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Manual vs. Automated — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on September 25, 2023
Manual involves human effort or intervention, while Automated uses technology or machines to function without continuous human input.
Manual vs. Automated — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Manual and Automated


Key Differences

Manual refers to tasks that are performed by human hands or effort. Automated systems, on the other hand, involve the use of technology or machines to carry out tasks without human intervention. Both represent two distinct approaches to performing work or operations.
When something is Manual, it often means that a human is directly involved in its operation or execution. This can sometimes lead to errors due to human limitations. In contrast, Automated processes often aim for precision and consistency, leveraging technology to achieve the same results repeatedly.
Manual processes are sometimes preferred for tasks that require human intuition, judgment, or personal touch. Automated processes might lack these human elements but can handle large volumes or complex calculations more efficiently than humans can.
Cost is another factor. Manual operations might have recurring costs related to labor, training, or inefficiencies. Automated systems might have higher initial setup costs but can lead to savings in the long run by reducing labor costs and errors.
In terms of adaptability, Manual processes can be more flexible in unpredictable situations, allowing humans to adapt on the fly. Automated systems, though consistent, might require reprogramming or recalibration when faced with unforeseen circumstances.

Comparison Chart


Involves human effort or intervention.
Uses technology without human input.


May vary due to human factors.
Typically consistent and precise.

Volume & Complexity

Limited by human capacity.
Can handle high volume & complexity.


Can adapt quickly to changes.
Might need reprogramming.

Cost over Time

Recurring labor costs.
High initial cost, but may save later.

Compare with Definitions


Operated or controlled by a human, not automatically or electronically.
The car has a manual transmission.


Operated by largely automatic equipment.
The factory introduced an automated assembly line.


Requiring human effort or physical labor.
Lifting those boxes is a manual task.


Functioning with minimal human intervention.
Automated customer service can sometimes feel impersonal.


Of or relating to the hands
Manual skill.


Having a capability to adapt to new information automatically.
The software has an automated update feature.


Done by, used by, or operated with the hands.


Made to occur as a reaction without conscious thought.
The doors had an automated response to motion.


Employing human rather than mechanical energy
Manual labor.


Systematically organized or controlled.
Payments are automated to save time.


Of, relating to, or resembling a small reference book.


To convert to automatic operation
Automate a factory.


A small reference book, especially one giving instructions.


To control or operate by automation.


(Music) A keyboard, as of an organ or harpsichord, played with the hands.


To make use of or be converted to automation
A food service that decided to automate for greater efficiency.


A machine operated by hand.


Made automatic.


A manual transmission.


Done by machine.


A vehicle having a manual transmission.


Simple past tense and past participle of automate


Prescribed movements in the handling of a weapon, especially a rifle
The manual of arms.


Accomplished by machinary without the intervention of a human operator; - of processes.


A maneuver in certain board sports, such as skateboarding, in which all of the board except one end is lifted off the ground, especially when the tip of the board is kept from making contact with the ground.


Operated by automation;
An automated stoker


A handbook.


A booklet that instructs on the usage of a particular machine or product.
The dishwasher isn't working; can you remember where we put the manual?


(military) A drill in the use of weapons, etc.


An old office-book like the modern Roman Catholic ritual.


(countable) A device that is operated using the hands, or by a human rather than a machine.


(automotive) A manual transmission; a gearbox, especially of a motorized vehicle, shifted by the operator.


(by synecdoche) A vehicle with a manual transmission.
I'm not used to automatics; I've always driven manuals.


(music) A keyboard for the hands on a harpsichord, organ, or other musical instrument.


A manual typewriter (as contrasted with an electronic one).


(countable) A procedure or operation that is done using the hands, or by a human rather than machine.


Manual measurement of the blood pressure, done with a manual sphygmomanometer.
Do a manual
Give someone a quick manual


A bicycle technique whereby the front wheel is held aloft by the rider, without the use of pedal force.


A similar maneuver on a skateboard, lifting the front or back wheels while keeping the tail or nose of the board from touching the ground.


(uncountable) Manual control or operation.
Put the controls to manual.
Leave the system on manual.


(of an activity) Performed with the hands.


(of a machine, device etc.) Operated by means of the hands.


Performed by a human rather than a machine.
The teacher urged the students to do a manual check, because some errors aren't picked up by the spell checker.


Of or pertaining to the hand.


Performed by a person using physical as contrasted with mental effort; as, manual labor.


Done or made by the hand. In some contexts, contrasted with automatic or mechanical.


A small book, such as may be carried in the hand, or conveniently handled; a handbook; specifically, the service book of the Roman Catholic Church.
This manual of laws, styled the Confessor's Laws.


A keyboard of an organ or harmonium for the fingers, as distinguished from the pedals; a clavier, or set of keys.


A prescribed exercise in the systematic handing of a weapon; as, the manual of arms; the manual of the sword; the manual of the piece (cannon, mortar, etc.).


A small handbook


(military) a prescribed drill in handling a rifle


Of or relating to the hands;
Manual dexterity


Requiring human effort;
A manual transmission


Doing or requiring physical work;
Manual labor
Manual laborer


Relating to or done by hand.
He compiled the data through manual entry.


A book of instructions or procedures.
She referred to the user manual to assemble the furniture.


Of, relating to, or involving muscular activity.
Manual laborers work hard in the fields.

Common Curiosities

What does Manual mean?

Manual involves tasks or processes that require human effort or intervention.

Can Manual processes be converted to Automated?

Yes, many manual processes can be automated with the right technology and programming.

Why might a company choose Automated processes?

Automated processes can offer precision, consistency, and efficiency, especially for high-volume tasks.

Are Manual tasks always inefficient?

No, Manual tasks may be preferred in situations requiring human intuition, judgment, or flexibility.

Is Automated the opposite of Manual?

Yes, Automated refers to tasks or processes that operate without continuous human input.

Can Automated systems ever make errors?

Yes, Automated systems can have flaws or be impacted by unexpected situations.

Which is more cost-effective: Manual or Automated?

It depends. Automated systems may have higher setup costs but can save in the long run, while Manual might have recurring labor costs.

Does Manual always refer to physical tasks?

No, Manual can refer to any task that requires direct human input, physical or otherwise.

Why might someone prefer Manual operations?

For tasks requiring personal touch, adaptability, or in cases where technology isn't accessible or feasible.

Can Automated processes be creative?

It's debated, but while Automated systems can mimic patterns, true creativity is often seen as a human trait.

Are all cars Automated now?

No, while there are self-driving cars, many vehicles still have manual controls and require human drivers.

Are there risks in Automated systems?

Yes, like any system, Automated processes can have vulnerabilities or unexpected failures.

Are Automated systems devoid of human touch?

While they operate without constant human intervention, humans design, program, and maintain Automated systems.

Can Manual tasks be more reliable than Automated ones?

Sometimes, especially in unpredictable environments where human judgment is crucial.

Is automation the future of all industries?

While many industries are moving towards automation, certain roles and tasks may always require the human touch.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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