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Logical Address in Operating System vs. Physical Address in Operating System — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 2, 2023
Logical Address in Operating System refers to the address generated by the CPU, while Physical Address in Operating System pertains to a location in main memory.
Logical Address in Operating System vs. Physical Address in Operating System — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Logical Address in Operating System and Physical Address in Operating System


Key Differences

In the context of an operating system, the Logical Address in Operating System is generated by the CPU during a program's execution. These addresses are used by a program to access its data and instructions. On the other hand, the Physical Address in Operating System corresponds to a location in the computer's main memory (RAM). This is the actual location where data and instructions are stored for processing.
The distinction between Logical Address in Operating System and Physical Address in Operating System is pivotal for memory management. Logical addresses are virtual in nature, meaning they do not necessarily represent a fixed location in physical memory. Conversely, every Physical Address in Operating System directly represents a specific memory location.
Memory management units in modern systems play a significant role in translating between Logical Address in Operating System and Physical Address in Operating System. When a program runs, it sees only its logical addresses, remaining unaware of the underlying physical memory layout. However, these logical addresses must be mapped to physical addresses before the actual data or instructions can be accessed.
In the realm of memory protection, the distinction between Logical Address in Operating System and Physical Address in Operating System becomes paramount. By allowing programs to use logical addresses, the operating system can ensure that one program cannot interfere with another. It also facilitates techniques like swapping, paging, and virtual memory, wherein the Physical Address in Operating System can be dynamically mapped to different logical addresses based on system needs.
Both the Logical Address in Operating System and the Physical Address in Operating System serve vital roles in ensuring efficient and safe memory usage. Their interplay allows systems to run multiple applications simultaneously, ensuring that each believes it has its own contiguous memory space, even if that's not the case in physical memory.

Comparison Chart


Generated by the CPU
Actual location in main memory (RAM)



Role in Memory Management

Used for program's data and instruction access
Where actual data and instructions are stored

Interaction with MMU

Translated by MMU
Directly accessed by MMU

Implication for Memory Protection

Facilitates memory protection mechanisms
Represents actual memory layout

Compare with Definitions

Logical Address in Operating System

A symbolic representation of memory location, abstracted from the hardware.
The Logical Address in Operating System shields programs from the intricacies of physical memory layout.

Physical Address in Operating System

The final address used by memory management units to access memory.
The MMU translates the Logical Address in Operating System to the Physical Address in Operating System for data retrieval.

Logical Address in Operating System

An address that a program uses to access its data and instructions.
The Logical Address in Operating System must be translated to access the physical memory.

Physical Address in Operating System

A direct reference to a specific location in the computer's RAM.
The Physical Address in Operating System doesn't need further translation for data access.

Logical Address in Operating System

The address seen by the software or the processes.
Processes deal with the Logical Address in Operating System and remain unaware of the underlying physical addresses.

Physical Address in Operating System

The location in memory hardware where data or instructions are physically stored.
Read and write operations directly target the Physical Address in Operating System.

Logical Address in Operating System

An address that's mapped to a physical address for actual data access.
The Logical Address in Operating System is vital for virtual memory systems.

Physical Address in Operating System

The actual memory location in main memory where data and instructions reside.
Data fetched using the Physical Address in Operating System is accessed directly from the RAM.

Logical Address in Operating System

A virtual address generated by the CPU during a program's execution.
The Logical Address in Operating System helps the program perceive its memory as contiguous.

Physical Address in Operating System

An address representing tangible memory locations in the computer hardware.
The Physical Address in Operating System determines where the data is stored in memory chips.

Common Curiosities

Does every Logical Address in Operating System have a corresponding Physical Address in Operating System?

Not necessarily; logical addresses might be mapped to physical memory only when needed.

Can programs directly access the Physical Address in Operating System?

Typically, programs interact with logical addresses; the system manages the mapping to physical addresses.

Why is the distinction between Logical Address in Operating System and Physical Address in Operating System crucial for memory protection?

It ensures programs can't interfere with each other and facilitates techniques like paging and virtual memory.

What's the primary difference between Logical Address in Operating System and Physical Address in Operating System?

Logical Address is a virtual address generated by the CPU, while Physical Address is an actual memory location in RAM.

Can the Physical Address in Operating System be changed for a specific logical address?

Yes, through mechanisms like paging, a logical address's corresponding physical address can change.

How is the Logical Address in Operating System translated to Physical Address in Operating System?

The Memory Management Unit (MMU) handles the translation between logical and physical addresses.

What happens if a program tries to access an invalid Logical Address in Operating System?

The system typically raises an exception, like a segmentation fault.

Why don't programs directly use the Physical Address in Operating System?

Using logical addresses abstracts memory complexities and ensures better memory protection.

What's the role of Logical Address in Operating System in virtual memory systems?

It allows programs to perceive a larger memory space than is physically available.

Do systems always use both Logical Address in Operating System and Physical Address in Operating System?

Most modern systems employ both due to advantages in memory management and protection.

Does the Physical Address in Operating System represent the actual layout of memory chips?

Yes, it corresponds to actual storage locations on the memory hardware.

Does every Physical Address in Operating System have a corresponding Logical Address in Operating System?

Not always. Some physical addresses might be reserved for system use or currently unmapped.

How do memory protection schemes utilize Logical Address in Operating System and Physical Address in Operating System?

They allow programs to use logical addresses, ensuring they can't directly interfere with others or access reserved physical memory.

Are Logical Address in Operating System and Physical Address in Operating System always sequential?

Logical addresses are typically sequential for a program, but their corresponding physical addresses might not be.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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