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Meaning vs. Notion — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 29, 2024
Meaning refers to the explicit or implied significance of something, while a notion is a more subjective idea or belief without firm evidence.
Meaning vs. Notion — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Meaning and Notion


Key Differences

Meaning is derived from words, symbols, or actions and is used to convey understanding or interpretation, whereas notion often implies a speculative idea formed without rigorous proof.
Meaning can be understood in various contexts such as linguistic, philosophical, or symbolic, whereas notion is typically less concrete and more about personal impressions or theoretical concepts.
Meaning is crucial in communication, ensuring that information is clear and precise, whereas notion can be more flexible, representing individual or cultural perspectives.
Meaning often has a shared, commonly accepted aspect within a culture or community, on the other hand, notion can be unique to an individual’s perspective or experience.
Meaning can be verified and analyzed in an academic or practical context, while notion often remains subjective and harder to quantify.

Comparison Chart


The significance of a concept or term.
A personal belief or speculative idea.


Can be empirical or theoretical, but is often grounded in observable reality.
Primarily speculative, often without firm evidence.

Role in Communication

Essential for clear and effective exchange of information.
Can vary, influencing perspectives but not always necessary for communication.


More objective, seeking a universal understanding.
More subjective, influenced by personal views.


Often verifiable through context or usage.
Harder to verify, as it is based on individual belief systems.

Compare with Definitions


The purpose or significance behind actions or decisions.
The meaning of his visit was not clear until later.


A conception influenced by culture or personal experience.
Her notion of happiness involved long walks and quiet evenings.


The conveyed or intended significance of a word or symbol.
The meaning of freedom varies greatly in different cultures.


A speculative understanding of a concept.
Her notion of justice differed from the legal definition.


Practical or dictionary definitions of terms or expressions.
The legal meaning of negligence is quite specific.


An impression or thought that may not be fully developed.
The notion that life could exist on Mars is intriguing yet unproven.


The implicit or explicit interpretation of something.
Her smile had a deeper meaning that only he could understand.


An individual's idea or belief, often without empirical support.
He held the notion that all politicians are corrupt.


A philosophically significant understanding of a concept.
Philosophers debate the meaning of existence.


A vague or unformed idea, possibly leading to a hypothesis.
He had a notion to start his own business but hadn't planned much.


What is meant by a word, text, concept, or action
The meaning of the Hindu word is ‘breakthrough, release’
The meaning of life


A conception of or belief about something
I had no notion of what her words meant
Children have different notions about the roles of their parents


Intended to communicate something that is not directly expressed
She gave Gabriel a meaning look


An impulse or desire, especially one of a whimsical kind
She had a notion to ring her friend at work


The denotation, referent, or idea associated with a word or phrase
How many meanings does the word "dog" have?.


Items used in sewing, such as buttons, pins, and hooks.


Something that is conveyed or intended, especially by language; sense or significance
The writer's meaning was obscured by convoluted prose.


A belief or opinion
Had an old-fashioned notion of what qualities were most important in a mate.


An interpreted goal, intent, or end
"The central meaning of his pontificate is to restore papal authority" (Conor Cruise O'Brien).


A mental image; an idea or conception
Do you have any notion of what I'm referring to?.


A sense of importance or purpose
When he became a teacher, he felt that his life had meaning.


An impulse or whim
I suddenly had the notion of walking by the river.


Disposed or intended in a specified manner. Often used in combination
A well-meaning fellow.
Ill-meaning intentions.


Notions Small lightweight items for household use, such as needles, buttons, and thread.


Full of meaning; expressive
Gave me a meaning look.


Mental apprehension of whatever may be known, thought, or imagined; idea, concept.


(of words, expressions or symbols)


A sentiment; an opinion.


The denotation, referent, or idea connected with a word, expression, or symbol.


(obsolete) Sense; mind.


The connotation associated with a word, expression, or symbol.


