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MIDI vs. Digital Audio — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on November 30, 2023
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) conveys musical notes and control signals, while Digital Audio represents actual sound waves in a digital format.
MIDI vs. Digital Audio — What's the Difference?

Difference Between MIDI and Digital Audio


Key Differences

MIDI and Digital Audio both function within the realm of electronic music but serve divergent purposes and possess distinct technical characteristics. MIDI, essentially a communication protocol, does not store sound but transmits musical information like pitch, duration, and velocity, enabling electronic devices like synthesizers and computers to interact and generate sound. On the other hand, Digital Audio encapsulates real sounds, converting acoustic sound waves into digital signals which can be manipulated, stored, and reproduced, presenting actual auditory content.
Thus, MIDI thrives on instructing devices on how to produce sounds, offering immense control over elements like pitch, tempo, and timbre without containing any sonic information itself. Contrarily, Digital Audio captures, stores, and reproduces sound, serving as a literal representation of audible signals in a digitalized form, providing tangible audio playback but with less flexibility in altering musical elements dynamically.
MIDI's efficacy lies in its low data usage, ability to alter musical parameters dynamically, and facilitating intricate digital music compositions by orchestrating numerous instruments and channels with detailed instructions. Conversely, Digital Audio, being an authentic representation of sound, excels in capturing and reproducing nuances of audio, including voice and acoustic instruments, providing rich and accurate auditory experiences.
While MIDI provides an avenue for controlling and manipulating musical elements flexibly across varied instruments, it necessitates external sound modules or synthesizers to convert its data into audible sound. Digital Audio, alternatively, does not demand external sound sources for playback, as the stored files contain the actual audio, but does not inherently provide extensive manipulative control over individual musical parameters.

Comparison Chart

Nature of Data

Represents music as digital instructions
Represents actual sound waves as digital data

Sound Production

Requires an external device for sound production
Stores actual audio data and doesn’t need external sound devices

Data Size

Generally lightweight due to storing only instructional information
Tends to be larger as it stores actual sound data


Allows dynamic alteration of musical parameters
Allows manipulation of sound waveforms, but not musical elements

Use Case

Effective for composing and arranging electronic music
Effective for recording and reproducing actual sound

Compare with Definitions


A protocol for communication between musical devices.
MIDI allows synthesizers and computers to communicate musical instructions.

Digital Audio

Enables the recording, storage, and playback of actual sounds.
With Digital Audio, actual sound waves are stored and replayed, preserving sonic details.


Does not store actual sound data.
MIDI files instruct devices on how to create sounds without containing auditory information.

Digital Audio

Can reproduce sound without additional sound sources.
Digital Audio can be played back directly, as it contains the actual sound.


Requires external sound-generating devices for audibility.
MIDI data must be sent to a synthesizer or software to generate audible sound.

Digital Audio

Represents actual sound waves as digital data.
Digital Audio allows precise recording and reproduction of voices and instruments.


Enables dynamic manipulation of musical elements.
MIDI facilitates changing the pitch and tempo of a piece without altering audio files.

Digital Audio

Not inherently designed for dynamic musical parameter manipulation.
Editing the pitch of Digital Audio involves altering the sound data directly.


Facilitates multi-channel musical arrangements.
Using MIDI, composers can orchestrate various instruments and channels seamlessly.

Digital Audio

Tends to consume more data compared to MIDI.
Digital Audio files, like WAV, can be considerably larger due to storing actual sound data.


A dress, skirt, or coat of mid-calf length.


A standard for representing musical information in a digital format.


Software that conforms to this standard, used for composing and editing electronic music.


Having a hemline at mid-calf length.


A coat or skirt having such a hemline.


Synonym of Berliner


The south of France


A standard protocol for communication between electronic musical instruments and computers


Used of women's clothing having a hemline at mid-calf;
Wore her dresses midi length
A mini dress

Common Curiosities

What is MIDI commonly used for?

MIDI is widely used for electronic music production and controlling musical devices.

Can Digital Audio files be played without additional instruments?

Yes, Digital Audio contains actual sound data and can be played back directly.

Can MIDI control multiple instruments simultaneously?

Yes, MIDI can control and orchestrate multiple instruments and channels concurrently.

What’s a key advantage of Digital Audio?

Accurate recording and playback of actual sound, including nuanced audio details.

Which is generally larger in file size, MIDI or Digital Audio?

Typically, Digital Audio due to containing actual sound data.

Does MIDI contain actual sound data?

No, MIDI contains instructions for generating sound but no audio data.

Is MIDI suitable for recording vocals?

No, MIDI does not record sound and therefore is not suitable for vocals.

How does Digital Audio represent sound?

Digital Audio represents sound waves as digital data, enabling recording and playback.

Can you manipulate musical elements like pitch in Digital Audio?

Yes, but it involves altering the waveform directly, not dynamically as MIDI does.

How is sound quality affected in Digital Audio when altering pitch?

It can degrade, as altering pitch changes the speed of the waveform playback.

Is MIDI primarily used for electronic music production?

Yes, MIDI is a staple in electronic music for composing and controlling devices.

What devices are typically controlled using MIDI?

Synthesizers, drum machines, and computers are often controlled using MIDI.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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