Matter vs. Subject — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 25, 2024
Matter refers to physical substance, while subject is the focus or topic of discussion or study.

Difference Between Matter and Subject
Table of Contents
Key Differences
Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space, fundamentally composed of atoms and molecules. It's a term used in physics to describe physical substances. Whereas, the subject is a term often used in education, literature, and conversation to refer to the main topic or theme of a discussion, study, or work.
While matter encompasses all physical objects and materials in the universe, the concept of subject is more abstract, relating to ideas, topics, or areas of interest. Matter is tangible and measurable, whereas a subject can be an intangible concept or an area of knowledge.
The study of matter is a domain of physical sciences, such as physics and chemistry, focusing on its properties, composition, and transformations. On the other hand, the subject of study can vary widely, encompassing fields such as science, literature, history, and more, depending on the context and the interests of the individuals involved.
In discussions about science, the term matter is used to categorize and understand the physical world, including its states (solid, liquid, gas, and plasma) and properties (mass, volume, density). Meanwhile, in educational and intellectual discussions, the subject is identified to structure learning, debate, and analysis around a central theme or topic.
Understanding matter is crucial for the development of technology, materials science, and many industrial applications. Conversely, identifying and exploring a subject is essential for academic research, literary critique, and intellectual discourse, allowing for focused discussion and study.
Comparison Chart
Physical substance that occupies space and has mass.
The focus or topic of discussion, study, or artistic work.
Tangible and measurable.
Abstract, varies with context.
Universal, includes all physical materials and objects.
Depends on context, can be any area of interest or study.
Study Domain
Physics, chemistry, and related sciences.
Wide range, including arts, humanities, and sciences.
Fundamental in understanding the physical universe.
Central to organizing and structuring knowledge and debate.
Compare with Definitions
The substance or substances of which any physical object consists or is composed.
Scientists analyze the matter of an asteroid to learn about the early solar system.
A branch of knowledge studied or taught.
Mathematics is a subject that requires logical reasoning.
A term in physics referring to that which has mass and occupies space.
The study of matter and energy is fundamental in physics.
The topic or theme of a discussion, book, film, etc.
The subject of the documentary is the impact of climate change.
Anything that occupies space and has mass.
Water, air, and rocks are all examples of matter.
In grammar, the part of a sentence or clause that nominally is doing or being what the predicate expresses.
In the sentence The cat sleeps, the cat is the subject.
The material of the universe, especially as distinct from energy.
Dark matter constitutes a significant portion of the universe's mass.
The person or thing that is being discussed or described.
The subject of the portrait hung prominently in the gallery.
Physical or corporeal substance in general, whether solid, liquid, or gas.
Matter changes states from solid to liquid at its melting point.
Something dealt with in a text, discourse, or conversation.
The meeting's subject was the upcoming product launch.
In classical physics and general chemistry, matter is any substance that has mass and takes up space by having volume. All everyday objects that can be touched are ultimately composed of atoms, which are made up of interacting subatomic particles, and in everyday as well as scientific usage, "matter" generally includes atoms and anything made up of them, and any particles (or combination of particles) that act as if they have both rest mass and volume.
A person or thing that is being discussed, described, or dealt with
I've said all there is to be said on the subject
He's the subject of a major new biography
Physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit; (in physics) that which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy
The structure and properties of matter
A branch of knowledge studied or taught in a school, college, or university
Maths is not my best subject
A subject or situation under consideration
Financial matters
A great deal of work was done on this matter
A member of a state other than its ruler, especially one owing allegiance to a monarch or other supreme ruler
The legislation is applicable only to British subjects
The reason for distress or a problem
What's the matter?
A noun or noun phrase functioning as one of the main components of a clause, being the element about which the rest of the clause is predicated.
The substance or content of a text as distinct from its style or form.
A thinking or feeling entity; the conscious mind; the ego, especially as opposed to anything external to the mind.
Be important or significant
It doesn't matter what the guests wear
What did it matter to them?
Likely or prone to be affected by (a particular condition or occurrence, typically an unwelcome or unpleasant one)
He was subject to bouts of manic depression
(of a wound) secrete or discharge pus.
Dependent or conditional upon
The proposed merger is subject to the approval of the shareholders
That which occupies space and has mass; physical substance.
Under the authority of
Ministers are subject to the laws of the land
A type of such substance
Organic matter.
