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Mozzarella vs. Buffalo Mozzarella — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 24, 2023
Mozzarella is a soft cheese, often from cow's milk. Buffalo mozzarella is specifically from water buffalo milk, with a creamier texture and richer taste.
Mozzarella vs. Buffalo Mozzarella — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Mozzarella and Buffalo Mozzarella


Key Differences

Origin of Milk: Mozzarella can be produced from a variety of milks, primarily cow's milk in many regions. Buffalo mozzarella, as the name indicates, is exclusively made from the milk of the water buffalo, particularly in parts of Italy.
Texture and Taste: Mozzarella, depending on its source, can have varying textures but is generally soft and slightly elastic. Buffalo mozzarella, on the other hand, boasts a distinctly creamier texture and a richer, more robust flavor.
Geographical Indications: While mozzarella cheese can be made anywhere globally, Buffalo mozzarella, especially the "Mozzarella di Bufala Campana", has a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) status in Europe, ensuring it's produced in specific Italian regions following traditional methods.
Usage in Dishes: Both mozzarella and buffalo mozzarella can be used in various dishes, from pizzas to salads. However, many culinary experts prefer buffalo mozzarella for its moist texture and fuller flavor, particularly in traditional Italian dishes like Caprese salad.
Nutritional Content: Mozzarella made from cow's milk and buffalo mozzarella will have different fat contents and nutritional profiles, with the latter typically being richer and higher in calcium.

Comparison Chart

Milk Source

Cow, sometimes sheep or goat
Water buffalo


Soft, slightly elastic

Geographical Indication

Made globally
PDO status in specific Italian regions


Richer, robust

Nutritional Content

Varies, often lower fat
Richer, higher in calcium

Compare with Definitions


Often made from cow's milk but can be from other animals.
This mozzarella is made from sheep's milk, giving it a distinct taste.

Buffalo Mozzarella

Originates and is traditionally produced in parts of Italy.
This buffalo mozzarella is from the Campania region.


Used widely in various cuisines, especially Italian.
A sprinkle of mozzarella completed my pasta dish.

Buffalo Mozzarella

Holds PDO status in Europe, ensuring authenticity.
This certified buffalo mozzarella guarantees traditional Italian production.


Known for its melting quality in heated dishes.
The mozzarella melted perfectly in the lasagna.

Buffalo Mozzarella

Cheese made exclusively from water buffalo milk.
Buffalo mozzarella gives a rich flavor to my Caprese salad.


A soft, white cheese originating from Italy.
I love adding mozzarella to my homemade pizza.

Buffalo Mozzarella

Recognized for its creamier texture compared to regular mozzarella.
The creamy buffalo mozzarella paired perfectly with ripe tomatoes.


Can be eaten fresh or aged for a firmer texture.
I enjoyed fresh mozzarella with tomatoes and basil.

Buffalo Mozzarella

Often considered superior in flavor and texture for certain dishes.
For an authentic experience, use buffalo mozzarella on your Neapolitan pizza.


A mild white Italian cheese that has a springy texture and is often eaten melted, as on pizza.


Soft Italian cheese made from cow's or buffalo's milk and commonly used as a pizza topping and in salads etc.




Mild white Italian cheese

Common Curiosities

Does buffalo mozzarella come only from Italy?

Authentic "Mozzarella di Bufala Campana" does, but similar cheeses might be produced elsewhere.

Which one is healthier, mozzarella or buffalo mozzarella?

Both have health benefits, but buffalo mozzarella is richer and has higher calcium.

Can I use them interchangeably in recipes?

Yes, but buffalo mozzarella offers a creamier texture and richer flavor.

What is the main difference between mozzarella and buffalo mozzarella?

Mozzarella can be from cow's milk, while buffalo mozzarella is from water buffalo milk.

What dishes are best for buffalo mozzarella?

Traditional Italian dishes like Caprese salad or Neapolitan pizza benefit from its flavor.

Why is buffalo mozzarella often more expensive?

Due to its PDO status, traditional production methods, and milk source, it's often pricier.

Why is buffalo mozzarella creamier?

Water buffalo milk has a higher fat content, making the cheese creamier.

How should I store mozzarella or buffalo mozzarella?

Refrigerate in its brine or a water solution for freshness.

How long does buffalo mozzarella last?

Consume within a few days of opening for best quality.

Can I freeze them?

It's possible, but texture may change upon thawing.

Can I eat mozzarella raw?

Yes, both mozzarella and buffalo mozzarella can be enjoyed raw or cooked.

What gives buffalo mozzarella its distinct taste?

The water buffalo milk and traditional Italian production methods contribute to its unique flavor.

Are there lactose-free versions of these cheeses?

Cheese contains lactose, but aged cheeses may have reduced amounts.

Is mozzarella the same globally?

While the name is consistent, the source of milk and production methods can vary.

Are there other cheeses similar to buffalo mozzarella?

Burrata is similar but has a creamy center, and there are other regional variations of mozzarella.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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