(colloquial) An invention; an ingenious device; a knickknack.
Yankee notions


The purpose, value, or significance (of something) beyond the fact of that thing's existence.
The meaning of life
The number of persons attending the vigil had a lot of meaning to the families.


Any small article used in sewing and haberdashery, either for attachment to garments or as a tool, such as a button, zipper, or thimble.


(of a person's actions) Intention.


(colloquial) Inclination; intention; disposition.
I have a notion' to do it.


Present participle of mean


Mental apprehension of whatever may be known or imagined; an idea; a conception; more properly, a general or universal conception, as distinguishable or definable by marks or notæ.
What hath been generally agreed on, I content myself to assume under the notion of principles.
Few agree in their notions about these words.
That notion of hunger, cold, sound, color, thought, wish, or fear which is in the mind, is called the "idea" of hunger, cold, etc.
Notion, again, signifies either the act of apprehending, signalizing, that is, the remarking or taking note of, the various notes, marks, or characters of an object which its qualities afford, or the result of that act.


Having a (specified) intention.


A sentiment; an opinion.
The extravagant notion they entertain of themselves.
A perverse will easily collects together a system of notions to justify itself in its obliquity.


Expressing some intention or significance; meaningful.


Sense; mind.


That which is meant or intended; intent; purpose; aim; object; as, a mischievous meaning was apparent.
If there be any good meaning towards you.


An invention; an ingenious device; a knickknack; as, Yankee notions.


That which is signified, whether by act lanquage; signification; sense; import; as, the meaning of a hint.


Inclination; intention; disposition; as, I have a notion to do it.


Sense; power of thinking.


Miscellaneous small objects; sundries; - usually referring to articles displayed together for sale.


The message that is intended or expressed or signified;
What is the meaning of this sentence
The significance of a red traffic light
The signification of Chinese characters
The import of his announcement was ambigtuous


A vague idea in which some confidence is placed;
His impression of her was favorable
What are your feelings about the crisis?
It strengthened my belief in his sincerity
I had a feeling that she was lying


The idea that is intended;
What is the meaning of this proverb?


A general inclusive concept


Rich in significance or implication;
A meaning look
Pregnant with meaning


An odd or fanciful or capricious idea;
The theatrical notion of disguise is associated with disaster in his stories
He had a whimsy about flying to the moon
Whimsy can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it


(usually plural) small personal articles or clothing or sewing items;
Buttons and needles are notions

Common Curiosities

Is a notion always based on a personal belief?

Yes, notions are primarily based on personal beliefs or insights and do not necessarily require empirical evidence.

How can notions influence decision making?

Notions can shape decision making by influencing one’s perspectives and expectations, even if they are not fully substantiated.

How do meanings impact understanding in different cultures?

Meanings can vary widely between cultures, affecting how concepts and ideas are understood and communicated.

What is the difference between meaning and notion?

Meaning is the significance conveyed by something, while notion is a speculative idea or belief.

What role do meanings play in language learning?

In language learning, understanding the meanings of words and phrases is crucial for mastering communication and comprehension.

Are all meanings universally agreed upon?

No, meanings can differ based on cultural, social, and individual factors, leading to varied interpretations.

Are meanings always clear?

Not always; meanings can vary depending on context, culture, or individual interpretation.

How do meanings evolve over time?

Meanings can evolve due to changes in culture, technology, and language usage, reflecting shifts in societal values and knowledge.

Can a notion be scientifically tested?

Not directly, as notions are subjective; however, they can inspire hypotheses that are then scientifically tested.

Can a notion become a meaning?

A notion can evolve into a widely accepted meaning if it gains enough recognition and proof.

Can notions be harmful?

Yes, if they are based on incorrect assumptions or misinformation, notions can lead to misunderstandings or conflicts.

How do meanings and notions influence communication?

Meanings ensure clarity and effectiveness in communication, while notions can introduce personal biases or perspectives.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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