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Meet vs. Exceed — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 20, 2024
Meeting expectations involves achieving set standards or criteria, while exceeding expectations means going beyond what is required or anticipated, delivering more than was expected.
Meet vs. Exceed — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Meet and Exceed


Key Differences

Meeting expectations refers to the accomplishment of goals, standards, or requirements as set by oneself, others, or an organization. It implies a level of performance that satisfies the basic criteria. On the other hand, exceeding expectations involves surpassing these set benchmarks, offering a higher level of performance or results than was originally anticipated or required.
In a workplace context, an employee meets expectations by fulfilling their job responsibilities adequately, delivering work that meets the set standards. Whereas, exceeding expectations would mean that the employee not only fulfills their designated roles but also adds additional value through exceptional performance, innovative solutions, or taking on extra responsibilities.
When it comes to customer service, meeting expectations would involve providing services or products that satisfy the customer’s basic requirements. Exceeding expectations, however, entails offering an experience or product quality that surpasses what the customer anticipated, often leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
In education, a student meets expectations by achieving the grades or outcomes that reflect a standard level of understanding and competence as defined by the educational institution. Exceeding expectations, in this case, would be demonstrated by achieving higher than the required grades, engaging in extra-curricular learning opportunities, or contributing uniquely to the educational community.
The difference between meeting and exceeding expectations often lies in the extra effort, innovation, and commitment demonstrated. Exceeding expectations is generally associated with going above and beyond the basic requirements, showing a higher level of dedication or creativity that stands out.

Comparison Chart


Achieving what is required or anticipated.
Surpassing what is required or anticipated.

Performance Level

Satisfactory and meets the basic criteria or standards.
Outstanding, going beyond the basic criteria or standards.


Fulfills obligations or requirements.
Enhances value, satisfaction, or outcomes significantly.

Customer Service

Services or products that satisfy basic requirements.
Providing an exceptional experience beyond the basics.


Fulfilling job responsibilities adequately.
Adding extra value through exceptional performance.


Achieving grades or outcomes that reflect standard understanding.
Achieving beyond the required grades or contributing uniquely.

Compare with Definitions


To fulfill a standard level of performance.
The team met expectations by completing the project on time.


To deliver more than what is anticipated.
The movie exceeded expectations, offering depth and spectacular visuals.


To reach the anticipated level of success.
Sales this quarter just met the company's expectations.


To achieve a higher level of success than foreseen.
The fundraiser exceeded expectations, raising twice the targeted amount.


To deliver on promised outcomes.
The event met attendees’ expectations for entertainment and information.




To satisfy basic criteria.
The product met the basic expectations of quality and reliability.


To go beyond standard performance levels.
The service exceeded our expectations with its personalized attention.


To achieve what is required.
The new software met our expectations for speed and efficiency.


To provide outcomes beyond what was promised.
The conference exceeded expectations in both networking opportunities and learning experiences.


To come into the presence of by chance or arrangement
I was surprised to meet an old friend in the park. I met a friend for coffee.


To surpass what is required.
The employee exceeded expectations by increasing sales by 50%.


To come into the company of
I met my colleagues for a meeting.


To be greater than, as in number or degree; surpass
A fortune that exceeds ten million dollars.
Demand that exceeded supply.


To be introduced to; make the acquaintance of
Have you met my wife?.


To go beyond the limits of
I exceeded my allowance. The car exceeded the speed limit.


To come together or confront in opposition
The rival teams meet next week.


To be better than or superior to
A material that exceeds all others in durability.


To be present at the arrival of
Met the train.


(transitive) To be larger, greater than (something).
The company's 2005 revenue exceeds that of 2004.


To come into conjunction with; join or touch
Where the road meets the highway.


(transitive) To be better than (something).
The quality of her essay has exceeded my expectations.


To come into conformity with the views, wishes, or opinions of
The firm has done its best to meet us on that point.


(transitive) To go beyond (some limit); to surpass; to be longer than.
Your password cannot exceed eight characters.


To come to the notice of (the senses)
There is more here than meets the eye.


(intransitive) To predominate.


To experience or undergo
He met his fate with courage. The project has met a setback.


To go too far; to be excessive.


To be sufficient for (a need, for example); fulfill
Meet all the conditions in the contract.


To go beyond; to proceed beyond the given or supposed limit or measure of; to outgo; to surpass; - used both in a good and a bad sense; as, one man exceeds another in bulk, stature, weight, power, skill, etc.; one offender exceeds another in villainy; his rank exceeds yours.
Name the time, but let it notExceed three days.
Observes how much a chintz exceeds mohair.


To deal or contend with effectively
We can meet each problem as it arises.


To go too far; to pass the proper bounds or measure.
Forty stripes he may give him, and not exceed.


To pay; settle
Enough money to meet expenses.


To be more or greater; to be paramount.


To come together
Didn't recognize him when we met. Where should we meet for lunch?.


Go beyond;
Their loyalty exceeds their national bonds


To come into conjunction; be joined
The two pipes meet in the corner.


Go beyond;
She exceeded our expectations
She topped her performance of last year


To come together as opponents; contend
The team met with its rival.


Be or do something to a greater degree;
Her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
She outdoes all other athletes
This exceeds all my expectations
This car outperforms all others in its class


To become introduced
Where did the two of you meet?.


To assemble
Protesters met in the square.


To occur together, especially in one person or entity
Suspense and intrigue meet in this new movie.


A meeting or contest, especially an athletic competition.


Fitting; proper
"It seems not meet, nor wholesome to my place" (Shakespeare).


To make contact (with) while in proximity.


To come face to face with by accident; to encounter.
Fancy meeting you here! Guess who I met at the supermarket today?


To come face to face with someone by arrangement.
Let's meet at the station at 9 o'clock.