Conditionally upon
Subject to the EC's agreement, we intend to set up an enterprise zone in the area
Discharge or waste, such as pus or feces, from a living organism.
Cause or force someone or something to undergo (a particular experience or form of treatment, typically an unwelcome or unpleasant one)
He'd subjected her to a terrifying ordeal
(Philosophy) In Aristotelian and Scholastic use, that which is in itself undifferentiated and formless and which, as the subject of change and development, receives form and becomes substance.
Bring (a person or country) under one's control or jurisdiction, typically by using force
The city had been subjected to Macedonian rule
The substance of thought or expression as opposed to the manner in which it is stated or conveyed.
Being in a position or in circumstances that place one under the power or authority of another or others
Subject to the law.
A subject of concern, feeling, or action
Matters of foreign policy.
A personal matter.
Prone; disposed
A child who is subject to colds.
Trouble or difficulty
What's the matter with your car?.
Likely to incur or receive; exposed
A directive subject to misinterpretation.
An approximated quantity, amount, or extent
The construction will last a matter of years.
Contingent or dependent
A vacation subject to changing weather.
Something printed or otherwise set down in writing
Reading matter.
One who is under the rule of another or others, especially one who owes allegiance to a government or ruler.
To be of importance
"Love is most nearly itself / When here and now cease to matter" (T.S. Eliot).
One concerning which something is said or done; a person or thing being discussed or dealt with
A subject of gossip.
(uncountable) Material; substance.
Something that is treated or indicated in a work of art.
(physics) The basic structural component of the universe, usually having mass and volume.
(Music) A theme of a composition, especially a fugue.
(physics) Matter made up of normal particles, not antiparticles.
A course or area of study
Math is her best subject.
A kind of substance.
Vegetable matter
A basis for action; a cause.
Material, especially in books or magazines.
He always took some reading matter with him on the plane.
One that experiences or is subjected to something
The subject of ridicule.
(philosophy) Aristotelian: undeveloped potentiality subject to change and development; formlessness. Matter receives form, and becomes substance.
A person or animal that is the object of medical or scientific study
The experiment involved 12 subjects.
An affair, condition, or subject, especially one of concern or (especially when preceded by the) one that is problematic.
Is much the matter with the old plan?
Something is the matter with him.
State matters
A corpse intended for anatomical study and dissection.
An approximate amount or extent.
I stayed for a matter of months.
One who is under surveillance
The subject was observed leaving the scene of the murder.
(obsolete) essence; pith; embodiment.
(Grammar) The noun, noun phrase, or pronoun in a sentence or clause that denotes the doer of the action or what is described by the predicate.
(obsolete) (The) inducing cause or reason, especially of anything disagreeable or distressing.
(Logic) The term of a proposition about which something is affirmed or denied.
To be important.
The only thing that matters to Jim is being rich.
Sorry for pouring ketchup on your clean white shirt! - Oh, don't worry, it does not matter.
The mind or thinking part as distinguished from the object of thought.
To care about, to mind; to find important.
A being that undergoes personal conscious or unconscious experience of itself and of the world.
To form pus or matter, as an abscess; to maturate.
The essential nature or substance of something as distinguished from its attributes.
That of which anything is composed; constituent substance; material; the material or substantial part of anything; the constituent elements of conception; that into which a notion may be analyzed; the essence; the pith; the embodiment.
He is the matter of virtue.
To cause to experience, undergo, or be acted upon
Suspects subjected to interrogation.
Rocks subjected to intense pressure.
That of which the sensible universe and all existent bodies are composed; anything which has extension, occupies space, or is perceptible by the senses; body; substance.
To subjugate; subdue.
That with regard to, or about which, anything takes place or is done; the thing aimed at, treated of, or treated; subject of action, discussion, consideration, feeling, complaint, legal action, or the like; theme.
Son of God, Savior of men! Thy nameShall be the copious matter of my song.
Every great matter they shall bring unto thee, but every small matter they shall judge.
To submit to the authority of
Peoples that subjected themselves to the emperor.
That which one has to treat, or with which one has to do; concern; affair; business.
To help the matter, the alchemists call in many vanities out of astrology.
Some young female seems to have carried matters so far, that she is ripe for asking advice.
Likely to be affected by or to experience something.
A country subject to extreme heat
Menu listings and prices are subject to change.
He's subject to sneezing fits.
