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Male Praying Mantis vs. Female Praying Mantis — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 8, 2023
Male Praying Mantis is generally smaller and more slender than the Female Praying Mantis. Both are predatory insects.
Male Praying Mantis vs. Female Praying Mantis — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Male Praying Mantis and Female Praying Mantis


Key Differences

The Male Praying Mantis, often recognized for its smaller stature, exhibits the characteristic triangular head and raptorial forelegs just like its counterpart, the Female Praying Mantis. While both play pivotal roles in controlling pest populations, their size difference is notable. Male Praying Mantises tend to be more agile due to their lighter weight, allowing them to evade predators and mate successfully. On the contrary, Female Praying Mantises are more robust and larger, making them dominant when it comes to prey capture.
In the realm of reproduction, the Male Praying Mantis, despite its agility, faces dangers post-mating. The Female Praying Mantis, due to her larger size, sometimes consumes the male after mating. Both the Male Praying Mantis and the Female Praying Mantis have evolved strategies and behaviors that ensure the continuation of their species.
While the Male Praying Mantis is often seen as the more vulnerable of the two, especially in terms of survival post-mating, the Female Praying Mantis invests more energy in producing eggs. Both the Male Praying Mantis and the Female Praying Mantis contribute to the circle of life in their ecosystem. Their unique behaviors and physical attributes make each gender essential.

Comparison Chart


Generally smaller and more slender
Larger and more robust

Role in Reproduction

Mate with females, risk of being consumed post-mate
Produces eggs, might consume male post-mating


More agile due to lighter weight
Less agile, but powerful in catching prey


Tends to be shorter due to mating risks
Can be longer, especially if not mating frequently

Physical Strength

Lower strength but faster
Superior strength and size aids in capturing prey

Compare with Definitions

Male Praying Mantis

Male Praying Mantis often engages in perilous mating rituals that could result in being eaten.
She watched the Male Praying Mantis approach the female cautiously.

Female Praying Mantis

Producing and guarding eggs, the Female Praying Mantis plays a crucial role in the life cycle.
The Female Praying Mantis guarded her egg sac fiercely.

Male Praying Mantis

A Male Praying Mantis is the male variant of a predatory insect known for its prayer-like stance.
The Male Praying Mantis darted swiftly between the leaves.

Female Praying Mantis

With a more robust body, the Female Praying Mantis has a dominant presence in capturing prey.
The spider was no match for the powerful Female Praying Mantis.

Male Praying Mantis

With a triangular head and raptorial forelegs, the Male Praying Mantis is a skilled hunter.
The Male Praying Mantis waited patiently for the moth to come closer.

Female Praying Mantis

The Female Praying Mantis's larger size means she can tackle bigger prey than her male counterpart.
The grasshopper was easily overpowered by the Female Praying Mantis.

Male Praying Mantis

The Male Praying Mantis plays a role in maintaining ecological balance by controlling pest populations.
A gardener appreciated the Male Praying Mantis in her garden for reducing pests.

Female Praying Mantis

The Female Praying Mantis, being larger, sometimes consumes the male after mating.
After the mating dance, the Female Praying Mantis turned on her partner.

Male Praying Mantis

Characterized by its smaller size, the Male Praying Mantis is more agile than its female counterpart.
The Male Praying Mantis quickly escaped the bird’s clutches.

Female Praying Mantis

Female Praying Mantis is the female version of a carnivorous insect known for its distinctive stance.
The Female Praying Mantis lay in wait for her next meal.

Common Curiosities

What's the main difference between Male Praying Mantis and Female Praying Mantis?

Male Praying Mantis is generally smaller and more agile, while Female Praying Mantis is larger and more robust.

Do both Male Praying Mantis and Female Praying Mantis serve a role in pest control?

Yes, both consume pests, aiding in natural pest control.

Why is the Male Praying Mantis more agile?

Due to its smaller and lighter body, the Male Praying Mantis is often more agile.

Can the Female Praying Mantis consume the Male Praying Mantis?

Yes, sometimes after mating, the Female Praying Mantis might consume the male.

Do both Male Praying Mantis and Female Praying Mantis have the same lifespan?

No, males tend to have a shorter lifespan, especially due to mating risks.

Do both Male Praying Mantis and Female Praying Mantis have the same diet?

Generally, yes, but the Female Praying Mantis can tackle bigger prey due to her size.

Why is the Female Praying Mantis larger?

The Female Praying Mantis needs a larger body to produce and carry eggs.

Is the mating ritual dangerous for Male Praying Mantis?

Yes, sometimes the Female Praying Mantis consumes the male after mating.

How do Male Praying Mantis and Female Praying Mantis hunt?

Both use their raptorial forelegs to catch and hold onto prey.

Why are they called "praying" mantis?

Both Male Praying Mantis and Female Praying Mantis have a stance that resembles hands in prayer.

How do Male Praying Mantis and Female Praying Mantis contribute to the ecosystem?

They control pest populations and serve as prey for larger animals.

Do both Male Praying Mantis and Female Praying Mantis have predators?

Yes, both can be preyed upon by birds, spiders, and other predators.

Can both Male Praying Mantis and Female Praying Mantis fly?

Both can have wings, but the Male Praying Mantis is more likely to fly.

Do both Male Praying Mantis and Female Praying Mantis have the same coloration?

They can vary in color, but both can camouflage with their surroundings.

Are there behavioral differences between Male Praying Mantis and Female Praying Mantis?

Yes, especially concerning mating and hunting behaviors.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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