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Mixted vs. Mixed — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 29, 2024
"Mixted" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "mixed," denoting something that's been combined or blended with another.
Mixted vs. Mixed — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Mixted or Mixed

How to spell Mixed?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Just like "fixed", "mixed" only requires an "ed" after the root.
Think of "mix" and simply add "ed" without any extra letters.
Consider the phrase "mixed and matched" – both words end in "ed".
"Mixted" has an extra "t", remember to mix without the tea (t).
The word "mix" ends with an "x", which is already complex; no need to add extra complexity.

How Do You Spell Mixed Correctly?

Incorrect: He mixted up the names of the guests at the party.
Correct: He mixed up the names of the guests at the party.
Incorrect: She mixted the ingredients as per the recipe.
Correct: She mixed the ingredients as per the recipe.
Incorrect: The playlist was mixted, featuring various music genres.
Correct: The playlist was mixed, featuring various music genres.
Incorrect: Their reactions were mixted when they heard the news.
Correct: Their reactions were mixed when they heard the news.
Incorrect: The colors were mixted together to create a beautiful shade.
Correct: The colors were mixed together to create a beautiful shade.

Mixed Definitions

In the context of race or ethnicity, mixed means deriving from two or more backgrounds.
He's of mixed heritage.
Mixed refers to combining two or more things.
We mixed the ingredients together.
Mixed can indicate having contrasting elements.
She had mixed feelings about the decision.
When talking about a group, mixed might mean comprised of different types.
A mixed group of professionals attended the seminar.
Mixed can suggest something that's not wholly positive or negative.
The movie received mixed reviews.
Blended together into one unit or mass
Mixed baby formula.
Consisting or made up of a variety of different entities
A mixed wardrobe.
A mixed salad.
Both favorable and unfavorable
I have mixed feelings about the new ownership.
Relating to or made up of people of different races or social classes
People of mixed backgrounds.
Made up of, intended for, or open to people of different sexes
Always polite in mixed company.
A mixed dormitory.
Dog of a mixed breed.
Simple past tense and past participle of mix
Having two or more separate aspects.
I get a very mixed feeling from this puzzling painting.
Not completely pure, tainted or adulterated.
My joy was somewhat mixed when my partner said she was pregnant: it's a lot of responsibility.
Including both male(s) and female(s).
The tennis match was mixed with a boy and a girl on each side.
My son attends a mixed school, my daughter an all-girl grammar school.
Stemming from two or more races or breeds
The benefit dog show has both mixed and single-breed competitions.
Mixed blood can surprisingly produce inherited properties which neither parent showed
Polarizing; including both positive and negative feedback.
The movie has received mixed reviews from movie critics.
Caused to combine or unite
Consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds (even to the point of incongruity);
An arrangement of assorted spring flowers
Assorted sizes
Miscellaneous accessories
A mixed program of baroque and contemporary music
A motley crew
Sundry sciences commonly known as social
Involving or composed of different races;
Interracial schools
A mixed neighborhood

Mixed Meaning in a Sentence

The salad was mixed with fresh vegetables and herbs.
She mixed the batter until it was smooth and free of lumps.
The mixed nuts were a hit at the party.
The teacher mixed up the students' test papers by accident.
The company's mixed results led to uncertainty among investors.
Her feelings were mixed about moving to a new city.
The mixed breed puppy was adorable and playful.
The audience's reactions were mixed after the movie premiere.
She mixed the soil with compost to enrich it before planting.
He mixed the cocktail with expertise, adding just the right amount of each ingredient.
They mixed the paint to get the perfect color for their bedroom.
The mixed doubles tennis match was exciting to watch.
His playlist was mixed, featuring songs from various decades.
The mixed martial arts class was challenging but rewarding.
The mixed choir performed beautifully at the concert.
She mixed the salad dressing right before serving.
The mixed berry pie was delicious and full of flavor.
He mixed feelings of excitement and nervousness on his first day of college.
The children mixed the lemonade until the sugar was completely dissolved.
They mixed traditional and modern elements in their home decor.
She mixed the spices to create her own curry powder blend.
The book received mixed reviews from critics.
The mixed-use building includes apartments, shops, and a gym.
The artist mixed different mediums to create a unique artwork.
Their mixed heritage was a point of pride in their family.

Mixed Idioms & Phrases

Mixed bag

A collection of diverse elements or varied qualities.
The music festival was a mixed bag, featuring jazz, rock, and electronic music.

Mixed messages

Communication that is confusing and contradictory.
The new policy on remote work sent mixed messages to employees, leaving many unsure of the actual rules.

Mixed emotions

Feeling two or more conflicting emotions at the same time.
Graduating from college left her with mixed emotions, happy to have completed her degree but sad to say goodbye to friends.

Mixed company

A group of people of different genders or social backgrounds.
Be mindful of your language and topics of conversation in mixed company.

Mixed feelings

Having contradictory emotions about something.
She had mixed feelings about the job offer, excited about the opportunity but sad to leave her current team.

Mixed blessing

Something that has both positive and negative aspects.
The scholarship was a mixed blessing, providing financial support but requiring a move to a new city.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before mixed?

The context is needed, but often "a" is used, as in "a mixed bag."

What is the pronunciation of mixed?

Mixed is pronounced as /mɪkst/.

What is the root word of mixed?

The root word is "mix."

Why is it called mixed?

It is called mixed because it's the past participle of the verb "mix", meaning to combine.

What is the verb form of mixed?

The verb form is "mix."

What is the singular form of mixed?

Mixed does not have a singular form as it's an adjective; the root "mix" is singular.

Is mixed a countable noun?

Mixed is not a noun; it's an adjective.

What is the plural form of mixed?

Mixed is an adjective, so it doesn’t have a plural form. The verb "mix" has "mixes" as its third person singular form.

Is mixed an adverb?

No, mixed is not an adverb.

Is mixed an abstract noun?

No, mixed is an adjective.

Is mixed a vowel or consonant?

"Mixed" is a word, not a single letter. It contains both vowels and consonants.

What part of speech is mixed?

Mixed is an adjective.

What is another term for mixed?

Another term for mixed is "blended."

What is the third form of mixed?

The third form is also "mixed."

Which preposition is used with mixed?

Commonly used prepositions include "with" as in "mixed with."

Which conjunction is used with mixed?

Context is needed, but "and" can be used, as in "mixed and matched."

What is a stressed syllable in mixed?

Since "mixed" has only one syllable, that syllable is stressed.

What is the opposite of mixed?

A potential opposite is "unmixed" or "separate."

How is mixed used in a sentence?

Example: "The cake batter is mixed and ready for baking."

Which article is used with mixed?

Either "a" (indefinite) or "the" (definite) can be used with "mixed."

Is mixed a noun or adjective?

Mixed is primarily an adjective.

Is mixed a negative or positive word?

Mixed is neutral, but can indicate both positive and negative connotations depending on context.

Is mixed a collective noun?

No, mixed is not a collective noun.

Is the mixed term a metaphor?

"Mixed" can be used metaphorically, like in "mixed emotions."

Is the word mixed imperative?

No, "mixed" is not in the imperative form.

How many syllables are in mixed?

Mixed has one syllable.

What is the first form of mixed?

The first form is "mix."

What is the second form of mixed?

The second form is "mixed."

How do we divide mixed into syllables?

Mixed is one syllable and isn't divided.

Which determiner is used with mixed?

Common determiners include "the," "a," and "an."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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