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Mountain Time vs. Eastern Time — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 5, 2023
Mountain Time (MT) is 2 hours behind Eastern Time (ET) in the USA and Canada. MT is UTC-7, while ET is UTC-5.
Mountain Time vs. Eastern Time — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Mountain Time and Eastern Time


Key Differences

Mountain Time (MT) is one of the time zones in North America which is 2 hours ahead of Pacific Time and 1 hour behind Central Time. Eastern Time (ET) is another time zone which is 1 hour ahead of Central Time and 1 hour behind Atlantic Time. Both time zones are used in different regions of the United States and Canada, ensuring local times are more attuned to the day-night cycle in their respective areas.
Interestingly, Mountain Time and Eastern Time both have “Daylight Saving Time” variations. During DST, MT is at UTC-6 and ET is at UTC-4, shifting an hour forward to make better use of daylight. People within these time zones adjust their clocks accordingly during particular periods of the year, a practice that is meant to save energy and extend evening daylight.
One notable difference between Mountain Time and Eastern Time is the geographical regions they cover. MT is primarily used in the mountainous regions of the western part of North America, including states like Colorado and Arizona. Conversely, ET is widely used in the eastern part, covering states like New York and Florida, facilitating synchronous activities within those regions.
In practice, Mountain Time and Eastern Time play critical roles in scheduling across various domains such as broadcasting, transportation, and other nationwide events in the USA and Canada. The 2-hour difference necessitates careful planning especially in businesses and media which cater to audiences or operate across both time zones.
Time zones, including Mountain Time and Eastern Time, ensure standardization of timekeeping, providing a coherent and unified framework that supports various sectors like commerce, travel, and communication, thus keeping activities within a synchronized and manageable timeframe across different geographical locations.

Comparison Chart



UTC Offset (Standard)


UTC Offset (Daylight Saving)


Example Region

New York

Daylight Saving Practice

Observed (most regions)

Compare with Definitions

Mountain Time

It's a standard time in the 7th time zone west of Greenwich, reckoned at the 105th meridian west.
Arizona is unique in its utilization of Mountain Time.

Eastern Time

It's a standard time in the 5th time zone west of Greenwich, reckoned at the 75th meridian west.
Washington D.C. functions on Eastern Time.

Mountain Time

Mountain Time also has a daylight-saving variant, Mountain Daylight Time (MDT), which is UTC-6.
During the summer, Mountain Time observes MDT.

Eastern Time

Eastern Time observes a daylight-saving variant, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), which is UTC-4.
Miami switches to EDT in the summer.

Mountain Time

It is utilized in regions with notable mountainous geography.
The Rocky Mountains are within the Mountain Time zone.

Eastern Time

It is one of the most populated time zones in North America.
A large portion of the U.S. population lives in the Eastern Time zone.

Mountain Time

Mountain Time refers to the time zone that is 7 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-7).
Denver, Colorado, operates on Mountain Time.

Eastern Time

ET is primarily observed in the eastern parts of the USA and Canada.
Toronto, Canada, follows Eastern Time.

Mountain Time

MT encompasses parts of the USA, Canada, and Mexico.
Parts of the Canadian provinces observe Mountain Time.

Eastern Time

Eastern Time is the time zone that is 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-5).
New York City adheres to Eastern Time.

Common Curiosities

What areas primarily observe Eastern Time?

Eastern Time is primarily observed in the eastern parts of the USA and Canada, such as New York and Toronto.

How does the time difference between Mountain Time and Eastern Time impact nationwide broadcasting in the USA?

Broadcasters typically schedule live events and shows at times that are convenient for both Mountain Time and Eastern Time viewers, often indicating the separate airing times for each.

Which major cities are located in the Mountain Time zone?

Denver, Phoenix, and Calgary are major cities observing Mountain Time.

Does the time difference between Mountain Time and Eastern Time affect online activities and services?

Yes, online events, service hours, and digital releases often need to be scheduled to accommodate participants or users in different time zones, including MT and ET.

What is the standard UTC offset for Mountain Time?

The standard UTC offset for Mountain Time is UTC-7.

Is Daylight Saving Time observed in Mountain Time?

Yes, most regions in Mountain Time observe Daylight Saving Time.

Are there exceptions to the observance of Mountain Time in the USA?

Yes, for example, Arizona does not observe Daylight Saving Time, although it is in the Mountain Time zone.

Is it common for international business dealings to need to consider the difference between Mountain Time and Eastern Time?

Yes, businesses often have to coordinate between different time zones, including Mountain Time and Eastern Time, to schedule meetings and deadlines effectively.

Can you name an international location that observes Mountain Time?

Chihuahua, a state in Mexico, observes Mountain Time.

What is a challenge associated with the existence of different time zones like Mountain Time and Eastern Time in the same country?

A notable challenge is the need to synchronize activities, like national events, broadcasts, and transportation schedules, across different zones efficiently.

When does Eastern Time switch to Eastern Daylight Time?

Eastern Time typically switches to Eastern Daylight Time on the second Sunday in March and reverts back on the first Sunday in November.

What are some major cities that operate on Eastern Time?

New York City, Washington D.C., and Atlanta are major cities that use Eastern Time.

How does Eastern Time adjust for Daylight Saving Time?

Eastern Time adjusts to Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), which is UTC-4, during Daylight Saving Time.

What is a common way to communicate time when dealing with both Mountain Time and Eastern Time audiences?

Communicators often state times with both zones indicated, for instance, "Join us at 8 PM ET/6 PM MT," to avoid confusion among audiences in different zones.

Do any regions within the Eastern Time zone not observe Daylight Saving Time?

Yes, for example, most regions of the Canadian province of Quebec, which are in the Eastern Time zone, do not observe Daylight Saving Time.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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