To get acquainted with someone.
I'm pleased to meet you! I'd like you to meet a colleague of mine.
I met my husband through a mutual friend at a party. It wasn't love at first sight; in fact, we couldn't stand each other at first!


(Of groups) To come together.


To gather for a formal or social discussion; to hold a meeting.
I met with them several times. The government ministers met today to start the negotiations.


To come together in conflict.


(sports) To play a match.
England and Holland will meet in the final.


To make physical or perceptual contact.


To converge and finally touch or intersect.
The two streets meet at a crossroad half a mile away.


To touch or hit something while moving.
The right wing of the car met the column in the garage, leaving a dent.


To adjoin, be physically touching.
The carpet meets the wall at this side of the room. The forest meets the sea along this part of the coast.


(transitive) To respond to (an argument etc.) with something equally convincing; to refute.
He met every objection to the trip with another reason I should go.


To satisfy; to comply with.
This proposal meets my requirements. The company agrees to meet the cost of any repairs.


(intransitive) To balance or come out correct.


To perceive; to come to a knowledge of; to have personal acquaintance with; to experience; to suffer.
The eye met a horrid sight. He met his fate.


To be mixed with, to be combined with aspects of.


(sports) A sports competition, especially for track and field or swimming.
Track meet
Swim meet


(hunting) A gathering of riders, horses and hounds for foxhunting; a field meet for hunting.


(rail transport) A meeting of two trains in opposite directions on a single track, when one is put into a siding to let the other cross.


(informal) A meeting.
OK, let's arrange a meet with Tyler and ask him.


(algebra) The greatest lower bound, an operation between pairs of elements in a lattice, denoted by the symbol ∧.


(archaic) Suitable; right; proper.


To join, or come in contact with; esp., to come in contact with by approach from an opposite direction; to come upon or against, front to front, as distinguished from contact by following and overtaking.


To come in collision with; to confront in conflict; to encounter hostilely; as, they met the enemy and defeated them; the ship met opposing winds and currents.


To come into the presence of without contact; to come close to; to intercept; to come within the perception, influence, or recognition of; as, to meet a train at a junction; to meet carriages or persons in the street; to meet friends at a party; sweet sounds met the ear.
His daughter came out to meet him.


To perceive; to come to a knowledge of; to have personal acquaintance with; to experience; to suffer; as, the eye met a horrid sight; he met his fate.
Of vice or virtue, whether blest or curst,Which meets contempt, or which compassion first.


To come up to; to be even with; to equal; to match; to satisfy; to ansver; as, to meet one's expectations; the supply meets the demand.


To come together by mutual approach; esp., to come in contact, or into proximity, by approach from opposite directions; to join; to come face to face; to come in close relationship; as, we met in the street; two lines meet so as to form an angle.
O, when meet nowSuch pairs in love and mutual honor joined !


To come together with hostile purpose; to have an encounter or conflict.
Weapons more violent, when next we meet,May serve to better us and worse our foes.


To assemble together; to congregate; as, Congress meets on the first Monday of December.
They . . . appointed a day to meet together.


To come together by mutual concessions; hence, to agree; to harmonize; to unite.
We met with many things worthy of observation.
Prepare to meet with more than brutal furyFrom the fierce prince.


An assembling together; esp., the assembling of huntsmen for the hunt; also, the persons who so assemble, and the place of meeting.


Suitable; fit; proper; appropriate; qualified; convenient.
It was meet that we should make merry.




A meeting at which a number of athletic contests are held


Come together;
I'll probably see you at the meeting
How nice to see you again!


Get together socially or for a specific purpose


Be adjacent or come together;
The lines converge at this point


Fill or meet a want or need


Satisfy a condition or restriction;
Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?


Satisfy or fulfill;
Meet a need
This job doesn't match my dreams


Get to know; get acquainted with;
I met this really handsome guy at a bar last night!
We met in Singapore


Collect in one place;
We assembled in the church basement
Let's gather in the dining room


Meet by design; be present at the arrival of;
Can you meet me at the train station?


Contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle;
Princeton plays Yale this weekend
Charlie likes to play Mary


Experience as a reaction;
My proposal met with much opposition


Be in direct physical contact with; make contact;
The two buildings touch
Their hands touched
The wire must not contact the metal cover
The surfaces contact at this point


Being precisely fitting and right;
It is only meet that she should be seated first

Common Curiosities

Why is it important to exceed customer expectations?

Exceeding customer expectations can lead to higher satisfaction, loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth for the business.

How do teachers evaluate students who exceed expectations?

Through grades above the standard requirements, recognition of extra effort, or acknowledging unique contributions to the learning environment.

How does exceeding expectations affect team dynamics?

It can inspire higher performance standards and motivation among team members but may also create pressure to constantly outperform.

How can I exceed expectations at work?

By delivering exceptional performance, innovating, taking initiative, and contributing beyond your basic job responsibilities.

Can meeting expectations be seen as negative?

Not inherently, but consistently only meeting and not exceeding expectations may limit opportunities for growth or recognition.

Is it possible to always exceed expectations?

While it's a positive goal, constantly exceeding expectations can be challenging and may lead to unsustainable workloads or stress.

What role does feedback play in meeting or exceeding expectations?

Feedback helps individuals understand how their performance aligns with expectations and identifies areas for improvement or recognition.

What does it mean to meet expectations in a job?

It means fulfilling your job responsibilities to the standard level expected by your employer.

Can exceeding expectations change over time?

Yes, as expectations evolve, what constitutes exceeding them may also change, requiring ongoing adaptation and growth.

What's the difference between exceeding expectations and perfectionism?

Exceeding expectations focuses on surpassing goals in a healthy, constructive manner, whereas perfectionism can lead to unrealistic standards and dissatisfaction.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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