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Menaquinone vs. Menatetrenone — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 22, 2024
Menaquinone refers to a group of vitamin K compounds essential for blood coagulation and bone health, while menatetrenone, specifically MK-4, is a subtype of menaquinone with distinct sources and benefits.
Menaquinone vs. Menatetrenone — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Menaquinone and Menatetrenone


Key Differences

Menaquinone, collectively known as vitamin K2, plays a critical role in blood coagulation, calcium metabolism, and bone and cardiovascular health. It encompasses several forms, including MK-4 through MK-13, based on the number of isoprenoid residues. Whereas, menatetrenone, or MK-4, is a specific type of menaquinone, notable for its unique role in influencing gene expression related to bone metabolism and cardiovascular health.
The primary sources of menaquinone include fermented foods like cheese and natto, as well as animal-based products. On the other hand, menatetrenone (MK-4) is found in animal-based foods, including meat, eggs, and dairy, with particularly high levels in certain types of cheeses and organ meats. This distinction is crucial for dietary planning, especially for individuals focusing on bone health and cardiovascular benefits.
Menaquinone’s effectiveness in the body, including its impact on cardiovascular health and bone density, depends on the specific type and its bioavailability. MK-7, for example, has a longer half-life, enhancing its systemic availability. Conversely, menatetrenone (MK-4) has a shorter half-life but is thought to be more effective at activating certain proteins related to bone health, indicating a complementary role between different menaquinones.
Both forms of vitamin K2 are integral to activating proteins that bind calcium to bones and teeth, thus preventing calcium from depositing in the arteries and other soft tissues. However, menatetrenone (MK-4) has been specifically studied for its potential to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and improve bone density, suggesting its targeted application in bone health supplements.
While menaquinone in general supports cardiovascular health by inhibiting vascular calcification, menatetrenone (MK-4)’s unique contributions to this process and its potential benefits in reducing arterial stiffness highlight the nuanced roles different forms of vitamin K2 play in maintaining cardiovascular health.

Comparison Chart


A group of vitamin K compounds known as vitamin K2.
A specific type of menaquinone, also known as vitamin K2 MK-4.


Includes several forms from MK-4 to MK-13.
Specifically refers to the MK-4 form.

Primary Sources

Fermented foods, animal-based products.
Animal-based foods, particularly meat, eggs, dairy.

Role in Health

Supports bone health, cardiovascular health, and calcium metabolism.
Specifically studied for bone health and cardiovascular benefits.


Varied; MK-7 is noted for its longer half-life and systemic availability.
Has a shorter half-life but is effectively utilized in bone metabolism.

Compare with Definitions


Found in fermented and animal-based foods, contributing to dietary intake.
Natto, a fermented soy product, is an excellent source of menaquinone.


Has a shorter half-life but is quickly utilized by the body.
Despite its quick metabolism, menatetrenone is effective in supporting bone mineralization.


A collective term for vitamin K2 variants crucial for bone and cardiovascular health.
Menaquinone is essential for the activation of proteins that regulate calcium deposition.


A specific form of vitamin K2, known for its role in bone health.
Menatetrenone (MK-4) supplementation is often recommended for osteoporosis prevention.


Includes multiple forms, each with unique benefits and bioavailability.
The menaquinone variants, such as MK-7 and MK-8, are important for health supplementation.


Considered in therapeutic strategies for bone diseases.
Studies suggest menatetrenone may help improve bone density in individuals with osteoporosis.


Plays a role in blood coagulation alongside vitamin K1.
Menaquinone works with vitamin K1 to support normal blood clotting.


Predominantly found in animal products like meat and dairy.
Consuming eggs and cheese can increase dietary intake of menatetrenone.


Integral to calcium metabolism, influencing bone density and cardiovascular health.
Adequate intake of menaquinone is linked to reduced risk of osteoporosis and heart disease.


Associated with gene expression related to cardiovascular and bone health.
Menatetrenone influences genes that help prevent arterial calcification.


See vitamin K2.


Menatetrenone (INN), also known as MK-4, is one of the nine forms of vitamin K2. MK-4 is produced via conversion of vitamin K1 in the body, in the testes, pancreas and arterial walls.


A pale yellow crystalline naphthoquinone C41H56O2 that is obtained especially from putrefied fish meal and produced by bacteria in the large intestine and essential for the blood-clotting process. It is much more unsaturated than vitamin K1 and slightly less active biologically, and is an isoprenoid derivative of menadione.


(organic compound) menaquinone.

Common Curiosities

Why is menaquinone important for health?

Menaquinone is crucial for activating proteins that regulate calcium metabolism, supporting bone density and preventing vascular calcification.

How does menatetrenone differ from other forms of menaquinone?

Menatetrenone (MK-4) is a specific type of menaquinone with a shorter half-life and distinct health benefits, especially for bone health.

What are the primary sources of menatetrenone?

Menatetrenone is primarily found in animal-based foods, including meat, eggs, and dairy products.

Is menatetrenone suitable for vegetarians?

Since menatetrenone is found in animal products, it may not be suitable for vegetarians; however, some fermented foods and supplements provide alternative sources of vitamin K2.

What is menaquinone?

Menaquinone refers to vitamin K2, a group of compounds essential for blood clotting, bone health, and cardiovascular health.

Can menatetrenone improve bone health?

Yes, menatetrenone has been specifically studied for its role in improving bone density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

What makes MK-7 different from MK-4?

MK-7, another form of menaquinone, has a longer half-life than MK-4, which may enhance its systemic availability and benefits for cardiovascular health.

How do menaquinones support cardiovascular health?

Menaquinones help prevent the calcification of blood vessels, thereby supporting flexible arteries and overall cardiovascular health.

Can menaquinone and menatetrenone be taken together in supplements?

Yes, many supplements contain both forms of vitamin K2 to maximize health benefits, as they each have unique roles in the body.

Are there any side effects of taking menatetrenone?

Menatetrenone is generally safe, but excessive doses can interfere with blood-thinning medications. It's important to consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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