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Maximin vs. Minimax — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on May 2, 2024
Maximin is a strategy focused on maximizing the minimum gain, suitable for risk-averse decisions; Minimax aims to minimize the maximum loss, used in competitive scenarios.
Maximin vs. Minimax — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Maximin and Minimax


Key Differences

In decision-making, Maximin strategy emphasizes maximizing the least favorable outcome to ensure the best possible minimum result. On the other hand, Minimax strategy is employed primarily to minimize potential maximum losses, reflecting a defensive posture against worst-case scenarios.
The Maximin approach is often adopted by those who prefer to avoid risks, seeking the safest possible decision under uncertainty. Whereas Minimax is favored in adversarial settings like game theory, where one aims to limit the best possible gain of an opponent.
By focusing on the most positive of the worst outcomes, Maximin serves well in individual decision-making environments. In contrast, Minimax is designed for situations where the outcomes depend significantly on the actions of an opposing party.
Practical applications of Maximin can be found in economics and resource management, where decisions are made under the assumption of obtaining at least a guaranteed minimum benefit. Meanwhile, Minimax is prevalent in strategic games and military strategies, where minimizing the potential success of competitors is crucial.
The philosophical underpinnings of Maximin are aligned with optimistic utilitarianism, aiming for the best of the worst, while Minimax aligns with a more pessimistic view, preparing for the least desirable outcomes in competitive scenarios.

Comparison Chart


Maximizing minimum possible gain
Minimizing maximum possible loss

Usage Context

Risk-averse decisions
Competitive, adversarial settings

Underlying Philosophy

Optimism in uncertainty
Defensive pessimism

Typical Applications

Economics, resource management
Strategic games, military tactics

Psychological Appeal

Attracts risk-averse individuals
Attracts strategic thinkers

Compare with Definitions


A strategy in uncertain scenarios to secure the best of the worst-case results.
In choosing his career path, he followed a maximin approach, selecting the job with the best worst-case salary.


A decision rule focused on minimizing the maximum possible loss.
The general devised a minimax strategy to reduce potential casualties in the worst-case attack scenario.


Employed where decisions must guarantee a minimum level of benefit.
The charity operates on a maximin principle to maximize aid to the least advantaged.


Utilized in competitive environments to curb the opponent’s gains.
The chess player applied a minimax strategy to limit his opponent's best moves.


Reflects a cautious approach to risk management.
His investment strategy is based on maximin, focusing on securities with the highest minimum return.


Common in games and simulations to anticipate opponent tactics.
Her minimax approach in the simulation ensured minimal loss against any aggressive strategies.


A decision rule aimed at maximizing the minimum possible outcome.
In resource allocation, she used a maximin strategy to ensure the least funded department received the most possible under budget constraints.


Indicates a strategy where one prepares for the worst possible outcome.
In the lawsuit, they prepared a minimax defense to handle the most severe verdict.


Used to describe optimal decisions under uncertainty.
In negotiations, he adopts a maximin strategy to ensure a baseline success regardless of other outcomes.


Reflects a strategic defensive posture in adversarial situations.
His negotiation tactic is minimax, aiming to minimize losses in a highly competitive bidding war.


In decision theory and game theory etc, a rule to identify the worst outcome of each possible option to find one's best (maximum payoff) play.


Minimax (sometimes MinMax, MM or saddle point) is a decision rule used in artificial intelligence, decision theory, game theory, statistics, and philosophy for minimizing the possible loss for a worst case (maximum loss) scenario. When dealing with gains, it is referred to as "maximin"—to maximize the minimum gain.


To employ a maximin algorithm.


Of or relating to the strategy in game theory that minimizes the maximum risk for a player.


In decision theory, game theory, etc. a decision rule used for minimizing the maximum possible loss, or maximizing the minimum gain.


To find the optimum play, or decision, to achieve minimizing the maximum loss.

Common Curiosities

Which industries find Maximin strategies particularly useful?

Industries like healthcare, social services, and public administration where equitable outcomes are valued.

How does Minimax strategy work in competitive scenarios?

It works by minimizing the best possible outcome for the opponent, thereby reducing potential losses.

Can Maximin be used in team settings?

Yes, it can be particularly effective in cooperative team settings where ensuring a baseline for all is critical.

What is the main goal of the Maximin strategy?

The main goal is to maximize the least favorable outcome, ensuring the highest minimum benefit possible.

How does Minimax differ from Maximin in terms of risk?

Minimax involves preparing for the worst-case scenario, often perceived as more risk-averse than Maximin.

Is Minimax applicable in non-competitive environments?

While typically used in adversarial contexts, Minimax can also guide risk management in business and financial planning.

What is the philosophical basis for Maximin?

It's based on optimistic utilitarianism, focusing on maximizing the utility of the least advantaged.

What are typical scenarios for using Maximin?

It's often used in uncertain economic conditions, resource allocation, and personal decision-making where securing a minimum is crucial.

How does psychological attitude influence the choice between Maximin and Minimax?

Optimists tend to prefer Maximin, believing in the best of the worst, while pessimists lean towards Minimax, preparing for the worst.

Can Maximin and Minimax strategies be combined?

In complex scenarios, combining both strategies can balance risk management and competitive preparedness.

What role does game theory play in Minimax strategies?

Game theory provides the foundational models and scenarios where Minimax strategies are tested and optimized.

How does decision fatigue affect Maximin usage?

Maximin can reduce decision fatigue by simplifying choices to focusing on securing minimum acceptable outcomes.

How do economic theories interpret Maximin and Minimax?

Economic theories use these strategies to model behaviors under uncertainty and competitive market conditions.

Why might a military strategist prefer Minimax?

Because it allows for minimizing potential damages in worst-case enemy engagements.

Are there ethical considerations with using Minimax?

Yes, focusing solely on minimizing losses can sometimes overlook broader impacts on fairness and equity.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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