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Moulded vs. Molded — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 21, 2024
"Moulded" is the British spelling, while "Molded" is the American spelling, referring to something shaped or formed.
Moulded vs. Molded — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Moulded or Molded

How to spell Molded?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "molded" as having the shorter American "old" compared to the British "ould."
Associate "moulded" with British terms like "colour."
Remember "mold" as the base for the American term.
Visualize the U.S. flag when spelling "molded" to remember the lack of "u."
Relate "molded" to "folded," both having the same "-olded" ending in American English.

How Do You Spell Molded Correctly?

Incorrect: She moulded her dreams into reality.
Correct: She molded her dreams into reality.
Incorrect: The chair was moulded from a single piece of plastic.
Correct: The chair was molded from a single piece of plastic.
Incorrect: The candies were moulded into various shapes.
Correct: The candies were molded into various shapes.
Incorrect: The sculpture was moulded from clay.
Correct: The sculpture was molded from clay.
Incorrect: The potter expertly moulded the vase on the wheel.
Correct: The potter expertly molded the vase on the wheel.

Molded Definitions

Formed to fit by or as if by altering the contours of a pliable mass.
The shoe perfectly molded to his foot.
Made into a particular shape.
The candy was molded into fun shapes for the kids.
Shaped using a mold or form.
The artist molded the clay into a vase.
Influenced in form or character.
His experiences molded his worldview.
Adapted to a specific form or structure.
The curriculum was molded to suit all learning styles.
A hollow form or matrix for shaping a fluid or plastic substance.
A frame or model around or on which something is formed or shaped.
Something that is made in or shaped on a mold.
The shape or pattern of a mold.
General shape or form
The oval mold of her face.
Distinctive character or type
A leader in the mold of her predecessors.
A fixed or restrictive pattern or form
A method of scientific investigation that broke the mold and led to a new discovery.
(Architecture) See molding.
Any of various filamentous fungi that grow on and contribute to the decay of organic matter.
A growth of such fungi.
Any of various other saprophytic or parasitic organisms that resemble fungi, such as slime molds or water molds.
To form (something) out of a fluid or plastic material
Molded a cup out of clay.
To form into a particular shape; give shape to
Molded the clay into a ball.
To guide or determine the growth or development of; influence
A teacher who helps to mold the minds of his students.
To fit closely by following the contours of (the body). Used of clothing.
To assume a certain shape
Shoes that gradually molded to my feet.
To become moldy.
Simple past tense and past participle of mold
Shaped to fit by or as if by altering the contours of a pliable mass (as by work or effort);
A shaped handgrip
The molded steel plates
The wrought silver bracelet

Molded Meaning in a Sentence

The foundation of his career was molded by years of hard work.
The artist molded unique figurines for the exhibition.
The cake was decorated with sugar flowers molded by hand.
Children's minds are easily molded by their surroundings.
Plastic bottles are molded through a blow molding process.
The company has molded its policies to be more environmentally friendly.
The new software was molded to meet the needs of its users.
Custom orthopedic insoles are molded to fit perfectly.
Athletes' bodies are molded through rigorous training and discipline.
Chefs use silicone molds to create molded chocolates.

Molded Idioms & Phrases

Molded by experience

Shaped or influenced by personal experiences.
Her leadership style was molded by experience, making her uniquely empathetic.

Molded for success

Prepared or developed with the necessary skills or attributes to succeed.
With his dedication and talent, he was molded for success from a young age.

Molded under pressure

Formed or developed through challenging or stressful circumstances.
Diamonds are literally and metaphorically molded under pressure.

Molded by the environment

Shaped by the surrounding conditions or society.
His resilient character was molded by the environment he grew up in.

Molded for the future

Prepared or developed with future challenges or opportunities in mind.
The educational system is being molded for the future, incorporating technology and innovation.

Molded by hands

Manually crafted or shaped, often implying artisanal quality.
The bread is molded by hands, giving it a distinctive texture.

Molded by tradition

Influenced or shaped by longstanding practices or beliefs.
The festival is molded by tradition, celebrating centuries-old customs.

Molded from adversity

Developed strength, character, or skills from difficult experiences.
Leaders are often molded from adversity, learning from their challenges.

Molded into shape

Brought to a desired form or condition through influence or training.
The raw clay is molded into shape with precision and patience.

Molded to perfection

Crafted or formed with great skill to achieve a flawless result.
The statue was molded to perfection, capturing every detail.

Molded from the same clay

Describing people who share similar characteristics or backgrounds.
Though they come from different cities, they are molded from the same clay.

Molded with care

Created or crafted with attention and consideration.
Each piece of pottery is molded with care, ensuring its uniqueness.

Molded to fit

Made or adapted to suit a particular purpose or requirement.
The program was molded to fit the students' diverse learning needs.

Molded by history

Influenced by historical events or figures.
The country's laws were molded by history, reflecting its past struggles.

Molded through collaboration

Shaped by working together with others.
The project was molded through collaboration, benefiting from everyone's input.

Molded for versatility

Designed to be adaptable to various uses or situations.
The multi-tool is molded for versatility, capable of handling different tasks.

Molded by culture

Influenced or shaped by cultural heritage or practices.
Her artistic expression was molded by culture, drawing from her heritage.

Molded from necessity

Created or adapted out of a need rather than desire.
Many inventions are molded from necessity, solving urgent problems.

Molded from imagination

Created from creative or innovative thinking.
The novel's world was molded from imagination, filled with fantastical elements.

Molded in silence

Developed or formed quietly without attracting attention.
His plan was molded in silence, revealed only when fully formed.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before Molded?

The vowel "o" is used.

What is the verb form of Molded?

"Mold" is the verb, and "molded" is the past tense.

What is the plural form of Molded?

Molded items or objects.

What is the root word of Molded?

The root word is "mold."

Which preposition is used with Molded?

"Into" as in "molded into a shape."

Which conjunction is used with Molded?

There isn't a specific conjunction exclusive to "molded."

Is Molded a noun or adjective?


Why is it called Molded?

It is called "molded" because it denotes shaping or forming using a mold.

What is the pronunciation of Molded?

It is pronounced as mohl-ded.

Is the Molded term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically, e.g., "He was molded by his experiences."

Is the word Molded imperative?


Is Molded a vowel or consonant?

"Molded" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is Molded a countable noun?

No, but objects that have been molded can be countable.

Is the word Molded a gerund?

No, "molding" is.

How many syllables are in Molded?

Two syllables.

What is the opposite of Molded?

Unformed or shapeless.

What is the singular form of Molded?


Is Molded an adverb?


Is the word “Molded” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be a direct object, e.g., "She liked the molded sculpture."

How do we divide Molded into syllables?


Which determiner is used with Molded?

Determiners like "the," "this," or "a" can be used.

Which article is used with Molded?

Either "the" or "a" can be used.

Is Molded a collective noun?


What is a stressed syllable in Molded?

The first syllable, "mol."

What part of speech is Molded?


What is another term for Molded?


What is the third form of Molded?


What is the first form of Molded?


How is Molded used in a sentence?

The sculpture was molded from high-quality clay by the artist.

Is Molded an abstract noun?


Is Molded a negative or positive word?


What is the second form of Molded?


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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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