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Mormons vs. LDS — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on January 29, 2024
"Mormons" is a nickname for members of the LDS Church, while "LDS" is an abbreviation for the Church's official name: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Mormons vs. LDS — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Mormons and LDS


Key Differences

Mormons are individuals who belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a Christian restorationist church. LDS, short for Latter-day Saints, refers to the same group but is more aligned with the church's official name.
The term Mormon comes from the Book of Mormon, a key scripture in the church. LDS, on the other hand, emphasizes the church's belief in the restoration of the gospel in these latter days.
Mormons are known globally, sometimes in cultural contexts beyond their religious identity. LDS as a term is typically used within the context of church activities and religious discussions.
Mormon is a term that has been used historically but is increasingly discouraged by the church leadership. The preference for LDS or the full church name is part of a recent emphasis on focusing on Jesus Christ's role in the church.
While both terms refer to the same religious group, "Mormon" is often used by those outside the church, whereas "LDS" is more commonly used by members themselves.

Comparison Chart


From the Book of Mormon
Abbreviation of Latter-day Saints


Used historically, globally recognized
Preferred in church contexts and recent use


Cultural and religious identity
Primarily religious and official contexts

Church's Stance

Increasingly discouraged by church leadership
Encouraged as part of emphasizing Jesus Christ

Common Users

Both members and non-members
Primarily church members

Compare with Definitions


They follow the teachings in the Book of Mormon.
Mormons study the Book of Mormon alongside the Bible.


LDS is used in official and church-related contexts.
LDS General Conference is a significant event for members.


Historically, "Mormon" has been a common nickname for these members.
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir is renowned for its music.


It signifies the church's emphasis on latter-day gospel restoration.
LDS teachings focus on the restoration of Christ's church.


Mormons are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Mormons often participate in community service.


Latter-day Saints often refer to themselves as LDS.
An LDS family typically participates in family home evenings.


Mormons are known for their missionary work.
Young Mormons frequently serve as missionaries.


LDS stands for Latter-day Saints, members of the same church.
LDS members attend regular Sunday services.


The term is used globally to identify members of this church.
Mormons can be found in many countries around the world.


This term aligns with the church's focus on Jesus Christ.
LDS beliefs center around the teachings of Jesus Christ.


An ancient prophet believed to have compiled a sacred history of the Americas, which was translated and published by Joseph Smith as the Book of Mormon in 1830.


A member of the Mormon Church. Also called Latter-day Saint.


Of or relating to the Mormons, their religion, or the Mormon Church.


Church founded by Joseph Smith in 1830 with headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah

Common Curiosities

What do Mormons believe?

They believe in Christianity as restored through Joseph Smith.

Do Mormons and LDS refer to the same people?

Yes, they refer to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

What does LDS stand for?

Latter-day Saints, the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Why is the term Mormon used?

It's derived from the Book of Mormon, a key scripture in their faith.

What's the significance of 'LDS'?

It emphasizes the latter-day restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

What is the LDS Church's main focus?

The worship of Jesus Christ and adherence to His teachings.

Do all Mormons go on missions?

Many do, but it's not a requirement for all members.

Do LDS members celebrate traditional Christian holidays?

Yes, they celebrate holidays like Christmas and Easter.

Why is the church moving away from the term Mormon?

To focus more on Jesus Christ and align with the church's official name.

Is the Book of Mormon different from the Bible?

Yes, it's a separate scripture unique to their faith, complementing the Bible.

Are LDS members Christian?

Yes, they consider themselves Christians.

What's the difference in the usage of 'Mormons' and 'LDS'?

"Mormons" is more commonly used globally, while "LDS" is preferred in church contexts.

Can non-members attend LDS services?

Yes, their church services are open to the public.

How do LDS members view the Bible?

They view it as holy scripture, alongside the Book of Mormon.

What's the role of Joseph Smith in Mormonism?

He's considered the prophet who restored the church in the latter days.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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