Affair worthy of account; thing of consequence; importance; significance; moment; - chiefly in the phrases what matter? no matter, and the like.
A prophet some, and some a poet, cry;No matter which, so neither of them lie.
Conditional upon something; used with to.
The local board sets local policy, subject to approval from the State Board.
Inducing cause or occasion, especially of anything disagreeable or distressing; difficulty; trouble.
And this is the matter why interpreters upon that passage in Hosea will not consent it to be a true story, that the prophet took a harlot to wife.
Placed or situated under; lying below, or in a lower situation.
Amount; quantity; portion; space; - often indefinite.
Away he goes, . . . a matter of seven miles.
I have thoughts to tarry a small matter.
No small matter of British forces were commanded over sea the year before.
Placed under the power of another; owing allegiance to a particular sovereign or state.
Substance excreted from living animal bodies; that which is thrown out or discharged in a tumor, boil, or abscess; pus; purulent substance.
(grammar) In a clause: the word or word group (usually a noun phrase) about whom the statement is made. In active clauses with verbs denoting an action, the subject and the actor are usually the same.
In the sentence ‘The cat ate the mouse’, ‘the cat’ is the subject, ‘the mouse’ being the object.
That which is permanent, or is supposed to be given, and in or upon which changes are effected by psychological or physical processes and relations; - opposed to form.
An actor; one who takes action.
The subjects and objects of power.
Written manuscript, or anything to be set in type; copy; also, type set up and ready to be used, or which has been used, in printing.
Waller, with Sir William Balfour, exceeded in horse, but were, upon the whole matter, equal in foot.
The main topic of a paper, work of art, discussion, field of study, etc.
To be of importance; to import; to signify.
It matters not how they were called.
A particular area of study.
Her favorite subject is physics.
To form pus or matter, as an abscess; to maturate.
A citizen in a monarchy.
I am a British subject.
To regard as important; to take account of; to care for.
He did not matter cold nor hunger.
A person ruled over by another, especially a monarch or state authority.
That which has mass and occupies space;
An atom is the smallest indivisible unit of matter
(music) The main theme or melody, especially in a fugue.
A vaguely specified concern;
Several matters to attend to
It is none of your affair
Things are going well
A human, animal or an inanimate object that is being examined, treated, analysed, etc.
Some situation or event that is thought about;
He kept drifting off the topic
He had been thinking about the subject for several years
It is a matter for the police
(philosophy) A being that has subjective experiences, subjective consciousness, or a relationship with another entity.
A problem;
Is anything the matter?
(logic) That of which something is stated.
(used with negation) having consequence;
They were friends and it was no matter who won the games
(math) The variable in terms of which an expression is defined.
0, we have x
Written works (especially in books or magazines);
He always took some reading matter with him on the plane
To cause (someone or something) to undergo a particular experience, especially one that is unpleasant or unwanted.
I came here to buy souvenirs, not to be subjected to a tirade of abuse!
Have weight; have import, carry weight;
It does not matter much
(transitive) To make subordinate or subservient; to subdue or enslave.
Placed or situated under; lying below, or in a lower situation.
Placed under the power of another; specifically (International Law), owing allegiance to a particular sovereign or state; as, Jamaica is subject to Great Britain.
Esau was never subject to Jacob.
Exposed; liable; prone; disposed; as, a country subject to extreme heat; men subject to temptation.
All human things are subject to decay.
Obedient; submissive.
Put them in mind to be subject to principalities.
That which is placed under the authority, dominion, control, or influence of something else.
Specifically: One who is under the authority of a ruler and is governed by his laws; one who owes allegiance to a sovereign or a sovereign state; as, a subject of Queen Victoria; a British subject; a subject of the United States.
Was never subject longed to be a king,As I do long and wish to be a subject.
The subject must obey his prince, because God commands it, human laws require it.
That which is subjected, or submitted to, any physical operation or process; specifically (Anat.), a dead body used for the purpose of dissection.
That which is brought under thought or examination; that which is taken up for discussion, or concerning which anything is said or done.
Make choice of a subject, beautiful and noble, which . . . shall afford an ample field of matter wherein to expatiate.
The unhappy subject of these quarrels.
The person who is treated of; the hero of a piece; the chief character.
Writers of particular lives . . . are apt to be prejudiced in favor of their subject.
That of which anything is affirmed or predicated; the theme of a proposition or discourse; that which is spoken of; as, the nominative case is the subject of the verb.
