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MI5 vs. MI6 — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 29, 2023
MI5 is the UK's domestic security agency, while MI6 is its foreign intelligence service. MI5 handles threats within the UK; MI6 gathers intelligence abroad.
MI5 vs. MI6 — What's the Difference?

Difference Between MI5 and MI6


Key Differences

MI5, formally known as the Security Service, is primarily responsible for internal security within the United Kingdom. On the other hand, MI6, recognized as the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), operates mainly outside the UK, focusing on foreign intelligence gathering.
While both MI5 and MI6 play crucial roles in safeguarding national security, they do so from different vantage points.
MI5's operations revolve around counter-terrorism, counter-espionage, and counter-intelligence within British borders. In contrast, MI6 tasks involve gathering information overseas that pertains to national security interests.
Both agencies, MI5 and MI6, have a rich history and have evolved over the years, adapting to the changing geopolitical landscape.
However, their distinction remains clear: MI5 operates domestically and MI6 functions internationally.

Comparison Chart

Formal Name

Security Service
Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)

Operational Focus

Domestic security
Foreign intelligence

Primary Responsibilities

Counter-terrorism, counter-espionage, counter-intelligence
Gathering intelligence abroad related to national security


Within the United Kingdom
Outside the United Kingdom

Historical Evolution

Evolved with domestic threats
Developed with overseas intelligence needs

Compare with Definitions


The UK's domestic security agency.
MI5 is responsible for thwarting threats within the country.


Officially recognized as the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS).
Reports regarding international threats often come from MI6.


Focuses on counter-terrorism, counter-espionage, and counter-intelligence.
With the rise of global terrorism, MI5's role has become even more significant.


The UK's foreign intelligence service.
MI6 agents gather vital information from overseas sources.


Operates primarily within the United Kingdom.
Any threats within the nation's borders are typically addressed by MI5.


Focuses on intelligence gathering outside the United Kingdom.
MI6 plays a pivotal role in understanding international events and threats.


Protects the UK against internal threats.
MI5 agents often work covertly to ensure national safety.


Operates mainly outside British borders.
For intelligence related to overseas matters, MI6 is the primary agency.


Formally known as the Security Service.
As a key component of the UK's security apparatus, MI5 plays a vital role.


Concerned with foreign matters that affect UK's national security.
MI6 often collaborates with international counterparts to gather intelligence.

Common Curiosities

What is the official name for MI6?

MI6 is officially recognized as the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS).

Is MI5 also called the Security Service?

Yes, MI5 is formally known as the Security Service.

What is the main function of MI5?

MI5 is responsible for domestic security within the UK.

Where does MI5 operate primarily?

MI5 operates primarily within the United Kingdom.

Do MI5 and MI6 collaborate with each other?

Yes, MI5 and MI6 often collaborate on matters of national security.

How does MI6 differ from MI5?

MI6 focuses on gathering foreign intelligence, while MI5 deals with internal security.

Are MI5 and MI6 part of the UK government?

Yes, both MI5 and MI6 are agencies of the UK government.

Does MI6 work internationally?

Yes, MI6's main operations are carried out outside the UK.

Which agency deals with counter-terrorism within the UK?

MI5 is responsible for counter-terrorism operations within the UK.

Under whom does MI6 function?

MI6 operates under the authority of the Foreign Secretary.

Is MI6 depicted in the James Bond films?

Yes, MI6 is famously portrayed in the James Bond series.

Who gathers intelligence for the UK from abroad?

MI6 is tasked with gathering foreign intelligence for the UK.

Who oversees the operations of MI5?

MI5 operates under the authority of the Home Secretary.

Do MI5 agents carry guns?

MI5 agents do not typically carry guns, but they collaborate with armed units when necessary.

Is the work of MI6 agents often covert?

Yes, much of the work MI6 agents do is covert to protect national security.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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