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Mozzarella Cheese vs. Cheddar Cheese — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on October 30, 2023
Mozzarella Cheese is a soft, white cheese often used on pizzas; Cheddar Cheese is a harder, orange or white cheese with a sharp taste.
Mozzarella Cheese vs. Cheddar Cheese — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Mozzarella Cheese and Cheddar Cheese


Key Differences

Mozzarella Cheese and Cheddar Cheese are two of the most popular cheeses worldwide, but they have distinct characteristics. Mozzarella Cheese is traditionally made from buffalo's milk, while Cheddar Cheese primarily uses cow's milk.
In terms of texture, Mozzarella Cheese is soft, moist, and has a stringy property, making it a favorite for dishes like pizza and lasagna. In contrast, Cheddar Cheese boasts a firmer texture, aging gracefully to develop sharper flavors.
Mozzarella Cheese often presents a mild and delicate taste. On the other hand, Cheddar Cheese is known for its robust and tangy flavor, with aged versions delivering even more profound tastes.
When considering appearance, Mozzarella Cheese is typically white, reflecting its natural state. Cheddar Cheese, while naturally white to pale yellow, can also appear orange due to the addition of annatto, a natural dye.
Both cheeses have rich histories. Mozzarella Cheese traces its roots back to Southern Italy, while Cheddar Cheese hails from the English village of Cheddar, showcasing their diverse cultural origins.

Comparison Chart

Origin of Milk

Traditionally from buffalo's milk.
Primarily cow's milk.


Soft and stringy.
Firm, crumbly with age.


Mild and delicate.
Robust and tangy, sharper with age.


Natural white to pale yellow; sometimes dyed orange.


Southern Italy.
The village of Cheddar, England.

Compare with Definitions

Mozzarella Cheese

A stringy cheese popular in melting dishes.
The Mozzarella Cheese stretched as he pulled a slice of the cheesy bread apart.

Cheddar Cheese

Often aged to intensify its flavor.
The aged Cheddar Cheese had a profound and tangy taste.

Mozzarella Cheese

A mild-flavored cheese often paired with tomatoes.
She added Mozzarella Cheese to her tomato salad for a creamy touch.

Cheddar Cheese

Can range in color from white to orange.
She chose orange Cheddar Cheese for her sandwich.

Mozzarella Cheese

A soft white cheese originating from Italy.
She topped the pizza with fresh Mozzarella Cheese.

Cheddar Cheese

Cheese that originated from Cheddar, England.
True Cheddar Cheese has its origins in a quaint English village.

Mozzarella Cheese

Cheese made traditionally from buffalo's milk.
Authentic Mozzarella Cheese from Italy uses buffalo's milk.

Cheddar Cheese

Cheese known for its crumbly texture when aged.
The mature Cheddar Cheese broke into pieces easily.

Mozzarella Cheese

A cheese with a high moisture content.
This Mozzarella Cheese feels very moist and soft.

Cheddar Cheese

A hard cheese known for its sharp taste.
He crumbled the Cheddar Cheese over his chili.

Common Curiosities

Which cheese melts better on pizza?

Mozzarella Cheese is renowned for its superior melting quality on pizzas.

Is Mozzarella Cheese always soft?

Mozzarella Cheese is typically soft, but its texture can vary slightly based on moisture content.

What milk is traditional Mozzarella Cheese made from?

Mozzarella Cheese is traditionally made from buffalo's milk.

Can Cheddar Cheese be white?

Yes, Cheddar Cheese can naturally range from white to pale yellow.

Which cheese is stringier when melted?

Mozzarella Cheese is known for its stringy texture when melted.

What gives Cheddar Cheese its orange color?

Cheddar Cheese can be dyed orange using annatto, a natural dye.

Where did Cheddar Cheese originate?

Cheddar Cheese originated from the village of Cheddar in England.

What dishes typically use Cheddar Cheese?

Cheddar Cheese is popular in sandwiches, burgers, soups, and as a topping.

What pairs well with Cheddar Cheese?

Cheddar Cheese pairs well with apples, crackers, and various wines.

Is Mozzarella Cheese suitable for lactose-intolerant individuals?

While Mozzarella Cheese contains lactose, it's typically lower than many cheeses. However, it's crucial to check individual tolerance levels.

Is Mozzarella Cheese always made from buffalo's milk?

While traditional Mozzarella Cheese uses buffalo's milk, variants using cow's milk are also common.

How should Cheddar Cheese be stored?

Cheddar Cheese should be refrigerated and kept in airtight packaging.

How long is Cheddar Cheese aged?

Cheddar Cheese can be aged for months to several years, with longer aging resulting in sharper flavors.

Can you eat the rind of Mozzarella Cheese?

Mozzarella Cheese typically doesn't have a rind and is eaten whole.

Does Mozzarella Cheese have variants?

Yes, besides classic buffalo Mozzarella Cheese, cow's milk versions and "Burrata" are popular variants.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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