The subject of a proposition is that concerning which anything is affirmed or denied.
That in which any quality, attribute, or relation, whether spiritual or material, inheres, or to which any of these appertain; substance; substratum.
That which manifests its qualities - in other words, that in which the appearing causes inhere, that to which they belong - is called their subject or substance, or substratum.
The principal theme, or leading thought or phrase, on which a composition or a movement is based.
The earliest known form of subject is the ecclesiastical cantus firmus, or plain song.
The incident, scene, figure, group, etc., which it is the aim of the artist to represent.
To bring under control, power, or dominion; to make subject; to subordinate; to subdue.
Firmness of mind that subjects every gratification of sense to the rule of right reason.
In one short view subjected to our eye,Gods, emperors, heroes, sages, beauties, lie.
He is the most subjected, the most nslaved, who is so in his understanding.
To expose; to make obnoxious or liable; as, credulity subjects a person to impositions.
To submit; to make accountable.
God is not bound to subject his ways of operation to the scrutiny of our thoughts.
To make subservient.
Subjected to his service angel wings.
To cause to undergo; as, to subject a substance to a white heat; to subject a person to a rigid test.
The subject matter of a conversation or discussion;
He didn't want to discuss that subject
It was a very sensitive topic
His letters were always on the theme of love
Some situation or event that is thought about;
He kept drifting off the topic
He had been thinking about the subject for several years
It is a matter for the police
A branch of knowledge;
In what discipline is his doctorate?
Teachers should be well trained in their subject
Anthropology is the study of human beings
Something (a person or object or scene) selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation;
A moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same subject
A person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures; someone who is an object of investigation;
The subjects for this investigation were selected randomly
The cases that we studied were drawn from two different communities
A person who owes allegiance to that nation;
A monarch has a duty to his subjects
(grammar) one of the two main constituents of a sentence; the grammatical constituent about which something is predicated
(logic) the first term of a proposition
Cause to experience or suffer or make liable or vulnerable to;
He subjected me to his awful poetry
The sergeant subjected the new recruits to many drills
People in Chernobyl were subjected to radiation
Make accountable for;
He did not want to subject himself to the judgments of his superiors
Make subservient; force to submit or subdue
Refer for judgment or consideration;
She submitted a proposal to the agency
Not exempt from tax;
The gift will be subject to taxation
Possibly accepting or permitting;
A passage capable of misinterpretation
Open to interpretation
An issue open to question
The time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation
Being under the power or sovereignty of another or others;
Subject peoples
A dependent prince
Common Curiosities
What is a subject in context of discussion?
The subject is the main topic or theme around which a discussion, study, or work is centered.
Can a subject be tangible?
While subjects are often abstract themes or topics, they can relate to tangible objects or phenomena when discussed or analyzed.
Is all physical existence considered matter?
Yes, all physical substances that have mass and take up space are considered matter, including solids, liquids, gases, and plasma.
What defines matter?
Matter is defined as anything that occupies space and has mass.
How does the concept of subject vary?
The concept of subject varies widely depending on the context, including academic disciplines, literature, art, and everyday conversation.
What are the states of matter?
The four fundamental states of matter are solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.
Is there a relationship between different subjects?
Yes, many subjects are interrelated, allowing for interdisciplinary study and application.
How do subjects evolve over time?
Subjects evolve as new discoveries are made, perspectives change, and societal needs shift.
Why is the study of matter important?
Studying matter is crucial for understanding the physical world, enabling technological advancements and scientific discoveries.
How is matter studied?
Matter is studied through physical sciences like physics and chemistry, focusing on its properties and behaviors.
How do subjects impact education?
Subjects structure educational curricula, guiding learning and knowledge acquisition in specific areas.
Can the understanding of matter change?
Yes, as scientific research advances, our understanding of matter and its properties can evolve.
What role does matter play in the universe?
Matter constitutes the physical substance of the universe, essential for the formation of stars, planets, and life.
How does one choose a subject for study or discussion?
A subject is chosen based on interest, relevance, purpose, or academic requirements.
Can a subject be subjective?
While the choice of subject can be influenced by personal interests or perspectives, subjects themselves can range from highly objective to interpretive and subjective.
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Written by
Tayyaba RehmanTayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

Co-written by
Fiza RafiqueFiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.