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MAC 10 vs. Uzi — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on January 19, 2024
MAC 10 and Uzi are both compact submachine guns, with the MAC 10 being an American creation known for its use in close quarters, while the Uzi is an Israeli-designed firearm renowned for its reliability and use in various military forces.
MAC 10 vs. Uzi — What's the Difference?

Difference Between MAC 10 and Uzi


Key Differences

MAC 10, developed in the USA, is a compact, blowback-operated submachine gun known for its use in special forces and personal defense. Uzi, originating from Israel, is one of the most famous submachine guns globally, recognized for its use in military and security forces.
The MAC 10 is smaller and has a higher rate of fire, making it suitable for close-quarters combat. The Uzi is slightly larger with a lower rate of fire but is noted for its greater accuracy and range.
MAC 10 features a unique design with a telescoping bolt that wraps around the barrel, allowing for a more compact shape. The Uzi has a traditional design with a folding stock and is known for its ease of use and maintenance.
The MAC 10 often comes with a suppressor, which makes it ideal for covert operations. The Uzi, on the other hand, is more commonly used in open combat and law enforcement scenarios.
In terms of historical significance, the MAC 10 gained notoriety in popular culture and various conflicts, while the Uzi has been more widely distributed and used in numerous military and security operations worldwide.

Comparison Chart


United States

Size and Fire Rate

Compact, high rate of fire
Slightly larger, lower rate of fire

Design Features

Telescoping bolt, often used with a suppressor
Traditional design with folding stock


Close-quarters combat, special forces
Military, security forces, law enforcement

Historical Significance

Notable in popular culture and conflicts
Widely used in global military operations

Compare with Definitions

MAC 10

Often used with a suppressor.
The MAC 10 is frequently equipped with a suppressor for covert operations.


Renowned for reliability and ease of use.
The Uzi's simple design makes it reliable under various conditions.

MAC 10

Features a unique telescoping bolt design.
The MAC 10's design allows for a shorter overall length.


Widely used in military and law enforcement.
The Uzi has been a staple in many law enforcement agencies.

MAC 10

Gained notoriety in various conflicts.
The MAC 10 has been featured in many action movies due to its distinct appearance.


An Israeli-designed submachine gun.
The Uzi is recognized worldwide for its use in the Israeli military.

MAC 10

A compact American submachine gun.
The MAC 10's compact size makes it easy to maneuver in tight spaces.


Historically significant in global military operations.
The Uzi has seen extensive use in conflicts around the world.

MAC 10

Known for a high rate of fire.
The MAC 10's rapid-fire capability is effective in close combat.


Features a traditional design with a folding stock.
The Uzi's folding stock makes it versatile for different operational needs.


Any of various compact submachine guns having a caliber of 9 millimeters, originally designed in Israel in the 1950s.


A type of compact submachine gun, having a caliber of 9 millimeters with ammunition housed in the grip of the weapon.


A type of submachine gun that is designed and manufactured in Israel;
The Uzi is used throughout the world as a police and special forces firearm

Common Curiosities

What type of gun is the MAC 10?

It's a compact submachine gun.

Where was the MAC 10 developed?

In the United States.

What is the MAC 10 primarily used for?

Close-quarters combat and special operations.

Is the MAC 10 easy to conceal?

Yes, due to its compact size.

Does the MAC 10 have a high rate of fire?

Yes, it's known for its rapid-fire capability.

What are the key features of the Uzi?

Its reliability, ease of use, and folding stock.

What type of gun is the Uzi?

A submachine gun designed for military and security use.

Who designed the Uzi?

It was designed in Israel.

Have MAC 10 and Uzi been used in conflicts?

Yes, both have seen use in various conflicts.

Can civilians own a MAC 10 or Uzi?

It depends on the country's laws and regulations.

Is the Uzi suitable for military use?

Yes, it's widely used in military forces.

How does the Uzi perform in terms of accuracy?

It's known for good accuracy at close to medium range.

What is the effective range of the MAC 10?

It's most effective in close-quarter situations.

What is the magazine capacity of the Uzi?

It varies, but common capacities are 25, 32, and 50 rounds.

Are MAC 10 and Uzi still in production?

Their production status can vary, but both have modern variants and reproductions.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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