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Method Overloading in Java vs. Method Overriding in Java — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 1, 2023
Method Overloading in Java allows multiple methods with the same name but different parameters, while Method Overriding in Java enables a subclass to provide a specific implementation for a method already defined in its superclass.
Method Overloading in Java vs. Method Overriding in Java — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Method Overloading in Java and Method Overriding in Java


Key Differences

Method Overloading in Java is a feature that permits a class to have multiple methods with the same name, but with different parameters (number, type, or both). On the other hand, Method Overriding in Java is a technique where a subclass provides a specific implementation for a method that is already provided by its superclass.
In the context of Method Overloading in Java, it's important to note that return type doesn't differentiate overloaded methods. Contrastingly, in Method Overriding in Java, the method in the subclass must have the same name, return type, and parameters as the method in the superclass.
Method Overloading in Java enhances the readability of the code since you can use the same name for related actions. In contrast, Method Overriding in Java offers the ability to achieve runtime polymorphism, enabling Java to decide which method to execute based on the object used at runtime.
A key aspect of Method Overloading in Java is that it occurs within the same class. On the flip side, Method Overriding in Java always involves two classes: the superclass and its subclass.
For Method Overloading in Java, the methods can have the same or different access modifiers. In contrast, for Method Overriding in Java, the overriding method cannot have a more restrictive access modifier than the overridden method in the superclass.

Comparison Chart


Multiple methods with the same name but different parameters
Subclass provides specific implementation of a superclass method

Occurs Within

The same class
Superclass and its subclass

Parameters & Return Type

Parameters differentiate methods; return type doesn’t matter
Same name, return type, and parameters as superclass method


Enhance code readability
Achieve runtime polymorphism

Access Modifiers

Can vary
Cannot be more restrictive than superclass method

Compare with Definitions

Method Overloading in Java

Method Overloading in Java occurs within a single class.
All overloaded methods reside within the same class definition.

Method Overriding in Java

Method Overriding in Java doesn't allow a more restrictive access modifier.
A public method in a superclass can't be overridden as private in a subclass.

Method Overloading in Java

Method Overloading in Java doesn't consider return types for differentiation.
Int add(int a, int b) and double add(double a, double b) are valid overloaded methods.

Method Overriding in Java

Method Overriding in Java mandates the use of the @Override annotation for clarity.
Using @Override before the move() method in Car indicates it's overriding the superclass method.

Method Overloading in Java

Method Overloading in Java can have different access modifiers.
A public method can be overloaded with a private method.

Method Overriding in Java

Method Overriding in Java is when a subclass provides a specific implementation of a superclass method.
If Vehicle class has a move() method, a Car subclass can override it to specify car movement.

Method Overloading in Java

Method Overloading in Java is having multiple methods with the same name but different parameters. You can have draw(int x) and draw(int x, int y) in the same class.

Method Overriding in Java

Method Overriding in Java helps achieve runtime polymorphism.
At runtime, Java decides if move() of Vehicle or Car should be executed based on the object type.

Method Overloading in Java

Method Overloading in Java enhances code readability by grouping related actions.
CalculateArea(int side) and calculateArea(int length, int breadth) clearly indicate related operations.

Method Overriding in Java

Method Overriding in Java requires methods to have the same name, return type, and parameters.
Overriding int getResult() from superclass mandates the same signature in the subclass.

Common Curiosities

Why use Method Overriding in Java?

It enables runtime polymorphism and allows subclasses to provide a specific implementation for a superclass method.

What's the purpose of Method Overloading in Java?

It allows defining multiple methods with the same name but different parameters, enhancing code readability.

Can return types differentiate Method Overloading in Java?

No, overloaded methods are differentiated by parameters, not return types.

Does Method Overloading in Java require the @Override annotation?

No, the @Override annotation is used for method overriding, not overloading.

In Method Overloading in Java, can we overload methods based on return types?

No, methods can't be overloaded solely based on return types.

Can we overload main() in Java?

Yes, the main() method can be overloaded, but the JVM only calls the original main() method.

Can a subclass override a private method from the superclass in Java?

No, private methods are not accessible in subclasses and thus can't be overridden.

How does Method Overriding in Java differ from overloading?

Overriding involves redefining a superclass method in a subclass, whereas overloading involves multiple methods with the same name but different parameters in one class.

Can constructors be overloaded in Java?

Yes, constructors can be overloaded based on the number and type of parameters.

Is it mandatory to use the @Override annotation in Method Overriding in Java?

While not mandatory, it's recommended for clarity and to catch errors during compilation.

Why is Method Overriding in Java crucial for object-oriented programming?

It promotes the concept of polymorphism, allowing an object to take on many forms based on its type.

How does Java determine which method to call in Method Overriding in Java?

It's determined at runtime based on the object type.

Does Method Overloading in Java support different return types for overloaded methods?

Yes, but the return type alone doesn't differentiate overloaded methods.

In Method Overriding in Java, can the overriding method throw an exception not thrown by the overridden method?

The overriding method can only throw the exceptions that are thrown by the overridden method or its subtypes.

Can Method Overloading in Java occur across multiple classes?

No, method overloading occurs within a single class.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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