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Love vs. Crush — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Urooj Arif — Updated on April 23, 2024
Love is a deep, enduring affection and commitment towards someone, often developing over time, whereas a crush is typically a brief, intense infatuation based on initial impressions.
Love vs. Crush — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Love and Crush


Key Differences

Love is characterized by a profound emotional bond that involves deep affection, respect, and a lasting commitment to another person. Whereas, a crush is usually a sudden and intense attraction that can feel exhilarating but is often superficial and short-lived.
In love, individuals often experience a strong desire for a lasting relationship, with emotional intimacy and shared future plans. On the other hand, a crush might involve idealizing the other person without truly knowing them, focusing more on physical attraction or the excitement of newness.
Love generally develops through spending time together, getting to know each other's flaws, and building a mutual understanding and support system. While, a crush might not progress beyond the surface-level fascination and can dissipate quickly once the initial excitement wanes.
The emotions associated with love tend to be stable and grow stronger over time, even in the face of challenges. Conversely, the feelings in a crush are typically erratic and can change rapidly, often dependent on the amount of attention received from the object of affection.
Love involves a deep connection that includes accepting and valuing the other person as they are, including their imperfections. In contrast, a crush can be based on an idealized image of the person, which does not necessarily reflect their true character or compatibility.

Comparison Chart


Deep, enduring affection and commitment
Brief, intense infatuation

Emotional Depth

Profound and stable
Superficial and fluctuating


Gradual, based on mutual understanding
Sudden, often based on physical attraction


Long-lasting, strengthens over time
Usually short-term, fades as quickly as it arises


Involves knowing the real person, flaws included
Often idealized, based on limited information

Compare with Definitions


An intense feeling of deep affection and commitment.
Their love has grown stronger over the years.


An instance of crushing something.
The recipe calls for a crush of garlic.


An action of caring and giving to someone else.
She showed her love through acts of kindness.


A brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable or inappropriate.
She had a huge crush on her best friend’s brother.


A great interest and pleasure in something.
He has a deep love for painting.


An intense and usually passing infatuation.
His crush on the pop star was all he could talk about.


A term of endearment or affection.
Goodnight, my love, he whispered.


To defeat overwhelmingly.
Their team was crushed in the playoffs.


Love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection, to the simplest pleasure. An example of this range of meanings is that the love of a mother differs from the love of a spouse, which differs from the love of food.


A crowd of people pressed closely together.
There was a crush of fans at the concert.


A strong feeling of affection and concern toward another person, as that arising from kinship or close friendship.


To press between opposing bodies so as to break, compress, or injure
The falling rock crushed the car.


A feeling of devotion or adoration toward God or a god.


To break, pound, or grind (stone or ore, for example) into small fragments or powder.


A feeling of kindness or concern by God or a god toward humans.


To put down with force; subdue
The regime crushed the rebellion.


Often Love(Christianity) Charity.


To overwhelm or oppress severely
Spirits that had been crushed by rejection and failure.


An instance of being in love
Teenage loves can be as fleeting as they are intense.


To defeat overwhelmingly
Our team was crushed in the playoffs.


A person for whom one has strong feelings of affection
She met her new love at the restaurant.


To crumple or rumple
Crushed the freshly ironed shirt.


Used as a term of endearment for such a person.


To hug, especially with great force.


An intense emotional attachment to something, as to a pet or treasured object.


To hit or propel with great force
A swing of the bat that crushed a fastball over the wall.


An expression of one's affection
Send him my love.


To press upon, shove, or crowd.


A strong predilection or enthusiasm
A love of language.
Love for the game of golf.


To extract or obtain by pressing or squeezing
Crush juice from a grape.


The object of such an enthusiasm
The outdoors is her greatest love.


To be or become crushed
Aluminum cans crush easily.


Love(Mythology) Eros or Cupid.


To proceed or move by crowding or pressing
The fans crushed forward to get a glimpse of the movie star.


(Sports) A score of zero, as in tennis.


The act of crushing or the pressure involved in crushing
Matter superheated by the crush of gravity around black holes.


To feel love for (a person)
We love our parents. I love my friends.


A great crowd
A crush of spectators.


To feel devotion to (God or a god).


A substance prepared by or as if by crushing, especially a fruit drink
Orange crush.


To feel or show kindness or concern to (a person). Used of God or a god.


