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Milk Pancakes vs. Buttermilk Pancakes — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 31, 2023
Milk Pancakes use regular milk in their batter, while Buttermilk Pancakes use tangy buttermilk.
Milk Pancakes vs. Buttermilk Pancakes — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Milk Pancakes and Buttermilk Pancakes


Key Differences

Milk Pancakes refer to a classic type of pancake where regular milk is the primary liquid ingredient. This milk provides moisture and acts as a binding agent, giving the pancakes their texture. Buttermilk Pancakes, on the other hand, employ buttermilk as the main liquid ingredient. This not only imparts moisture but also introduces a slight tang to the batter.
When we talk about flavor, Milk Pancakes tend to have a more neutral, mild taste. This is because the milk doesn’t significantly influence the flavor. In contrast, Buttermilk Pancakes carry a distinctive tangy flavor due to the acidity in the buttermilk, making them stand out in the world of pancakes.
In terms of texture, Milk Pancakes are often soft and fluffy. The consistency is primarily due to the milk and other ingredients. Buttermilk Pancakes, because of the acid in buttermilk, react with baking soda or baking powder, leading to a fluffier and airier texture than their milk counterparts.
Additionally, the choice between Milk Pancakes and Buttermilk Pancakes often comes down to personal preference. While some enjoy the straightforward and mild taste of Milk Pancakes, others lean towards the tangy and rich profile of Buttermilk Pancakes.
Lastly, while both types of pancakes can be served with a variety of toppings, the unique flavor of Buttermilk Pancakes often pairs exceptionally well with sweet syrups and fruits, balancing out the tanginess of the pancake.

Comparison Chart

Main Ingredient

Regular milk
Tangy buttermilk


Neutral and mild
Distinctively tangy


Soft and fluffy
Fluffier due to acid reacting with leavening

Common Pairings

Standard syrup, butter
Maple syrup, fruits

Reaction with Leavening

Enhanced due to acidity

Compare with Definitions

Milk Pancakes

Milk Pancakes are made using regular milk.
For breakfast, she preferred Milk Pancakes topped with fresh berries.

Buttermilk Pancakes

Buttermilk Pancakes are renowned for their rich taste and texture.
Among all the varieties, she loved Buttermilk Pancakes the most.

Milk Pancakes

Milk Pancakes rely on milk for their moisture and binding.
Without enough milk, the Milk Pancakes turned out too dry.

Buttermilk Pancakes

The acid in buttermilk gives Buttermilk Pancakes a fluffier texture.
The secret to his super fluffy pancakes was using buttermilk.

Milk Pancakes

Milk Pancakes have a straightforward and mild taste.
The simple flavor of Milk Pancakes pairs well with various toppings.

Buttermilk Pancakes

Buttermilk Pancakes often pair exceptionally well with sweet toppings.
The tartness of Buttermilk Pancakes complements the sweetness of blueberry compote.

Milk Pancakes

Milk Pancakes are a classic choice for many households.
On Sundays, they always made a big batch of Milk Pancakes.

Buttermilk Pancakes

Buttermilk Pancakes utilize tangy buttermilk in their batter.
He always orders Buttermilk Pancakes when dining at the diner.

Milk Pancakes

Milk Pancakes are often soft and fluffy in texture.
She loved how light and airy her Milk Pancakes were this morning.

Buttermilk Pancakes

Buttermilk Pancakes have a unique tangy flavor profile.
The tanginess of Buttermilk Pancakes goes perfectly with maple syrup.

Common Curiosities

What's the primary difference between Milk Pancakes and Buttermilk Pancakes?

Milk Pancakes use regular milk, while Buttermilk Pancakes use tangy buttermilk.

Can I use milk in place of buttermilk in a pancake recipe?

Yes, but the texture and taste of Milk Pancakes will be different from Buttermilk Pancakes.

Can I make my own buttermilk for Buttermilk Pancakes?

Yes, by adding lemon juice or vinegar to regular milk, you can create a buttermilk substitute.

How do I store leftover Milk Pancakes or Buttermilk Pancakes?

Both can be refrigerated or frozen, then reheated when needed.

Which is more popular, Milk Pancakes or Buttermilk Pancakes?

Both are popular, but Buttermilk Pancakes are often praised for their unique taste.

Why are Buttermilk Pancakes fluffier?

The acid in buttermilk reacts with leavening agents, producing a fluffier texture.

Are Milk Pancakes less flavorful than Buttermilk Pancakes?

Milk Pancakes have a milder taste, while Buttermilk Pancakes have a distinct tanginess.

Do Buttermilk Pancakes require different toppings?

While any topping works, the tang of Buttermilk Pancakes pairs especially well with sweet toppings.

Which pancake is healthier, Milk Pancakes or Buttermilk Pancakes?

Nutritionally, they're similar, but specific health aspects depend on other ingredients used.

Why do Buttermilk Pancakes have a tangy taste?

The tanginess comes from the acid present in buttermilk.

Are there dairy-free versions of Buttermilk Pancakes?

Yes, using plant-based milk with added acid can mimic the effect of buttermilk.

Can lactose-intolerant individuals eat Milk Pancakes?

It depends on the milk used. Lactose-free milk can be an alternative.

Can I add flavors to Milk Pancakes?

Absolutely! Vanilla, cinnamon, or even chocolate chips can enhance Milk Pancakes.

How can I make Milk Pancakes fluffier?

Ensuring the right balance of wet and dry ingredients and not overmixing can help.

Are there variations of Buttermilk Pancakes from different cultures?

Yes, many cultures have their twist on pancakes, but the use of buttermilk is mainly an American tradition.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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