(transitive) To place; to set in a particular spot or position.
(transitive) To find out where something is located.
(transitive) To designate the site or place of; to define the limits of (Note: the designation may be purely descriptive: it need not be prescriptive.)
The council must locate the new hospital
To locate a mining claim
To locate (the land granted by) a land warrant
To place oneself; to take up one's residence; to settle.
To place; to set in a particular spot or position.
The captives and emigrants whom he brought with him were located in the trans-Tiberine quarter.
To designate the site or place of; to define the limits of; as, to locate a public building; to locate a mining claim; to locate (the land granted by) a land warrant.
That part of the body in which the sense of touch is located.
To discover the location or site of; as, to locate the source of a radio transmission; to locate a leak; to locate the malfunction in a system.
To place one's self; to take up one's residence; to settle; as, to locate in Seattle.
Discover the location of; determine the place of; find by searching or examining;
Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest?
My search turned up nothing
Determine or indicate the place, site, or limits of, as if by an instrument or by a survey;
Our sense of sight enables us to locate objects in space
Locate the boundaries of the property
Assign a location to;
The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles
Take up residence and become established;
The immigrants settled in the Midwest

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