A usually temporary infatuation
Had a crush on her friend's cousin.


To have an intense emotional attachment to
Loves his house.


One who is the object of such an infatuation.


To embrace or caress
They were loving each other on the sofa.


A violent collision or compression; a crash; destruction; ruin.


To like or desire enthusiastically
Loves swimming.


Violent pressure, as of a moving crowd.


To thrive on; need
The cactus loves hot, dry air.


A violent crowding.


(uncountable) A deep caring for the existence of another.


A crowd that produces uncomfortable pressure.
A crush at a reception


(uncountable) Strong affection.


(slang) A group or gang.


A profound and caring affection towards someone.
A mother’s love is not easily shaken.
My husband’s love is the most important thing in my life.


A crowd control barrier.


Affectionate, benevolent concern or care for other people or beings, and for their well-being.


A drink made by squeezing the juice out of fruit.


A feeling of intense attraction towards someone.
I have never been in love as much as I have with you.


(informal) An infatuation with somebody one is not dating.
I've had a huge crush on her since we met many years ago.


A deep or abiding liking for something; an enthusiasm for something.
My love of cricket knows no bounds.


The human object of such infatuation or affection.


(countable) A person who is the object of romantic feelings; a darling, a sweetheart, a beloved.


A standing stock or cage with movable sides used to restrain livestock for safe handling.


A term of friendly address, regardless of feelings.
Hello love, how can I help you?


(dated) A party or festive function.


A thing, activity, etc. which is the object of one's deep liking or enthusiasm.


(Australia) The process of crushing cane to remove the raw sugar, or the season when this process takes place.


An instance or episode of being in love; a love affair.


The situation where certain colors are so similar as to be hard to distinguish, either as a deliberate effect or as a limitation of a display.
Black crush; white crush


Used as the closing, before the signature, of a letter, especially between good friends or family members, or by the young.


A paraphilia involving arousal from seeing things destroyed by crushing.


(obsolete) A thin silk material.


To press between two hard objects; to squeeze so as to alter the natural shape or integrity, or to force together into a mass.
To crush grapes


A climbing plant, Clematis vitalba.


To reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding.
To crush quartz


Zero, no score.
So that’s fifteen-love to Kournikova.


(figurative) To overwhelm by pressure or weight.
After the corruption scandal, the opposition crushed the ruling party in the elections


Nothing; no recompense.


To do impressively well at (sports events; performances; interviews; etc.).
They had a gig recently at Madison Square—totally crushed it!


To have a strong affection for (someone or something).
I love my spouse.
I love you!
I love that song!


To oppress or grievously burden.


(transitive) To need, thrive on.
Mold loves moist, dark places.


(intransitive) To be or become broken down or in, or pressed into a smaller volume or area, by external weight or force.
An eggshell crushes easily


(transitive) To be strongly inclined towards something; an emphatic form of like.
I love walking barefoot on wet grass;
I'd love to join the team;
I love what you've done with your hair


To feel infatuation or unrequited love.
She's crushing on him.


To care deeply about, to be dedicated to (someone or something).


To give a compressed or foreshortened appearance to.


(transitive) To derive delight from a fact or situation.
I love the fact that the coffee shop now offers fat-free chai latte.


To make certain colors so similar as to be hard to distinguish, either as a deliberate effect or as a limitation of a display.
My old TV set crushes the blacks when the brightness is lowered.


A feeling of strong attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration; preëminent kindness or devotion to another; affection; tenderness; as, the love of brothers and sisters.
Of all the dearest bonds we proveThou countest sons' and mothers' loveMost sacred, most Thine own.


To press or bruise between two hard bodies; to squeeze, so as to destroy the natural shape or integrity of the parts, or to force together into a mass; as, to crush grapes.
Ye shall not offer unto the Lord that which is bruised, or crushed, or broken, or cut.
The ass . . . thrust herself unto the wall, and crushed Balaam's foot against the wall.


Courtship; - chiefly in the phrase to make love, i. e., to court, to woo, to solicit union in marriage.
Demetrius . . . Made love to Nedar's daughter, Helena,And won her soul.


To reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding; to comminute; as, to crush quartz.


Affection; kind feeling; friendship; strong liking or desire; fondness; good will; - opposed to hate; often with of and an object.
Love, and health to all.
Smit with the love of sacred song.
The love of science faintly warmed his breast.


