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Microsoft vs. Windows — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 11, 2023
Microsoft is a multinational technology company, while Windows is an operating system developed by Microsoft. Thus, Microsoft creates Windows among other products.
Microsoft vs. Windows — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Microsoft and Windows


Key Differences

Microsoft and Windows are frequently mentioned together, yet they serve different roles in the tech world. Microsoft is a vast multinational corporation, while Windows is one of its many software products.
Founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, Microsoft embarked on a journey to revolutionize the tech industry. One of its significant achievements is the development of Windows, which became a leading operating system worldwide.
Microsoft has a diversified product portfolio that goes beyond just software. It includes hardware, cloud services, gaming, and more. Windows, on the other hand, specifically refers to the family of operating systems for computers, tablets, and some phones.
Over the years, Windows has seen numerous versions, each with improvements and changes. While Microsoft oversees these developments, it also manages many other ventures like Xbox, Microsoft Office, and Azure.
To summarize, Microsoft is the umbrella corporation with various tech endeavors, and Windows is a prominent software product under that umbrella, integral to millions of devices.

Comparison Chart


Multinational technology company.
Operating system.


Produces software, hardware, cloud services, etc.
Provides an interface for computer hardware and users.

Examples of Other Products

Xbox, Microsoft Office, Azure.
N/A – Windows is a singular product.


Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
Developed by Microsoft.

Key Achievement

Revolutionizing personal computing and software development.
Becoming a leading OS for personal computers and other devices.

Compare with Definitions


A tech giant with global reach and impact.
Microsoft's Office suite is utilized by millions worldwide.


A platform with multiple versions and editions.
Windows Server caters to enterprise requirements.


A producer of software and hardware products.
Microsoft's Surface devices have gained popularity in recent years.


A software product by Microsoft.
Windows has evolved over the years, with Windows 95 being a game-changer.


A key player in cloud computing and services.
Microsoft's Azure platform offers diverse cloud solutions for businesses.


An interface between computer hardware and users.
Windows allows users to run applications and manage files efficiently.


A multinational technology corporation.
Microsoft was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.


An operating system for computers.
Windows 10 is known for its user-friendly interface.


A company with significant influence in the gaming industry.
Microsoft's acquisition of Bethesda expanded its gaming portfolio.


An OS with a significant market share in the personal computing segment.
Many professionals prefer Windows for its compatibility and software options.


Plural of window

Common Curiosities

Is Windows the only product Microsoft makes?

No, Microsoft produces various products like Xbox, Microsoft Office, and Azure.

Can I run Windows on a Mac?

Yes, with software like Boot Camp, you can run Windows on a Mac.

How often does Microsoft release new versions of Windows?

It varies, but major releases typically occur every few years.

Who founded Microsoft?

Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.

Are all Microsoft software products compatible with Windows?

Most of them are, but compatibility might depend on the Windows version.

Is Microsoft involved in cloud computing?

Yes, Microsoft's Azure platform is a significant player in cloud services.

Does Microsoft make hardware products too?

Yes, products like the Surface tablets and laptops and Xbox are Microsoft's hardware offerings.

What's the latest version of Windows?

This changes over time, but as of my last update, Windows 11 is the latest.

How does Windows differ from other operating systems?

Windows has a unique interface, system architecture, and software ecosystem compared to OSs like macOS or Linux.

How does Microsoft impact the tech industry?

Being a tech giant, Microsoft's innovations, products, and decisions significantly shape the industry.

Has Microsoft made any mobile versions of Windows?

Yes, Windows Phone and Windows 10 Mobile were mobile OSs developed by Microsoft.

Are Microsoft and Windows the same?

No, Microsoft is the company, and Windows is an operating system it developed.

Can I use Microsoft Office on other operating systems besides Windows?

Yes, Microsoft Office is available for macOS and mobile OSs too.

Is Windows open-source?

No, Windows is proprietary software owned by Microsoft.

Why is Windows so popular?

Its user-friendly interface, compatibility, and wide software availability contribute to its popularity.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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