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Missal vs. Missalette — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 7, 2024
A Missal is a comprehensive book for liturgical services, while a Missalette is a smaller, often temporary booklet for specific services.
Missal vs. Missalette — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Missal and Missalette


Key Differences

A Missal is an extensive liturgical book containing all the prayers, instructions, and texts necessary for the celebration of Mass throughout the year. On the other hand, a Missalette is a condensed version, typically offering selections for Mass that are specific to a certain season or even a single celebration, designed for temporary use.
While the Missal is a permanent fixture in Catholic worship, serving as a comprehensive guide for priests and the laity, the Missalette serves a more transient role, providing attendees with the necessary parts of the Mass that change daily or seasonally, making it easier for congregants to follow along.
Missals are often durable, bound in hardcover to withstand years of use, reflecting their role as a lasting resource for worship. In contrast, Missalettes are usually paperback and are replaced regularly to keep up with the liturgical calendar, indicating their temporary nature.
The content of a Missal is exhaustive, covering every aspect of the Mass, including daily and seasonal variations, feast days, and special occasions. Missalettes, however, focus on the parts of the Mass that vary from day to day or week to week, such as readings and prayers, catering to the immediate needs of the congregation.
Despite their differences, both Missals and Missalettes share the purpose of facilitating participation in the Mass, ensuring that worshippers can follow the liturgy, sing the hymns, and respond to the prayers, albeit in different scopes and formats.

Comparison Chart


Comprehensive guide for the celebration of Mass
Selections for specific Masses or seasons

Duration of Use

Permanent, used year-round
Temporary, often replaced


Typically hardcover, durable
Paperback, less durable


Includes prayers, instructions, and texts for the entire liturgical year
Contains parts of the Mass that change, like readings and prayers

Role in Worship

Serves as a complete resource for priests and the laity
Facilitates participation in specific services

Compare with Definitions


A liturgical book containing all instructions and texts necessary for the celebration of Mass throughout the year.
The priest referred to the missal during the Easter Vigil Mass.


Often disposable or recyclable after a period.
The parish recycles old missalettes at the end of each liturgical season.


Used for both daily and seasonal liturgical services.
Daily mass goers often have their personal missal for regular use.


A booklet providing selections for Mass, intended for short-term use.
The church provides missalettes for congregants to follow the Christmas Mass.


Designed for long-term use.
He received a leather-bound missal as an ordination gift.


Contains seasonal or specific liturgical texts.
The Lenten missalette features Stations of the Cross prayers.


Includes comprehensive liturgical content.
The missal contains prayers, Eucharistic texts, and rubrics for every occasion.


May include announcements or parish information.
The back of the missalette has a schedule for Holy Week services.


Essential for priests in conducting Mass.
The new missal includes recent updates to the liturgical language.


Assists attendees in participating in the Mass.
Visitors find the missalette helpful for joining in the hymns and responses.


A missal is a liturgical book containing all instructions and texts necessary for the celebration of Mass throughout the year.


A sheet or pamphlet containing the prayers, readings, etc., for the Mass of a specific day.


A book containing the texts used in the Catholic Mass throughout the year
The bookcase contained an assortment of old prayer books, missals, and devotional pamphlets
Christian influence on Viking art is demonstrated by the illuminated missals and gold reliquaries


A small missal, especially one published periodically.


Roman Catholic Church A book containing all the prayers and responses necessary for celebrating the Mass throughout the year.


A prayer book.


(religion) A prayer book.


(Catholicism) A book containing the prayers and responses needed when celebrating the Roman Catholic Mass throughout the year.


The book containing the service of the Mass for the entire year; a Mass book.


Of or pertaining to the Mass, or to a missal or Mass book.


(Roman Catholic Church) a book containing all the prayers and responses needed to celebrate Mass throughout the year

Common Curiosities

Is a missal only for priests?

No, while essential for priests, missals are also used by the laity for personal study and participation in Mass.

What is the main difference between a missal and a missalette?

A missal is a comprehensive book for Mass throughout the year, while a missalette is a temporary booklet for specific services.

Why are missalettes often replaced?

Missalettes are replaced to reflect the current liturgical season, feast days, or scripture readings.

Can a missalette replace a missal?

No, a missalette supplements a missal by providing specific texts for a particular season or service.

Can missalettes be personalized for a parish?

Yes, missalettes can include parish-specific information, such as announcements or schedules.

How do the contents of a missal and missalette differ?

A missal contains all necessary texts for Mass services year-round, while a missalette includes selections for specific liturgical periods.

How do I choose between a missal and a missalette?

Choose a missal for comprehensive, year-round use or a missalette for specific, temporary guidance in Mass participation.

What role do missals and missalettes play in the Mass?

They guide the congregation through the liturgy, ensuring active and informed participation.

How often are new missals published?

New editions of the missal are published infrequently, usually in response to significant liturgical reforms.

Is a missal a good gift for a Catholic?

Yes, a durable, well-made missal can be a cherished gift for occasions like First Communion or Confirmation.

Are there digital versions of missals and missalettes?

Yes, digital versions exist for both, catering to modern needs and preferences for accessing liturgical texts.

Why might a church choose to use missalettes?

Missalettes facilitate congregational participation by providing the specific texts needed for each Mass, making it easier for attendees to follow along.

Why is the durability of a missal important?

Due to its regular use throughout the liturgical year, a missal's durability ensures it can withstand frequent handling and wear.

How has the use of missalettes evolved?

With changing liturgical texts and increased focus on environmental sustainability, the format and content of missalettes continue to evolve.

What should I do with old missalettes?

Many parishes recycle them; however, it's best to follow your parish's guidance on disposal or recycling.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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