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Majesty Palm vs. Parlor Palm — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 6, 2023
Majesty Palm requires high light and more water, with feathery fronds, while Parlor Palm thrives in low light, needs less water, and has compact fronds.
Majesty Palm vs. Parlor Palm — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Majesty Palm and Parlor Palm


Key Differences

The Majesty Palm, native to Madagascar, is a large indoor plant with long, graceful fronds that arch and feather outwards, providing a tropical aesthetic to any indoor space. On the other hand, the Parlor Palm, originating in Central America, is smaller and more compact, with short, dense fronds that make it suitable for smaller spaces or desks.
When it comes to care, the Majesty Palm requires bright, indirect light and plenty of water to thrive, as it prefers consistently moist soil. Conversely, the Parlor Palm is much more low-maintenance, requiring only low light and being relatively drought-tolerant, making it a popular choice for less sunny spaces.
The growth rate of the Majesty Palm is relatively fast, given the right conditions, and it can reach substantial heights, necessitating a larger area for proper growth. In contrast, the Parlor Palm grows more slowly and remains small, making it an ideal choice for indoor gardeners with limited space.
In terms of air purification, both the Majesty Palm and the Parlor Palm are known to help clean the air. However, the Majesty Palm is often considered superior in its ability to remove indoor air pollutants, whereas the Parlor Palm, while still effective, is not as well-known for this trait.
Regarding temperature sensitivity, the Majesty Palm prefers warmer climates and is more sensitive to cold drafts or temperatures below 45°F (7°C). The Parlor Palm, while still preferring warmth, is more tolerant of cooler temperatures and is less likely to suffer in slightly cooler indoor environments.

Comparison Chart

Size & Growth

Larger, faster growth
Smaller, slower growth

Care Requirements

High light, more water
Low light, drought-tolerant

Native Region

Central America

Air Purification

Highly effective
Effective, but less known

Temperature Sensitivity

Sensitive to cold
More tolerant of cool temperatures

Compare with Definitions

Majesty Palm

Majesty Palms require bright, indirect sunlight.
He moved his Majesty Palm closer to the window for more light.

Parlor Palm

Parlor Palms thrive in low light conditions.
His Parlor Palm flourished despite the lack of direct sunlight.

Majesty Palm

Majesty Palms prefer high humidity and moist soil.
She misted her Majesty Palm daily to maintain humidity.

Parlor Palm

Parlor Palms are effective at improving indoor air quality.
The couple placed a Parlor Palm in their bedroom to purify the air.

Majesty Palm

Majesty Palms can act as natural air purifiers.
Their Majesty Palm helped freshen the air in their studio.

Parlor Palm

The Parlor Palm is a compact houseplant with dense, feathery fronds.
A small Parlor Palm sat neatly on the corner desk.

Majesty Palm

The Majesty Palm is a large indoor palm with arching fronds.
Her living room was dominated by a tall Majesty Palm.

Parlor Palm

Parlor Palms are known for their drought tolerance.
She watered her Parlor Palm sparingly, respecting its drought tolerance.

Majesty Palm

Majesty Palms are native to Madagascar.
The Majesty Palm, though a Madagascar native, adapted well to her New York apartment.

Parlor Palm

Parlor Palms are native to Central America.
Though a Central American plant, the Parlor Palm thrived in various indoor environments.

Common Curiosities

Can Parlor Palms survive in low light?

Yes, Parlor Palms are well-suited for low-light conditions.

Do Majesty Palms need a lot of water?

Yes, they prefer consistently moist soil, requiring regular watering.

What is a Majesty Palm?

A Majesty Palm is a large, tropical indoor plant known for its long, arching fronds.

How much light does a Majesty Palm need?

Majesty Palms require bright, indirect sunlight to thrive.

What is a Parlor Palm?

A Parlor Palm is a compact houseplant, ideal for indoor spaces, characterized by its dense, green fronds.

Are Parlor Palms drought-tolerant?

Yes, they are known for their drought tolerance.

Are Majesty Palms good for air purification?

Yes, they are known to be effective air purifiers.

Can Majesty Palms withstand cold?

They are sensitive to cold and prefer warmer temperatures.

How do Parlor Palms handle cooler temperatures?

They're more tolerant of cool temperatures than many tropical plants.

How fast do Majesty Palms grow?

They have a relatively fast growth rate, especially in ideal conditions.

Do Parlor Palms clean the air?

Yes, but they're not as renowned for this property as some other plants.

What's the native region of the Parlor Palm?

Parlor Palms originate from Central America.

What's the growth rate of a Parlor Palm?

Parlor Palms grow slowly and remain relatively small.

What type of fertilizer is best for Parlor Palms?

A balanced, water-soluble fertilizer is ideal for Parlor Palms.

Where are Majesty Palms from?

They are native to Madagascar.

What kind of fertilizer does a Majesty Palm need?

They thrive with balanced, slow-release fertilizers.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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