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Mainfest vs. Manifest — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 3, 2024
"Mainfest" is a misspelling, while "Manifest" correctly denotes a clear appearance or documentation.
Mainfest vs. Manifest — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Mainfest or Manifest

How to spell Manifest?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of a ship's "manifest" as a list.
Recall "Manifest Destiny," the historical term, for correct spelling.
Associate "Manifest" with "Manifesto," a public declaration.
"Mani-" in "Manifest" can be remembered as "many," suggesting clarity in numerous ways.
Visualize a hand (manus in Latin) showing (making clear) something – manifesting it.

How Do You Spell Manifest Correctly?

Incorrect: She believes in the power to mainfest positive changes in her life.
Correct: She believes in the power to manifest positive changes in her life.
Incorrect: The artist's vision will mainfest in his upcoming exhibition.
Correct: The artist's vision will manifest in his upcoming exhibition.
Incorrect: We need to mainfest our goals clearly in the project plan.
Correct: We need to manifest our goals clearly in the project plan.
Incorrect: The company will mainfest a new strategy.
Correct: The company will manifest a new strategy.
Incorrect: Mainfest your dreams into reality.
Correct: Manifest your dreams into reality.

Manifest Definitions

Clearly apparent to the sight or understanding.
Her happiness was manifest in her smile.
To display or show through actions or appearance.
He manifested his expertise during the presentation.
Evident to the senses, especially to the sight, obviously.
The symptoms of the disease began to manifest.
Clearly apparent to the sight or understanding; obvious.
To show or demonstrate plainly; reveal
"[Her] soft appearance belied her ... steadfastness. She manifested no fear and allowed none in her voice" (Philip Roth).
To record in a ship's manifest.
To display or present a manifest of (cargo).
To become manifest; be revealed
Depression can manifest as irritability.
A list of cargo or passengers carried on a ship or plane.
An invoice of goods carried on a truck or train.
A list of railroad cars according to owner and location.
Evident to the senses, especially to the sight; apparent; distinctly perceived.
Obvious to the understanding; apparent to the mind; easily apprehensible; plain; not obscure or hidden.
Detected; convicted.
A list or invoice of the passengers or goods being carried by a commercial vehicle or ship.
(computing) A file containing metadata describing other files.
(obsolete) A public declaration; an open statement; a manifesto.
(transitive) To show plainly; to make to appear distinctly, usually to the mind; to put beyond question or doubt; to display; to exhibit.
His courage manifested itself through the look on his face.
(intransitive) To become manifest; to be revealed.
His osteoporosis first manifested as pain in his hips.
To will something to exist.
(transitive) To exhibit the manifests or prepared invoices of; to declare at the customhouse.
Evident to the senses, esp. to the sight; apparent; distinctly perceived; hence, obvious to the understanding; apparent to the mind; easily apprehensible; plain; not obscure or hidden.
Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight.
That which may be known of God is manifest in them.
Thus manifest to sight the god appeared.
Detected; convicted; - with of.
Calistho there stood manifest of shame.
So clear, so shining, and so evident,That it will glimmer through a blind man's eye.
Entertained with solitude,Where obvious duty erewhile appeared unsought.
I saw, I saw him manifest in view,His voice, his figure, and his gesture knew.
A public declaration; an open statement; a manifesto. See Manifesto.
A list or invoice of a ship's cargo, containing a description by marks, numbers, etc., of each package of goods, to be exhibited at the customhouse; as, to inspect the ship's manifest.
To show plainly; to make to appear distinctly, - usually to the mind; to put beyond question or doubt; to display; to exhibit.
There is nothing hid which shall not be manifested.
Thy life did manifest thou lovedst me not.
To exhibit the manifests or prepared invoices of; to declare at the customhouse.
A customs document listing the contents put on a ship or plane
Provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes;
His high fever attested to his illness
The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication
This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness
Record in a ship's manifest;
Each passenger must be manifested
Reveal its presence or make an appearance;
The ghost manifests each year on the same day
Clearly apparent or obvious to the mind or senses;
The effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields
Evident hostility
Manifest disapproval
Patent advantages
Made his meaning plain
It is plain that he is no reactionary
In plain view
A document listing cargo, passengers, and crew for a ship or aircraft.
The ship's captain checked the manifest.
To make real or concrete.
Through hard work, she manifested her dreams.

Manifest Meaning in a Sentence

Positive affirmations can manifest confidence and success.
You can manifest anything you want with hard work and dedication.
Believing in yourself is the first step to manifest your dreams.
Writing down your goals is a powerful way to manifest them.
When you manifest gratitude, you attract more things to be grateful for.
The power to manifest your reality lies within your thoughts and actions.
He used meditation to manifest peace and clarity in his life.
The community came together to manifest a safer environment for everyone.
Visualization techniques help people manifest their desires.
It's amazing how she managed to manifest her ideas into a successful business.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Manifest?

The term "Manifest" is derived from the Latin word "manifestus" meaning "caught in the act" or "obvious."

What is the pronunciation of Manifest?

It's pronounced as /ˈmæn.ɪ.fɛst/.

What is the singular form of Manifest?

"Manifest" itself is singular.

What is the root word of Manifest?

The root is the Latin "manifestus," meaning "obvious" or "evident."

What is the plural form of Manifest?

The plural form is "Manifests."

Is Manifest an adverb?

No, "Manifest" is not an adverb.

Which vowel is used before Manifest?

The article "a" is typically used before "Manifest."

Which article is used with Manifest?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with "Manifest" depending on context.

What is the verb form of Manifest?

The verb form is "to manifest."

Which preposition is used with Manifest?

Prepositions such as "in," "as," and "of" can be used with "Manifest."

Is Manifest a noun or adjective?

"Manifest" can be both a noun (e.g., a list) and an adjective (e.g., obvious).

Is Manifest a negative or positive word?

"Manifest" is neutral; its connotation depends on context.

Which conjunction is used with Manifest?

Any conjunction can be used with "Manifest" based on sentence structure, e.g., "and," "but," "or."

Is Manifest a countable noun?

When referring to a list or documentation, it is countable.

Is the word “Manifest” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Manifest" can be used as a direct object, depending on the sentence.

What is the opposite of Manifest?

The opposite could be "hidden" or "obscure."

Which determiner is used with Manifest?

Determiners like "this," "that," "each," and "every" can be used.

Is Manifest a vowel or consonant?

"Manifest" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is Manifest a collective noun?

No, "Manifest" is not a collective noun.

How many syllables are in Manifest?

There are three syllables in "Manifest."

What is a stressed syllable in Manifest?

The first syllable "Man" is stressed in "Manifest."

What is the first form of Manifest?

"Manifest" (to show or reveal).

Is the word Manifest a gerund?

No, "Manifest" is not a gerund.

What part of speech is Manifest?

"Manifest" can be a noun, verb, or adjective.

What is another term for Manifest?

Another term could be "evident" or "list."

What is the second form of Manifest?

"Manifested" (showed or revealed).

What is the third form of Manifest?

"Manifested" (been shown or revealed).

How is Manifest used in a sentence?

"Her artistic talents began to manifest at an early age."

Is Manifest an abstract noun?

When used to indicate clarity or obviousness, it's abstract. As a list, it's concrete.

Is the Manifest term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but can be used metaphorically in contexts like "Manifest Destiny."

Is the word Manifest imperative?

No, "Manifest" itself is not in the imperative form.

How do we divide Manifest into syllables?


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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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