To overwhelm by pressure or weight; to beat or force down, as by an incumbent weight.
To crush the pillars which the pile sustain.
Truth, crushed to earth, shall rise again.


Due gratitude and reverence to God.
Keep yourselves in the love of God.


To oppress or burden grievously.
Thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed alway.


The object of affection; - often employed in endearing address; as, he held his love in his arms; his greatest love was reading.
Open the temple gates unto my love.


To overcome completely; to subdue totally.
Speedily overtaking and crushing the rebels.


Cupid, the god of love; sometimes, Venus.
Such was his form as painters, when they showTheir utmost art, on naked Lores bestow.
Therefore do nimble-pinioned doves draw Love.


To subdue or overwhelm (a person) by argument or a cutting remark; to cause (a person) to feel chagrin or humiliation; to squelch.


A thin silk stuff.


To be or become broken down or in, or pressed into a smaller compass, by external weight or force; as, an eggshell crushes easily.


A climbing species of Clematis (Clematis Vitalba).


A violent collision or compression; a crash; destruction; ruin.
The wreck of matter, and the crush of worlds.


Nothing; no points scored on one side; - used in counting score at tennis, etc.
He won the match by three sets to love.


Violent pressure, as of a crowd; a crowd which produced uncomfortable pressure; as, a crush at a reception.
Politics leave very little time for the bow window at White's in the day, or for the crush room of the opera at night.


To have a feeling of love for; to regard with affection or good will; as, to love one's children and friends; to love one's country; to love one's God.
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self.


Leather that has had its grain pattern accentuated


To take delight or pleasure in; to have a strong liking or desire for, or interest in; to be pleased with; to like; as, to love books; to love adventures.
Wit, eloquence, and poetry.Arts which I loved.


A dense crowd of people


To have the feeling of love; to be in love.


Temporary love of an adolescent


A strong positive emotion of regard and affection;
His love for his work
Children need a lot of love


The act of crushing


Any object of warm affection or devotion;
The theater was her first love
He has a passion for cock fighting


Come down on or keep down by unjust use of one's authority;
The government oppresses political activists


A beloved person; used as terms of endearment


To compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition;
Crush an aluminum can
Squeeze a lemon


A score of zero in tennis or squash;
It was 40 love


Come out better in a competition, race, or conflict;
Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship
We beat the competition
Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game


Have a great affection or liking for;
I love French food
She loves her boss and works hard for him


Break into small pieces;
The car crushed the toy


Get pleasure from;
I love cooking


Humiliate or depress completely;
She was crushed by his refusal of her invitation
The death of her son smashed her


Be enamored or in love with;
She loves her husband deeply


Crush or bruise;
Jam a toe


Make ineffective;
Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination


Become injured, broken, or distorted by pressure;
The plastic bottle crushed against the wall

Common Curiosities

What is the main difference between love and a crush?

Love is a deep, enduring affection that includes emotional intimacy and commitment, whereas a crush is an intense but brief and superficial infatuation.

Why do crushes fade away?

Crushes can fade due to a lack of deeper emotional connection or personal interaction, or when the reality of knowing the person doesn't match the initial idealization.

Is it normal to have a crush while in a committed relationship?

Yes, it's normal to experience attractions to others, but what matters is how one manages these feelings within the context of their relationship.

What are the signs of having a crush?

Signs include frequent thoughts about the person, excitement at the prospect of meeting them, and a strong desire for their attention and approval.

How do relationships change when a crush turns into love?

Relationships become deeper, more stable, and focused on long-term goals and mutual support when crushes turn into love.

Can a crush turn into love?

Yes, a crush can sometimes evolve into love as two people get to know each other better and develop a deeper bond.

How can you tell if you're in love or just have a crush?

If the feeling is deep, lasts over time, and involves emotional intimacy and a desire for commitment, it's likely love; if it's sudden, intense, and mostly based on physical attraction, it's probably a crush.

How long does it typically take for a crush to become love?

There is no set time; it varies widely depending on the individuals and the nature of their interactions.

What are healthy ways to cope with unrequited love or crushes?

Healthy coping strategies include focusing on personal growth, maintaining social connections, and accepting and processing emotions without judgment.

Can love be mistaken for a crush?

Yes, early stages of love can sometimes be mistaken for a crush due to intense feelings; however, time and interaction clarify the depth of the emotion.

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Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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