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Molar Mass vs. Molecular Mass — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 2, 2023
Molar Mass is the mass of one mole of a substance in grams, while Molecular Mass is the sum of the atomic masses of the elements in a molecule.
Molar Mass vs. Molecular Mass — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Molar Mass and Molecular Mass


Key Differences

Molar Mass represents the mass of one mole of a substance, typically measured in grams per mole (g/mol). This concept helps in determining how much of a particular compound or element is present in a sample. On the other hand, Molecular Mass accounts for the sum of atomic masses of all atoms in a given molecule, commonly expressed in atomic mass units (u or amu).
In every-day applications, the Molar Mass becomes vital when measuring or mixing chemicals for reactions. Simultaneously, Molecular Mass provides insight into the composition of individual molecules, offering a microscopic perspective on chemical substances.
Molar Mass is closely related to Avogadro's number, a constant representing the number of entities in one mole of any substance. In contrast, Molecular Mass is tied directly to the periodic table, summing up atomic weights of constituent elements.
To summarize, while Molar Mass focuses on bulk measurements for chemical preparations, Molecular Mass zooms in on the atomic composition of single molecules.

Comparison Chart


Grams per mole (g/mol)
Atomic mass units (u or amu)

Based on

Avogadro's number
Sum of atomic weights of constituent elements

Refers to

Mass of one mole of a substance
Mass of a single molecule


Quantitative chemistry, Stoichiometry
Understanding molecule composition

Relation to Periodic Table

Indirect, based on atomic masses and quantity
Direct, based on atomic masses of individual elements

Compare with Definitions

Molar Mass

Weight corresponding to 6.022 x 10^23 entities of an element/compound.
Sodium chloride has a Molar Mass of 58.44 g/mol.

Molecular Mass

Sum of atomic masses in a molecule.
The Molecular Mass of water (H2O) is approximately 18.015 u.

Molar Mass

Mass of one mole of a substance.
The Molar Mass of water (H2O) is 18.015 g/mol.

Molecular Mass

Represents individual molecule composition.
A glucose molecule has a Molecular Mass of around 180.16 u.

Molar Mass

Value based on atomic masses and Avogadro's number.
The Molar Mass of oxygen gas (O2) is 32.00 g/mol.

Molecular Mass

Weight of a single molecule in atomic mass units.
Methane (CH4) has a Molecular Mass of about 16.04 u.

Molar Mass

Helps in quantitative chemistry calculations.
To prepare a 1M solution of NaCl, one would need its Molar Mass in grams for one liter of water.

Molecular Mass

Derived from the periodic table's atomic weights.
The Molecular Mass of nitrogen gas (N2) is 28.02 u.

Molar Mass

Measurement in grams per mole.
Carbon dioxide possesses a Molar Mass of 44.01 g/mol.

Molecular Mass

Describes atomic constitution of molecules.
A molecule of ethanol has a Molecular Mass of approximately 46.07 u.

Common Curiosities

What is Molar Mass used for?

Molar Mass is used for stoichiometric calculations in chemistry, aiding in measuring and mixing chemicals.

Do Molar Mass and Molecular Mass have the same numerical value?

Yes, but their units differ. Molar Mass is in g/mol while Molecular Mass is in atomic mass units.

Why is Molar Mass important in chemical reactions?

Molar Mass allows chemists to determine the correct amount of a substance needed in reactions.

How is Molecular Mass determined?

Molecular Mass is determined by adding the atomic masses of all atoms in a molecule.

Can a single molecule's weight be expressed in grams using Molecular Mass?

No, Molecular Mass is in atomic mass units. Molar Mass gives the weight in grams for one mole of the molecules.

How are isotopes considered in Molecular Mass?

Molecular Mass considers the weighted average of isotopes, reflecting natural isotopic abundance.

How do I convert Molecular Mass to Molar Mass?

The numerical value remains the same; only the units change from atomic mass units to grams per mole.

Why is Molecular Mass often a decimal value?

Molecular Mass accounts for isotopic abundances and the exact atomic masses of elements.

Is Molar Mass always an integer?

No, Molar Mass can also be a decimal, derived from the average atomic masses on the periodic table.

What role does Avogadro's number play in Molar Mass?

Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23) represents the number of entities in one mole, correlating atomic mass to Molar Mass.

Which is more micro-level, Molar Mass or Molecular Mass?

Molecular Mass provides a more micro-level perspective, focusing on individual molecules.

What tools can determine Molecular Mass?

Mass spectrometry is a tool often used to determine Molecular Mass.

Can Molecular Mass be zero?

No, every molecule has a positive Molecular Mass based on its constituent atoms.

Are Molar Mass and molar weight the same?

Yes, Molar Mass and molar weight refer to the same concept, but "Molar Mass" is the more commonly accepted term.

Is Molar Mass affected by physical state changes, like evaporation?

No, Molar Mass remains constant regardless of the physical state of the substance.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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