Makeable vs. Makable — Which is Correct Spelling?

Table of Contents
Which is correct: Makeable or Makable
How to spell Makeable?

Correct Spelling

Incorrect Spelling
Makeable Definitions
To cause to exist or happen; bring about; create
Made problems for us.
Making a commotion.
To bring into existence by shaping, modifying, or putting together material; construct
Make a dress.
Made a stone wall.
To form by assembling individuals or constituents
We made a temporary information center using savvy volunteers.
To change from one form or function to another
Make clay into bricks.
To cause to be or become
Made her position clear.
A decision that made him happy.
To cause to assume a specified function or role
Made her treasurer.
Made Austin his home.
To cause to act in a specified manner
Heat makes gases expand.
To compel
Made him quit.
To form in the mind
Make an estimate.
To compose
Make verses.
To prepare; fix
Make dinner.
To get ready or set in order for use
Made the bed.
To gather and light the materials for (a fire).
To engage in
Make war.
To carry out; perform
Make a phone call.
Make an incision.
To achieve, produce, or attain
Made peace between the two sides.
Not making sense.
Didn't make the quota.
To institute or establish; enact
Make laws.
To draw up and execute in a suitable form
Make a will.
To arrange or agree to
Make a date.
To arrive at; reach
Made Seattle in two hours.
To reach in time
Just made the plane.
To attain the rank or position of
Made lieutenant.
To acquire a place in or on
Made the baseball team.
Made the newspapers.
To gain or earn, as by working
Make money.
To behave so as to acquire
Make friends.
To score or achieve, as in a sport
Made a field goal.
To assure the success of
Favorable reviews can make a play.
To favor the development of
Practice makes a winning team.
To be suited for
Oak makes strong furniture.
To develop into
Will make a fine doctor.
To draw a conclusion as to the significance or nature of
Don't know what to make of the decision.
To calculate as being; estimate
I make the height 20 feet.
To consider as being
Wasn't the problem some people made it.
To constitute
They make a great team.
To add up to
Two and two make four.
To amount to
Makes no difference.
To cover (a distance)
Made 200 miles before sunset.
To constitute the essence or nature of
Clothes make the man.
To cause to be especially enjoyable or rewarding
Your being along really made the outing.
To appear to begin (an action)
She made to leave.
(Slang) To persuade to have sexual intercourse.
To act or behave in a specified manner
Make merry.
Make free.
To begin or appear to begin an action
Made as if to shake my hand.
To cause something to be as specified
Make ready.
Make sure.
To proceed in a certain direction
Made for home.
Made after the thief.
(Slang) To pretend to be; imitate. Used with like
Made like a ballerina.
To undergo fabrication or manufacture
This wool makes up into a warm shawl.
To rise or accumulate
The tide is making.
The style or manner in which a thing is made
Disliked the make of my coat.
A specific line of manufactured goods, identified by the manufacturer's name or the registered trademark
A famous make of shirt.
The origin of a product's manufacturing
A bicycle of a French make.
The physical or moral nature of a person
Found out what make of man he was.
The physical nature or build of an animal or person
A horse of a beautiful make.
(Slang) Identification of a person or thing, often from information in police records
Did you get a make on the thief?.
Able to be made.
A very small uncut diamond.
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